[mcclim-devel] string-input-editing-stream - stream-peek-char fixup

Mike Watters mike at mwatters.net
Wed Jan 21 01:42:36 UTC 2009

accept-from-string was giving me program stack overflow errors on clisp 
(checked 2.44.1 and 2.45).  I tracked it down to an infinite loop 
apparently caused by a stream-peek-char method on 
string-input-editing-stream (see attached patch).

Mike Watters
mike-cl at mwatters.net
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Name: string-input-editing-stream-peek-char.patch
URL: <https://mailman.common-lisp.net/pipermail/mcclim-devel/attachments/20090120/d224a82d/attachment.ksh>

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