[mcclim-devel] [ANN] cl-wav-synth - express noises as you think V2006-08-26

Philippe Brochard hocwp at free.fr
Sat Aug 26 19:08:24 UTC 2006

Hi everybody,

I'm glad to announce the last public release of cl-wav-synth.

cl-wav-synth is a wav sample editor. It comes in two parts, the main
library for manipulating wav files and a (Mc)CLIM interface with a
full lisp listener, a sample pane editor, a spectrum pane editor and a
song pane editor.

The wav sample editor is driven from the lisp REPL: you can watch
immediately the result of each applied functions. cl-wav-synth comes
with some effects as echo, delay, pitch...

The spectrum editor is here just for educational purpose. It show the
effect of adding sinus together. But it can load spectrum from the
sharc project and can be used to produce instruments sounds (the sample
amplitude need to be modified to have a real sound).

The song editor is a way to express a song. A song is just a list of
events to write on a wav file. cl-wav-synth traverses the song list
and evaluates the form of each song-sample, if the result is a wav
sample, it is merged in the song wav file.

Since the last release, there have been many enhancements
  For samples:
  - Sample flags (or multiselections)
  - Sample tones - To produce all the musical range (do, ré, mi... 
    or a, b, c...) from a single sample.
  - Envelope manipulation (drawing mode)
  - Players choices (tested under Unix/MacOS/Windows)

  For songs:
  - Mouse rectangular selection (move/delete/copy selection)
  - Undo/Redo system
  - Grid and snap
And some bug fixes (in particular a double redisplay which divided the
performances by two (sorry for the bad pub)).

You can find more here:


Have fun, and thanks all for your great work with McCLIM !
I'm really amazed how easy it is to make graphical things with clim
(once your accustomed to it).



Philippe Brochard    <hocwp at free.fr>

-=-= http://www.gnu.org/home.fr.html =-=-

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