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<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Hello from Greg Bennett
running sbcl-1.5.8 inside emacs, and using mcclim-20181227-git.<br>
TASK: I am trying, unsuccessfully at the moment, to use accepting
values, in an<br>
environment which I need to define, to receive something and then
make it available for subsequent action. <br>
I assume that this must be possible so that applications can
receive such input.<br>
In mccli ...-git/Examples/accepting-values.lisp I found the defun
for accepting-tag which seemed a perfect model.<br>
It runs, of course, inside the :clim-demo package as part of the
huge menu of (demodemo).<br>
It will not run outside that environment, and as Daniel Kochmanski
kindly explained to me, the reason centres on<br>
the nature of the stream *query-io*. As Daniel suggested, things
run correctly (outside) if I fire up a clim-listener<br>
and use that as my interface to the code. (My other negotiations
with clim-listener have been less successful.)<br>
For the project I am working on porting I should like to be able
accomplish TASK. I have read pieces of the<br>
CLIM 2 User Guide (version 2.2.2) in the hope of finding some
information that would help,<br>
but my aging brain locks up in the face of its long sequence of
definitions and code snippets.<br>
However, on p196-7 Section 9.5.1 of that manual there is an
example (good!) which looks like a version of accepting-tag; it's
code is attached as p196.lsp. When I try to execute it, I
immediately run into what I take to be related to the *query-io*
difficulty with the error:<br>
There is no class named COMMON-LISP:NIL.<br>
[Condition of type SB-PCL:CLASS-NOT-FOUND-ERROR]<br>
Some top pieces of the backtrace are attached in p196-log.lsp in
case they are helpful.<br>
I should be very grateful for pointers to things I have evidently
missed and/or failed to understand in my attempts<br>
to collect input on the fly.<br>
Cheers /Greg Bennett<br>