clim-utils again

Daniel Kochmański daniel at
Sun Dec 15 20:27:58 UTC 2019

Hey Greg!

gwbennett writes:
> I would like to learn more about the coordinate system behind the &key
> arguments left top right bottom in the call to
> make-application-frame. This seems to be a coordinate system for a
> device which defaults to the full size of the root window, whatever
> that is.

I think that specification doesn't mandate, that top-level-sheet of the
frame must be adopted to the graft, but in McCLIM that's always the case
currently. Either way left,top,right,bottom are all relative to the
sheet on which the application frame is started (graft is a special kind
of sheet which represents the screen).

Best regards,

Daniel Kochmański ;; aka jackdaniel | Przemyśl, Poland
TurtleWare - Daniel Kochmański      |

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