[mcclim-devel] McCLIM, clisp and minor bug fixes on Win32.
Philippe Brochard
hocwp at free.fr
Sat May 20 21:02:13 UTC 2006
Hi everybody,
First of all, many thanks for your great work!
I don't know if this has already been reported and as I read wrongs
things about it, I just want to say that McCLIM works perfectly with
CLisp [1] under Windows XP (at least) and Xming [2].
I just have to patch Goatee/goatee-command.lisp to have a working
Delete key. (patch attached on this mail).
Here is what I've done:
1) Install CLisp and Xming.
2) Set the display (in a terminal)
$ set display=localhost:0.0
3) Compile clx (I got the source in the clisp source):
CLISP> (load "/clisp/source/clx/mit-clx/defsystem.lisp")
CLISP> (without-package-lock () (compile-clx))
CLISP> (without-package-lock () (load-clx)) ; not necessarily useful
4) Get a copy of McCLIM and spatial-trees
CLISP> (load "mcclim/spatial-trees/spatial-trees.asd")
CLISP> (load "mcclim/mcclim.asd")
CLISP> (without-package-lock () (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :mcclim))
5) Build the listener
CLISP> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clim-listener)
6) And build a demo
CLISP> (load (compile-file "mcclim/Examples/clim-fig.lisp"))
CLISP> (clim-demo::clim-fig)
and here is the result :
I've also been able to build my main app (cl-wav-synth) and it works
like a charm :)
Hope that can help.
Best regards,
[1] http://clisp.cons.org
[2] http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Xming
Philippe Brochard <hocwp at free.fr>
-=-= http://www.gnu.org/home.fr.html =-=-
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