[mcclim-devel] snapshot of clim-graphic-forms backend

Jack Unrue jdunrue at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 03:58:14 UTC 2006

I've uploaded a snapshot of my work on a McCLIM backend for


The README in that zip file explains:

This directory contains the start of a McCLIM backend implementation
for Win32 using the Graphic-Forms library. I am making this snapshot
available in the hopes that someone else possessing sufficient time,
motivation, and McCLIM knowledge can pick up where I've left off.

Files in this archive:

  mcclim.asd               -- a patched version of mcclim.asd (rev 1.39)
                              defining a new system called

  ports.lisp               -- a patched version of ports.lisp (rev 1.53)
                              that adds the symbol :graphic-forms to


      README.txt           -- this file

      frame-manager.lisp   -- backend code

      loader.lisp          -- a utility to load the system; you can
                              either modify this to suit your local
                              environment or just consult it as a

My overall plan was to use existing abstractions provided by
Graphic-Forms on top of the Win32 API rather than re-implement that
infrastructure. Package nicknames GFG: GFS: and GFW: identify symbols
exported from that library.

Many thanks to David L., Troels, and Robert S. for their replies to my
earlier queries. And thanks to Christophe for creating the null
backend, without which getting started would have been much more
difficult. I will be happy to answer questions or provide fixes
for Graphic-Forms to facilitate further development of this backend.

Jack Unrue

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