[mel-base-devel] git repository link is down

Jochen Schmidt js at crispylogics.com
Wed Dec 8 02:16:07 UTC 2010

Hello Brian,

Am 08.12.2010 um 01:47 schrieb Brian O'Reilly:
> Well, I sent a pull req in june this year, and after some conversation 
> in the #quicklisp channel, I went and looked at the changelog in that 
> repo and I realised that before the patch I commited in my copy of the 
> darcs repo, the last change before that came from David Lichteblau:
> Sun Jul 18 17:30:07 EDT 2010  Brian O'Reilly <fade at funkrehab.com>
>   * sb-unix semantics changed; update to comply.
>   Ignore-this: fed529a2266f8ccaef9680bd9b3d1b04
>     M ./lisp-dep/utils.lisp -2 +3
> Thu Jan 31 16:17:12 EST 2008  david at lichteblau.com
>   * support fetch-limit in imap-folder
>     M ./folders/imap/folder.lisp -1 +2
> ... so I have to ask, is mel-base dead, or does it just smell funny? 
> Somebody needs to run update-server-info on the git repo linked from the 
> common-lisp.net project page.

mel-base is far from dead - I use it extensively in my own projects and get mails from other people doing so too. It's quite stable for what it does. I hope you can understand, that I have not endless resources. Porting it to dozens of CL implementations, maintaining ASDF-INSTALL, common-lisp.net, holding all websites up to date is most of the time a bit too much hassle for a pro bono thing like this. Therefore I started drawing it back to my server and future public development on mel-base will happen on that (linked on common-lisp.net) Git repository. I'll stop maintaining ASDF-INSTALL (the download link on Cliki) because I think quicklisp (of which I'm a really big fan) is a better idea for that. I think in the long run this will be better for all.

As before I'm able to offer commercial support and projects in relation to mel-base (and CL in general). I'm also very open to suggestions on future developments. Patches are welcome too.

Jochen Schmidt
Cross Media Solutions
Uhlandstr. 9, 90408 Nürnberg

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