[mel-base-devel] mel.mime:parts not working properly for rfc 2822 (reading from a file)
Fred Gibson
fred at streamfocus.com
Sat Jan 23 09:44:01 UTC 2010
I had to rewrite a good portion of read-multipart-body-1 to get the
parts to parse correctly. I've tested this with text/plain,
multipart/alternative and multipart/mixed, and all parsed correctly.
Here is the diff from my git commit:
commit 87842c16b7021a28f776fb952535c43426ba55d6
Author: Fred Gibson <fred at streamfocus.com>
Date: Sat Jan 23 01:28:13 2010 -0800
revised mel-base read-multipart-body-1 to work with alternative
and mixed multipart mime types
diff --git a/lib/mel-base_0.9-2/multiparts.lisp
index 7c1e7f1..ee30f88 100644
--- a/lib/mel-base_0.9-2/multiparts.lisp
+++ b/lib/mel-base_0.9-2/multiparts.lisp
@@ -286,41 +286,58 @@
(defun compute-bodystructure (message)
(compute-bodystructure-using-folder (folder message) message))
-(defun read-multipart-body-1 (part stream)
- (let ((boundary (boundary-tag part)))
- (let (parts
- last-part)
- (loop
- (multiple-value-bind (octets lines endp)
- (scan-forward-boundary-tag stream boundary)
- (when last-part
- #+nil (incf (seventh last-part) octets)
- (setf (seventh last-part) octets)
- (setf (eighth last-part) lines)
- (setf last-part nil))
- (cond (endp
- ; (format t "End tag of boundary=~A~%" boundary)
- (multiple-value-bind (super sub params)
- (content-type part)
- (declare (ignore super))
- (let ((result `(,@(nreverse parts) ,sub ,params nil nil)))
- ; (format t "Multipart-Structure: ~A~%" result)
- (return result))))
- (t
- (multiple-value-bind (headers hoctets) (read-rfc2822-header stream)
- ; (format t "Headers read ~A" hoctets)
- (let ((content-type (or (cdr (assoc :content-type headers))
- "text/plain")))
- (multiple-value-bind (super sub params) (parse-content-type content-type)
- (declare (ignore params))
- (let ((next-part (make-instance (if (eq super :multipart)
- (multipart-type-class sub)
- 'simple-part)
- :header-fields (or headers
- '((:content-type . "text/plain"))))))
- (if (eq super :multipart)
- (push (read-multipart-body-1 next-part stream) parts)
- (push (setf last-part (read-simple-body next-part)) parts)))))))))))))
+(defun read-multipart-body-1 (part stream &key recurse?)
+ (multiple-value-bind (p-super p-sub p-params)(content-type part)
+ (declare (ignore p-super))
+ (flet ((build-return (parts)
+ `(,@(nreverse parts) ,p-sub ,p-params nil nil)))
+ (let (parts
+ last-part
+ boundary)
+ (loop
+ (multiple-value-bind (headers hoctets) (read-rfc2822-header stream)
+ (declare (ignore hoctets))
+ (let ((content-type (or (cdr (assoc :content-type headers))
+ "text/plain"))
+ (boundary-read
+ (let ((assoc-hdr
+ (assoc "--" headers
+ :test #'string=
+ :key (lambda (x) (let ((nm (symbol-name x)))
+ (when (> (length nm) 2)
+ (let ((a (char nm 0))
+ (b (char nm 1)))
+ (concatenate
'string (list a b)))))))))
+ (when assoc-hdr
+ (string-downcase (string-left-trim "-" (car
+ (setf boundary (or boundary-read boundary))
+ (multiple-value-bind (super sub params)
(parse-content-type content-type)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (when (and (eq p-sub :mixed) (not recurse?))
+ (return (append (read-multipart-body-1 part stream
:recurse? t)
+ (build-return
(read-multipart-body-1 part stream :recurse? t)))))
+ (let ((next-part (make-instance
+ (if (eq super :multipart)
+ (multipart-type-class sub)
+ 'simple-part)
+ :header-fields (or headers
'((:content-type . "text/plain"))))))
+ (if (eq super :multipart)
+ (progn
+ (setf last-part (read-simple-body next-part))
+ (push (read-multipart-body-1 next-part stream) parts))
+ (push (setf last-part (read-simple-body
next-part)) parts))
+ (multiple-value-bind (octets lines endp)
+ (scan-forward-boundary-tag stream boundary)
+ (when last-part
+ #+nil (incf (seventh last-part) octets)
+ (setf (seventh last-part) octets)
+ (setf (eighth last-part) lines)
+ (setf last-part nil))
+ (when endp ; (format t "End tag of
boundary=~A~%" boundary)
+ (if recurse?
+ (return (nreverse parts))
+ (return (build-return parts))))
+ ))))))))))
(defun read-simple-body (part)
(multiple-value-bind (super sub params)
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Fred Gibson <fred at streamfocus.com> wrote:
> I've been working with reading in an rfc 2822 file, and the parts
> method returns only 1 large part for the whole message rather than
> breaking it into smaller parts. It looks like the
> mel.mime:read-multipart-body-1 function starts off from
> mel.mime:compute-bodystructure-using-folder with the whole message and
> then is sent to scan-forward-boundary-tag with the boundary tag for
> the overall message, which then only matches at the end of the file
> and so only 1 big part is returned. I'm troubleshooting this problem
> now.
> Fred Gibson
> Founder / Software Developer
> http://www.streamfocus.com
> (c)2010 Organon Technologies LLC
Fred Gibson
Founder / Software Developer
(c)2010 Organon Technologies LLC
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