[mod-lisp-devel] Re: mod_lisp: broken pipe (UNIX::SIGPIPE-HANDLER) errors

Marc Battyani marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com
Fri Dec 8 21:38:01 UTC 2006

Hi Denis,

[cc'ed to the mod-lisp-devel mailing list]

> I'm using CMUCL-19c (running under detachtty), with mod_lisp and
> Apache1.3 for a web project.
> For the most part, things work as expected, but occasionally the lisp
> process crashes like this:
>> Error in function UNIX::SIGPIPE-HANDLER:  SIGPIPE at #x6E87A2.
> When I run a backtrace in the debugger, I can see that the server
> request had been filled, i.e. the lisp process is ready to write an html
> string to *apache-stream* in reply, but it fails with the error shown 
> above.
> To make the connection to Apache, I used the code in
> "modlisp-cmucl.lisp" with some minor modifications (attached).
> Have you seen this problem before, or can you suggest what to look at
> exactly within the apache-listener code?

I don't use CMUCL but there was some cases of Apache closing the socket 
which caused a similar error when Lisp was writting to the socket. IIRC this 
was fixed a long time ago. Are you sure to use the latest mod_lisp version? 
(from the repository)


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