[Morphologie-cvs] r10 - in trunk: . src

ksprotte at common-lisp.net ksprotte at common-lisp.net
Thu Jul 5 13:57:45 UTC 2007

Author: ksprotte
Date: Thu Jul  5 09:57:43 2007
New Revision: 10

again some chs

Added: trunk/morphologie.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/morphologie.asd	Thu Jul  5 09:57:43 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(in-package :asdf)
+(defsystem :morphologie
+  :components
+  ((:module :src
+	    :components
+	    ((:file "morphologie"))))
+  :depends-on (:ompw))

Modified: trunk/src/morphologie.lisp
--- trunk/src/morphologie.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/morphologie.lisp	Thu Jul  5 09:57:43 2007
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 ;;; please note that this file has been autogenerated
 ;;; hand editing might not yet make sense
-(defpackage "MORPH2" (:use :cl :ompw))
+(defpackage :morph2 (:use :cl :ompw))
-(in-package "MORPH2")
+(in-package :morph2)
 ;;; watch out for functions like OM::group-list
 ;;; still in this file
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ;;; end utils
 (define-ompw list-part (list &optional ncol)
-  "partitions <list> in <ncol> lists containing the elements modulo <ncol>"
+  "partitions LIST in NCOL lists containing the elements modulo NCOL"
   :non-generic t
   (let ((vector (make-array ncol)) res)
     (loop :while list
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 (defun less-deep-mapcar (fun list? &rest args)
-  "Applies <fun> to <list?> <args> if <list?> is a one-level list .
-   Mapcars <fun> to <list?> <args> if <list?> is a multi-level list. "
+  "Applies FUN to LIST? ARGS if LIST? is a one-level list .
+   Mapcars FUN to LIST? ARGS if LIST? is a multi-level list. "
   (cond ((null list?) nil)
 	((atom (car list?)) (apply fun list? args))
 	((atom (car (car list?)))
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	       (apply #'less-deep-mapcar fun (cdr list?) args)))))
 (defun deep-mapcar (fun fun1 list? &rest args)
-  "Mapcars <fun> or applies <fun1> to <list?> <args> whether <list?> is a list or not."
+  "Mapcars FUN or applies FUN1 to LIST? ARGS whether LIST? is a list or not."
   (cond ((null list?) nil)
 	((not (consp list?)) (apply fun1 list? args))
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@
 (define-ompw g-min (list)
   :non-generic t
-  (less-deep-mapcar #'the-min (lib-utils::list! list)))
+  (less-deep-mapcar #'the-min (list! list)))
 (define-ompw g-max (list)
   :non-generic t
-  (less-deep-mapcar #'the-max (lib-utils::list! list)))
+  (less-deep-mapcar #'the-max (list! list)))
 (define-ompw l-nth (list l-nth)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 (define-ompw posn-match (list l-nth)
   :non-generic t
-  (deep-mapcar 'l-nth 'nth l-nth (lib-utils::list! list)))
+  (deep-mapcar 'l-nth 'nth l-nth (list! list)))
 (define-ompw permut-circ (list &optional nth)
@@ -186,23 +186,23 @@
 (define-ompw ptrn-find ((list (1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2)) (n nil))
-  "Donne tous les patterns de longueur <n> presents dans <list>
+  "Donne tous les patterns de longueur N presents dans LIST
    avec leur nombre d'occurences.
-   Est considere comme pattern tout segment de <list>
+   Est considere comme pattern tout segment de LIST
    repete au moins une fois.
-   Si <n> est nul (nil), donne tous les segments repetes quelle que
+   Si N est nul (nil), donne tous les segments repetes quelle que
    soit leur longueur;
-   <n> peut etre une liste de longueurs souhaitees."
+   N peut etre une liste de longueurs souhaitees."
   (error "default method. should not be called."))
 (defmethod ptrn-find ((list list) (n integer))
-  "Donne tous les patterns de longueur <n> presents dans <list>
+  "Donne tous les patterns de longueur N presents dans LIST
    avec leur nombre d'occurences.
-   Est considere comme pattern tout segment de <list>
+   Est considere comme pattern tout segment de LIST
    repete au moins une fois.
-   Si <n> est nul (nil), donne tous les segments repetes quelle que
+   Si N est nul (nil), donne tous les segments repetes quelle que
    soit leur longueur;
-   <n> peut etre une liste de longueurs souhaitees."
