[CLIM II][copyright]

Daniel Kochmański daniel at turtleware.eu
Wed Nov 28 11:10:06 UTC 2018

Dear Mr. McKay,

my name is Daniel Kochmański and I'm the current maintainer of McCLIM.
We have a recurring dispute about "CLIM II Specification" which is
distributed with the library about its licensing. I know you were kind
enough to agree for us to use it, however we are not sure if we are
allowed to modify it (with appropriate annotation about changes) and
incorporate parts of it in other documents.

I'm writing to you with these questions:

- What is the document legal status? Who is the copyright owner and
  what license does it have?

- Are we allowed to redistribute it (like we do like now) with the
  source code of McCLIM?

- Are we allowed to modify the document and incorporate parts of it in
  other documents (i.e in a manual)?

- Are we allowed to create a derivative work based on it to clarify or
  some sections or even extend it?

Thank you for your time taken to answer these questions. I'm adding
mcclim-devel mailing list to CC, for all other community members to see
questions (and hopefully, the answer).

Best regards,
Daniel Kochmański

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