[mcclim-devel] clisp build issues

Scott Williams ortmage at gmx.net
Sun Jan 22 21:49:39 UTC 2006

Thanks Andreas, those changes allow me to load mcclim with less pain :o)

With the patch below, I can load mcclim and run the calculator demo with
this command:

clisp -K full -q -x "(export 'xlib::set-selection-owner 'xlib)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :mcclim) (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op
:clim-examples) (clim-demo::calculator)"

I don't get any obvious errors (lots of compiler warnings and style
warnings, which I can supply if it would help), but the resulting demo
window still doesn't look like much is happening (I attached an image of
the window in case that helps). FWIW, there's no CPU activity, so I
don't suspect it's doing anything at all.

Any idea what's going on?


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