+   N peut etre une liste de longueurs souhaitees."
   (let* ((ris nil)
 	 (ros nil)
 	 (calcolo (ptrn-ridond-ctrl-prov list n))
@@ -235,10 +235,10 @@
 (define-ompw ptrn-reson ((list (a b c a b c b b b b a a)) (windw 5) &optional
 			 (step nil) (set nil))
-  "Avance dans la sequence <list> avec avec une taille de fenetre <windw>
-et un pas d'avancement (optionnel) <step> .
+  "Avance dans la sequence LIST avec avec une taille de fenetre WINDW
+et un pas d'avancement (optionnel) STEP .
 Renvoie pour chaque fenêtre le nombre d'occurrences d'un élément.
-L'entrée optionnelle <set> specifie les segments recherches dans <list>."
+L'entrée optionnelle SET specifie les segments recherches dans LIST>"
   :non-generic t
   (count-ptrn-win list windw step set))
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
 (define-ompw ptrn-smooth ((list (a b c d b b)))
-  "It returns the list <list> without local repetitions.
+  "It returns the list LIST without local repetitions.
 	     For example : list equal to (a a b c a b b c d c c)
 	     it reurns (a b c a b c d c))"
   :non-generic t
@@ -336,21 +336,21 @@
 (define-ompw find-permut ((seq nil) (output "permut") &optional (length nil)
 			  (ptrn nil))
-  "Renvoie les permutations de deux elements de la sequence <seq>.
- deux modes : <permutation> renvoie les segments d'elements permutes, <position> renvoie
+  "Renvoie les permutations de deux elements de la sequence SEQ>
+ deux modes : PERMUTATION renvoie les segments d'elements permutes, POSITION renvoie
  les segments d'elements et leurs positions dans la sequence.
 optionnels :
-- <length> : longueur des segments. 2 par defaut.
-- <ptrn>  : segment dont les permutations sont recherchés.
-tous par défaut. desactive <length>.
+- LENGTH : longueur des segments. 2 par defaut.
+- PTRN  : segment dont les permutations sont recherchés.
+tous par défaut. desactive LENGTH>
-Returns all permutations of two elements in <seq> with
+Returns all permutations of two elements in SEQ with
 their respective positions in seq.
 Optional inputs :
-<length>, length or list of lengths of segments to be permuted
+LENGTH> length or list of lengths of segments to be permuted
 \(if 'nil, length = 2);
-<ptrn> : pattern of which permutations are looking for.
- If not empty (nil), desactivates <length>."
+PTRN : pattern of which permutations are looking for.
+ If not empty (nil), desactivates LENGTH>"
   :non-generic t
   :menu (output ("pos" "positions") ("permut" "permutations"))
   (assert (listp ptrn))
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
     (dotimes (n (length seq))
       (setf res2 (member (nth n seq) res1 :test 'equal))
       (push (list res2 (second res2)) seq2))
-    (lib-utils::mat-trans (reverse seq2))))
+    (mat-trans (reverse seq2))))
 (defun group (list)
   (let ((seqs (second list)) (a nil) (b nil) (c nil) (res nil))
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
       (setf c (segnum1 s))
       (setf a (remove-duplicates (OM::flat-once (car c))))
       (setf b (cdr c))
-      (setf a (lib-utils::mat-trans (reverse (list-modulo a 2))))
+      (setf a (mat-trans (reverse (list-modulo a 2))))
       (push (list a (car b)) res))
     (list (car list) (reverse res))))
@@ -723,15 +723,15 @@
       (format stream "~S " (nth n (cadr from-struct-1)))
       (format stream "~%~%"))))
-(define-ompw structure-1 ((seq nil) &optional (alpha? "alpha") (smooth? "yes")
-			  (result "extend") (levels 1) (smth2? "no"))
+(define-ompw structure-1 ((seq nil) &optional (alpha? :alpha) (smooth? :yes)
+			  (result :extend) (levels 1) (smth2? :no))
   "Donne toutes les structures possibles d'une séquence de nombres ou de symboles
 selon une segmentation contrastive, et ce de manière récursive.
 seq : séquence de symboles ou nombres (liste);
 alpha? : résultat en mode alphabétique ou numérique (YES NO), optional;
-lisse? : optional <yes> : suppression des elements repetes immediatements dans seq .
