dumb question about gadgets

Daniel Kochmański daniel at turtleware.eu
Sat Nov 11 21:06:09 UTC 2017

Alright. Fact that we start by diagonal lines looks like a bug (though 
I'm not 100% sure) – could you please fill out the bug report? If you 
know commit when it worked as you expected, that would be helpful too.

As of your problem at hand – macro vertically (and all the others) isn't 
limited only to layouts section, you may use it in display-gadget 
function too. If you need something, what will compose list in such 
macro, it is a matter of writing macro doing just that, like

(defmacro vertically* (options body-list) `(vertically ,options 
, at body-list))

-- cut here --

(in-package :clim-user)

(define-application-frame test-gadgets ()
     :display-time :command-loop
     :display-function 'display-gadgets)
     :display-time :command-loop
     :display-function 'display-gadgets2))
    (default (horizontally ()  output outputs))))

(defmethod display-gadgets ((frame test-gadgets) stream)
   (dolist (item '("one" "two" "three" "four"))
     (with-output-as-gadget (stream)
       (make-pane 'push-button
                  :label item
                  (lambda (&rest args)
                    (declare (ignore args))
                    (notify-user *application-frame* "You clicked a 

(defun make-gadget (item)
   (make-pane 'push-button
              :label item
              (lambda (&rest args)
                (declare (ignore args))
                (notify-user *application-frame* "You clicked a button"))))

(defmethod display-gadgets2 ((frame test-gadgets) stream)
   (with-output-as-gadget (stream)
     (vertically ()
       (make-gadget "one")
       (make-gadget "two")
       (make-gadget "three"))))

(run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'test-gadgets))

-- cut here --

hope this is helpful.



On 11.11.2017 21:49, John Morrison wrote:
> ugh - should attach what I said I attached
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 3:48 PM, John Morrison 
> <jm at symbolic-simulation.com <mailto:jm at symbolic-simulation.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Daniel (and Lucien, who replied privately):
>     (1) thanks for the "not dumb" comment.
>     Sorry additionally for not being clear.  The app is intended for
>     the buttons (will eventually be checkboxes, but buttons were
>     simpler for purposes of isolating the behavior) to be dynamic
>     (unknown at layout time as things to be checked will come and go
>     during program execution).
>     So while I did have some joy with making :list-panes with :items
>     in the definition of the application frame (and it was prettier
>     than what I sent), I had less joy changing those items
>     programmatically.
>     When I put a "terpri" in as in the slightly revised test program
>     as the other alternative, I get a blank line between the gadgets,
>     which (given I am going to have a lot of items) would cause the
>     user excess scrolling due to the whitespace between boxes.
>     -jm
>     On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Daniel Kochmański
>     <daniel at turtleware.eu <mailto:daniel at turtleware.eu>> wrote:
>         Hello John,
>         question is obviously not dumb. Some cognitive problem arises
>         from the disparity, that McCLIM provides both sheets and
>         gadgets. If you want to lay out buttons vertically, you may
>         either put terpri after each make-pane, or put each button in
>         your layout (the latter is more elegant imho):
>         -- cut --
>         (in-package :clim-user)
>         (defun make-gadget (item)
>           (make-pane 'push-button
>                      :label item
>                      :activate-callback
>                      (lambda (&rest args)
>                        (declare (ignore args))
>                        (notify-user *application-frame* "You clicked a
>         button"))))
>         (define-application-frame test-gadgets ()
>           ()
>           (:panes)
>           (:layouts
>            (default (vertically ()
>                       (make-gadget "one")
>                       (make-gadget "two")
>                       (make-gadget "three")
>                       (make-gadget "four")))))
>         (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'test-gadgets))
>         -- cut --
>         Best regards,
>         Daniel
>         On 11.11.2017 21:07, John Morrison wrote:
>             Hi;
>             In another app I am writing, I BELIEVE gadgets used to
>             come out stacked vertically.  After an upgrade (to current
>             git), I think they come out "diagonally," in that the x &
>             y of successive gadgets increase (presumbly by the
>             dimensions of its preceding gadget).  Please find attached
>             the simplest test program I could cons up that displays
>             the behavior, along with a screenshot that shows the behavior.
>             What is the idiomatic/best way to get them to stack
>             vertically?  I messed about (again, mostly unsuccessfully,
>             or I wouldn't be pestering you all) with various
>             approaches, but every time I find myself with a complex
>             solution, it turns out there is indeed a Better, Simpler Way.
>             Thanks,
>             -jm

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