Hello,<br><br>I've been trying to get my list-panes fully operational, but it seems as I take one step forward, something else seems to push me back two steps.<br><br>It is frustrating, but I am more grateful to be learning these tools, because this is really the only way I will be exposed to CL. It seems that at first, my lists didn't seem to want to be nonexclusive. I found out that the problem with that was my McCLIM directory in quicklisp had about half of the files missing (?). I don't know how that happened. Then after I figured that out, when I try to update the items of the list using (setf (list-pane-items pane) new-items), it says there is no generic function to handle this. Maybe my problem comes from my work around. This is what I did.<br>
<br>(with-slots<br> (pane)<br> *application-frame*<br> (with-slots<br> (items)<br> pane<br> (setf (climi::list-pane-items (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'pane)) new-items-list)))<br>
<br>Is all of this necessary? It seems the second (with-slots ...) is not necessary.<br><br>I've read through the gadgets.lisp and it seems that the defgeneric and defmethods are defined appropriately, but (setf list-pane-items) or (setf climi::list-pane-items) errors out as no generic function. Is there a way better than what I did?<br>
<br>After I use this to update my list, it redisplays with only half of the items; 1500 instead of 3000. Is this a limit of the size that a list-pane can handle; or is this from my work around?<br><br>Also I would like to mention, :scroll-bars and :visible-items keys don't work for me. Are these known bugs? When I had :scroll-bars t and tried to update my list, the whole screen became transparent except for around the borders where it was refracted.<br>
<br>P C<br>