+lisse? : optional YES : suppression des elements repetes immediatements dans seq .
 result : menu déroulant, quatre possibilités :
  short = liste des critères de segmentation et leur segmentation respective;
  exten = analyse détaillée;
@@ -744,19 +744,19 @@
 \((critères de segmentation)
 \(forme selon critère)...)"
   :non-generic t
-  :menu (alpha? ("alpha" "alpha") ("num" "num"))
-  :menu (smooth? ("yes" "yes") ("no" "no"))
-  :menu (result ("struct" "struct") ("short" "short") ("extend" "extend")
-		("save" "save"))
-  :menu (smth2? ("yes" "yes") ("no" "no"))
+  :menu (alpha? :alpha :num)
+  :menu (smooth? :yes :no)
+  :menu (result :struct :short :extend
+		:save)
+  :menu (smth2? :yes :no)
   (assert (>= levels 1))
   (if (> levels 1)
-      (rma-1 seq (if (equalp "yes" smooth?) 1 0) levels
-	     (if (equalp "yes" smth2?) 1 0) (if (equalp "alpha" alpha?) 1 0)
-	     (cond ((equalp result "struct") 3)
-		   ((equalp result "short") 0)
-		   ((equalp result "extend") 1)
-		   ((equalp result "save") 2)))
+      (rma-1 seq (if (eql :yes smooth?) 1 0) levels
+	     (if (eql :yes smth2?) 1 0) (if (eql :alpha alpha?) 1 0)
+	     (cond ((eql :struct result) 3)
+		   ((eql :short result) 0)
+		   ((eql :extend result) 1)
+		   ((eql :save result) 2)))
       (let ((lisse? smooth?)
 	    (seg nil)
 	    (res nil)
@@ -764,14 +764,14 @@
 	    (time-start (get-internal-real-time))
 	    (run-time 0)
-	(when (equalp result "save")
+	(when (eql :save result)
 	  (setf out-file
 		(choose-new-file-dialog :prompt "Structure-1 Mark Analysis"
 					:button-string "save as")))
-	(if (equalp lisse? "yes")
+	(if (eql :yes lisse?)
 	    (setf seg (group (seg/contrast (ptrn-smooth seq))))
 	    (setf seg (group (seg/contrast seq))))
-	(if (equalp alpha? "alpha")
+	(if (eql :alpha alpha?)
 	    (setf res
 		  (list (car seg)
@@ -780,23 +780,23 @@
 	(setf run-time
 	      (float (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) time-start)
-	(cond ((equalp result "extend")
+	(cond ((eql :extend result)
 	       (view-str-1 seq res seg alpha? 't date run-time))
-	      ((equalp result "save")
+	      ((eql :save result)
 	       (format t "Writing marker analysis in file : ~S...~%" out-file)
 	       (with-open-file (out-st out-file :direction :output :if-exists
 				       :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
 		 (view-str-1 seq res seg alpha? out-st date run-time))
 	       (set-mac-file-creator out-file 'ttxt)
 	       (format t "DONE~%"))
-	      ((equalp result "short")
-	       (if (equalp alpha? "alpha")
+	      ((eql :short result)
+	       (if (eql :alpha alpha?)
 		    (list (car seg) (mapcar 'car (cadr seg)) (last res)))
 		   (list (car seg)
 			 (mapcar 'car (cadr seg))
 			 (mapcar 'cadr (cadr seg)))))
-	      ((equalp result "struct") (car (last res)))))))
+	      ((eql :struct result) (car (last res)))))))
 (defun take-structures (analysis)
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@
 		    (alpha? 1) (result 0))
 même fonction que structure-1, mais récursive :
-s'applique aussi aux structures trouvées, avec <levels>
+s'applique aussi aux structures trouvées, avec LEVELS
  comme niveau de recursion.
 memes caractéristiques que structure-1
 Recursive Mark Analysis. Returns only found structures."
@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@
 (define-ompw ins-ptrn ((seq (1 2 3 4 1 2 5 3 4)) (ptrn ((1 2 3 4) (1 2)))
 		       &optional (prof 1) (set nil) (marg 0))
-  "Finds the pattern(s) <ptrn> in list seq with or without
+  "Finds the pattern(s) PTRN in list seq with or without
 up to a number prof inserted items;
 Return each pattern and its start positions.
 Doesn't permit cross-overing of a pattern on itself.
