[mcclim-devel] mcclim-freetype CCL fix

Clemens Fruhwirth clemens at endorphin.org
Tue Mar 14 16:45:24 UTC 2006

Christophe Rhodes <csr21 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens at endorphin.org> writes:
> > The uncompiled-cl-source workaround does not work with CCL as it expects
> > output to the derived output files. 
> What is CCL?

Sorry, I meant CLC, common-lisp-controller.

> > I fixed the workaround (that's all I
> > can do given my insight into compiled FFI fasls) by checking whether
> > input or output are equal. If they are not, copy input-file to
> > output-file.
> >
> > Here is the beauty-below-average patch.
> Can you see if, instead of this patch, making
> uncompiled-cl-source-file just inherit from source-file works?

uncompiled-cl-source-file already inherits from source-file via its
cl-source-file superclass. In case you meant that this should be
changed, the result is an error 

There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
   #<ASDF:SYSTEM "mcclim-freetype" {9245969}>).

Fruhwirth Clemens - http://clemens.endorphin.org 
for robots: sp4mtrap at endorphin.org

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