[mcclim-devel] accessing objects in highlight method

Troels Henriksen athas at sigkill.dk
Sun Dec 28 19:45:38 UTC 2008

Orm Finnendahl <o.finnendahl at mh-freiburg.de> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to realize a specialized browser for nested tree structures
> (displayed as graphics) using mcclim. I just started to learn clim and
> there are quite a few things still unclear to me (I read the paper of
> Ciccarelli and most resources I could get a hold of, though).
> As a starting point I use the clim-fig example in the demo package and
> managed to implement feedback during movement of figures (dragging)
> and hooking into the highlight function of the drawing pane.
> I need to access the data structure being presented within the context
> of the highlight method (invoked on mouse-over). Below is the
> highlight method specialized on the figure type of clim-fig. The
> "record" arg contains the output-record which seems to maintain a copy
> of the graphical representation information of the figure object, but
> I have no idea how to access the figure itself or the slots of its
> representation in the application frame.
> (define-presentation-method highlight-presentation
>   ((type figure) record (stream (eql (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'canvas))) (state (eql :highlight)))
> ...)
> Can anybody help?
> Thanks,
> Orm Finnendahl

The output record is also the presentation (a presentation is a
kind of output record), so use the PRESENTATION-OBJECT function to
retrieve the object associated with it.

\  Troels
/\ Henriksen

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