@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@
 	  (dolist (k calcoletto (nreverse ros))
 	    (push (OM::posn-match list-of-pat k) ros))))
-    (lib-utils::mat-trans (list calcolo calcolaccio))))
+    (mat-trans (list calcolo calcolaccio))))
 (define-ompw forma ((analys nil) (seq nil) (seuil 1))
   :non-generic t
@@ -1672,12 +1672,12 @@
 	(dotimes (o (length anal))
 	  (when (not (equal (member (nth n r2) (cadr (nth o anal))) 'nil))
 	    (push (+ o 1) r1)))))
-    (cond ((equal alpha? 0) (lib-utils::mat-trans (list (reverse percent) r)))
+    (cond ((equal alpha? 0) (mat-trans (list (reverse percent) r)))
 	  ((= alpha? 1)
-	   (lib-utils::mat-trans (list (reverse percent)
-				       (dolist
-					   (k r (reverse res))
-					 (push (to-alpha k) res))))))))
+	   (mat-trans (list (reverse percent)
+			    (dolist
+				(k r (reverse res))
+			      (push (to-alpha k) res))))))))
 (defun to-stream (seq list-of-pat seuil analysis compl stream date run-time)
   (format stream "~%****************************************~%")
@@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@
 OM->(pure-flex- (8 2) (6 2) (2 3))
 le premier chiffre indique la valeur répétée
  et le deuxième terme de la liste indique son nombre d'occurrences.
-la deuxième entrée est un menu <which> qui permet de selectionner
+la deuxième entrée est un menu WHICH qui permet de selectionner
  les informations:
 prim: succession des primitives
 prof: succession des primitives et profondeur en nombre d'éléments de
@@ -2516,7 +2516,7 @@
 	    (format t
 		    "~%ERROR !! different number of elements in the input list !!")
-	   ((reconst-prim list (lib-utils::list! start)))))
+	   ((reconst-prim list (list! start)))))
      (cond ((or (atom (car list)) (not (equalp (length (car list)) 2)))
 	    (format t
@@ -2801,8 +2801,8 @@
 		 "~%ERROR !! different number of parameters in the two lists !!")
   (let* ((ris 0)
-	 (matrix1 (lib-utils::mat-trans seq1))
-	 (matrix2 (lib-utils::mat-trans seq2))
+	 (matrix1 (mat-trans seq1))
+	 (matrix2 (mat-trans seq2))
 	  (cond ((not (equalp (length wgth) (length (car seq1))))
 		 (format t
@@ -2827,8 +2827,8 @@
 		 "~%ERROR !! different number of parameters in the two lists !!")
   (let* ((ris 0)
-	 (matrix1 (lib-utils::mat-trans seq1))
-	 (matrix2 (lib-utils::mat-trans seq2))
+	 (matrix1 (mat-trans seq1))
+	 (matrix2 (mat-trans seq2))
 	  (cond ((not (equalp (length wgth) (length (car seq1))))
 		 (format t
@@ -3094,8 +3094,8 @@
 (define-ompw notes-change ((pits 6000) (scale 6000) &optional (mod 12))
   "Cambia un p^rofilo con le note messe in scale."
   :non-generic t
-  (let* ((pits (lib-utils::list! pits))
-	 (scale (lib-utils::list! scale))
+  (let* ((pits (list! pits))
+	 (scale (list! scale))
@@ -3121,7 +3121,7 @@
 (define-ompw octave ((midic 6000))
   "retourne l'octave à partir de c3=octave 3"
   :non-generic t
-  (let ((midic (lib-utils::list! midic)))
+  (let ((midic (list! midic)))
     (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (OM::om- (OM::om// x 1200) 2))
@@ -3150,14 +3150,14 @@
   (let ((ris nil) (y (lettura-modulare list1 list2)))
      (append (dotimes (x (1- (length list1)) (nreverse ris))
-	       (push (lib-utils::mat-trans (list
-					    (list (nth x list1))
-					    (list
-					     (trans-approx
-					      (list (nth x y))
-					      (list
-					       (nth x list1)
-					       (nth (1+ x) list1))))))
+	       (push (mat-trans (list
+				 (list (nth x list1))
+				 (list
+				  (trans-approx
+				   (list (nth x y))
+				   (list
+				    (nth x list1)
+				    (nth (1+ x) list1))))))
 	     (last list1)))))
@@ -3193,17 +3193,17 @@
   (let ((ris nil) (y (lettura-modulare list1 list2)))
      (append (dotimes (x (1- (length list1)) (nreverse ris))
