[mcclim-devel] Debugger, ESA, mcclim-freetype

Christophe Rhodes csr21 at cam.ac.uk
Fri May 26 09:58:58 UTC 2006

Christophe Rhodes <csr21 at cam.ac.uk> writes:

> I am not sure whether this is specific to SBCL; nor am I sure whether
> it is specific to threaded lisps; I haven't tried it with a
> non-threaded system.  The event queue process has a backtrace that
> looks like

The good (?) news is that this also happens in a non-threaded system;
that's not really good news, but it does mean that some attempt at
understanding this can be made without the added extra confusion of
race conditions and threads.

I attach a backtrace.  Com-error is a command I defined at the M-:
climacs "repl" and bound to C-! as follows

(climacs-gui::define-climacs-command com-error () (error "foo"))
(esa:set-key 'com-error 'clim:global-command-table '((#\! :control)))
(esa:set-key 'com-error 'clim:global-command-table '((#\! :control :shift)))

I /think/ I have seen this symptom once before, and it had something
to do with CLX not being re-entrant: something somewhere was
attempting to call a protocol request in the dynamic scope of another
one.  I can't remember the details: neither how I debugged it nor what
I did to fix it :-(

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Any ideas?



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