-	       (push (lib-utils::mat-trans (list
-					    (list (nth x list1))
-					    (list
-					     (OM::om+
-					      (OM::nth-random
-					       (list 1200 0 -1200))
-					      (trans-approx
-					       (list (nth x y))
-					       (list
-						(nth x list1)
-						(nth (1+ x) list1)))))))
+	       (push (mat-trans (list
+				 (list (nth x list1))
+				 (list
+				  (OM::om+
+				   (OM::nth-random
+				    (list 1200 0 -1200))
+				   (trans-approx
+				    (list (nth x y))
+				    (list
+				     (nth x list1)
+				     (nth (1+ x) list1)))))))
 	     (last list1)))))
@@ -3337,7 +3337,7 @@
 (define-ompw malt-mod+ ((list nil) (limit 6000))
   :non-generic t
-  (let ((ris nil) (limite (first (lib-utils::list! limit))))
+  (let ((ris nil) (limite (first (list! limit))))
     (dolist (y list (nreverse ris))
       (push (if (< y limite) (- (* 2 limite) y) y) ris))))
@@ -3350,7 +3350,7 @@
 (define-ompw malt-mod- ((list nil) (limit 6000))
   :non-generic t
-  (let ((ris nil) (limite (first (lib-utils::list! limit))))
+  (let ((ris nil) (limite (first (list! limit))))
     (dolist (y list (nreverse ris))
       (push (if (> y limite) (- (* 2 limite) y) y) ris))))
@@ -3369,7 +3369,7 @@
 (defun mod-fix- (ls asse)
-  (let ((ris nil) (asse (lib-utils::list! asse)))
+  (let ((ris nil) (asse (list! asse)))
     (dotimes (x (length ls) (nreverse ris))
       (push (if (<= (nth x ls) (first asse))
 		(nth x ls)
@@ -3379,7 +3379,7 @@
 (defun mod-fix+ (ls asse)
-  (let ((ris nil) (asse (lib-utils::list! asse)))
+  (let ((ris nil) (asse (list! asse)))
     (dotimes (x (length ls) (nreverse ris))
       (push (if (>= (nth x ls) (first asse))
 		(nth x ls)
@@ -3388,8 +3388,8 @@
 (define-ompw reflex-note ((ls nil) (value 0) (up/down 1))
-  "Restituisce per la riflessione superiore con <UP> e quella
-	     inferiore con <DOWN>."
+  "Restituisce per la riflessione superiore con UP e quella
+	     inferiore con DOWN>"
   :non-generic t
   :menu (up/down (1 "up") (2 "down"))
   (case up/down
@@ -3399,14 +3399,14 @@
 (define-ompw doppio-reflex-note ((list nil) (value nil))
-  "Restituisce due volte <REFLEX-NOTE> la prima volta a <LIST>
+  "Restituisce due volte REFLEX-NOTE la prima volta a LIST
 	     la seconda volta al risultato della prima volta."
   :non-generic t
   (reflex-note (reflex-note list (g-min value) 1) (g-max value) 2))
 (define-ompw doppio-reflex-int ((list nil) (value nil))
-  "Restituisce due volte <REFLEX-INT> la prima volta a <LIST>
+  "Restituisce due volte REFLEX-INT la prima volta a LIST
 	     la seconda volta al risultato della prima volta."
   :non-generic t
   (reflex-int (reflex-int list (g-min value) 1) (g-max value) 2))
@@ -3424,7 +3424,7 @@
 (define-ompw correttore-doppio-reflex-note ((list nil) (value nil) (inclu? 1))
   "Corregge il risultato di 'DOPPIO-REFLEX-NOTE' in modo che se la
-	     riflessione supera i limiti con <YES> abbiamo una trasposizione
+	     riflessione supera i limiti con YES abbiamo una trasposizione
 	     oltre i limiti stessi ma con TRANS-APPROX altrimenti le note
 	     che non sono incluse nei limiti vengono escluse dalla funzione
@@ -3447,7 +3447,7 @@
     (dolist (y risultato (OM::flat (nreverse ris)))
       (push (if (int y value)
-		(correttore-doppio-reflex-int (lib-utils::list! (1+ y)) value))
+		(correttore-doppio-reflex-int (list! (1+ y)) value))
@@ -3487,13 +3487,13 @@
 (define-ompw rtm-change ((rhyt nil) (modulo nil) (mode? 1))
-  "E' la funzione che cambia un ritmo in funzione del menu <mode?>
-	     Se <mode?> è su mod, questa funzione restituisce i multipli
-	     dei valori in <moduli>; se è su ptrn allora retituisce una
-	     struttura ritmica che utlilizza solamente i valori in <modulo>"
+  "E' la funzione che cambia un ritmo in funzione del menu MODE?
+	     Se MODE? è su mod, questa funzione restituisce i multipli
+	     dei valori in MODULI; se è su ptrn allora retituisce una
+	     struttura ritmica che utlilizza solamente i valori in MODULO"
   :non-generic t
   :menu (mode? (1 "mod") (2 "ptrn"))
-  (let ((modulo (lib-utils::list! modulo)))
+  (let ((modulo (list! modulo)))
     (case mode?
       (1 (substitute (g-min modulo) 0.0 (usa-quel-modulo rhyt modulo)))
       (2 (rtm-change-1 rhyt modulo))
@@ -3507,7 +3507,7 @@
 	     lista di valori allora approssima tutti i valori in rtm
 	     con i valori di vals."
   :non-generic t
-  (let ((vals (lib-utils::list! vals))) (vicini-valori vals rhytm)))
+  (let ((vals (list! vals))) (vicini-valori vals rhytm)))
 (define-ompw distanza-modulo ((list nil) (modulo nil))
@@ -3526,7 +3526,7 @@
   :non-generic t
   (let ((ris nil) (calcolo (distanza-modulo list (OM::om-abs moduli))))
     (dotimes (x (length list) (nreverse ris))
-      (if (subsetp (list 0) (lib-utils::list! (nth x calcolo)) :test #'equal)
+      (if (subsetp (list 0) (list! (nth x calcolo)) :test #'equal)
 	  (push (nth x list) ris)
 	  (push (- (nth x list) (g-min (nth x calcolo))) ris)))))
@@ -3582,7 +3582,7 @@
 (define-ompw arithm-ser2 ((begin 0) (step 1) (xval 5))
-  "Returns a list of <xval> numbers starting from <begin> with <step>."
+  "Returns a list of XVAL numbers starting from BEGIN with STEP."
   :non-generic t
   (algeb begin xval step))
@@ -3620,7 +3620,7 @@
 		     (push f dates)
 		     (push time f0)))
 		  (t (dotimes (g 2) (read input-stream)))))
-      (lib-utils::mat-trans (list (reverse dates) (reverse f0))))))
+      (mat-trans (list (reverse dates) (reverse f0))))))
 (define-ompw pi-dur ((dates nil) (pitches nil) (min 0) (unit 1))
@@ -3901,12 +3901,12 @@
 (define-ompw draw-tree ((tree nil) &optional (nodes nil) (name nil)
 			(fontname "times") (fontsize 12) (fontstyle "normal"))
   "Draw in a new window a graphic representation of the Prim tree.
-<tree> :  a tree list from Prim-tree.
+TREE :  a tree list from Prim-tree.
 Optional arguments :
-<name> : window name (string or symbol without white spaces);
-<fontname> : a menu to specify font name;
-<fontsize> : a menu to specify the font size;
-<fontstyle> : a menu to specify bold or normal.
+NAME : window name (string or symbol without white spaces);
+FONTNAME : a menu to specify font name;
+FONTSIZE : a menu to specify the font size;
+FONTSTYLE : a menu to specify bold or normal.
 Default is Times 12 normal."
   :non-generic t
   :menu (fontname ("geneva" "Geneva") ("helvetica" "Helvetica")
@@ -4420,8 +4420,8 @@
       (lul1 (append (list (lul (car ldl) (cadr ldl))) (cddr ldl)))))
 (define-ompw tree-path ((tree nil) (start nil) (end nil))
-  "Finds all paths in prim-tree <tree> from <start> to <end>.
-Both <start> end <end> can be atoms (number, symbols or strings according to the tree)
+  "Finds all paths in prim-tree TREE from START to END>
+Both START end END can be atoms (number, symbols or strings according to the tree)
 or lists of atoms.
 If no start and/or end are specified, returns all possible solutions (paths)."
   :non-generic t

Added: trunk/src/tests.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/tests.lisp	Thu Jul  5 09:57:43 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(in-package :morph2)
+(ptrn-find '(1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2) nil)
+(ptrn-reson '(a b c a b c b b b b a a) 5)
+(ptrn-smooth '(a b c d b b))
+(structure-1 '(a b c a b c d a c c d a a b c a))

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