[mcclim-devel] file-selector problem

rpgoldman at real-time.com rpgoldman at real-time.com
Fri Sep 16 21:39:00 UTC 2005

[SELECT-FILE crashes under ACL if called with no arguments.]

OK, seems like one problem for me is that the file-selector is not
happy when given a pathname argument (or a default) that has no :name
component.  In that case it crashes (at least for me).  I haven't
identified why.  


(select-file) crashes but 

(select-file :pathname (parse-namestring "/home/rpg/lisp/mcclim/file-selector.lisp"))
is fine.[1]

Here are my *default-pathname-defaults*:

CL-USER(11): *default-pathname-defaults*
CL-USER(12): (describe *)
#p"/home/rpg/lisp/mcclim/" is a structure of type PATHNAME.  It has these slots:
 HOST               NIL
 DIRECTORY          (:ABSOLUTE "home" "rpg" "lisp" "mcclim")
 NAME               NIL
 TYPE               NIL
 NAMESTRING         "/home/rpg/lisp/mcclim/"
 HASH               NIL
 DIR-NAMESTRING     "/home/rpg/lisp/mcclim/"
 PLIST              NIL

... I don't know if these are odd...

gen-wild-pathname gives the following:

CL-USER(13): (clim-listener::gen-wild-pathname *default-pathname-defaults*)
CL-USER(14): (describe (clim-listener::gen-wild-pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))
#p"/home/rpg/lisp/mcclim/*.*" is a structure of type PATHNAME.  It has these slots:
 HOST               NIL
 DIRECTORY          (:ABSOLUTE "home" "rpg" "lisp" "mcclim")
 NAME               :WILD
 TYPE               :WILD
 HASH               NIL
 PLIST              NIL

Aha!  If I change the default pathname argument to be the following:

(pathname (clim-listener::gen-wild-pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))

instead of just *default-pathname-defaults*, that seems to fix things
by changind NIL to :WILD for NAME.

A couple of remaning problems:

1.  running select-file makes the size of the clim-listener window go
    crazy.  First, it shrinks to fit only the accepting-values (I'm
    not sure I have the right term here), and leaves the directory
    listing pane out of the window.  Then, after I select a file, it
    leaves only the 

2.  Unless I press return after entering a string in the filename
    textbox, that input is simply discarded when I press Exit for the
    file-selector as a whole.  This is probably McCLIM's fault as a
    whole, rather than yours, right?  But it's quite annoying.  The
    user has the right to expect that what's on the screen is what is
    going to be accepted.  Adding an extra requirement for a "Simon
    Says" gesture [2] is really a Bad Thing.

[1]  Ouch!  I wish I could cut and paste out of the clim-listener!

[2]  This is an American (poss British, too?) children's game, where
one player tries to trick the other into doing an action without
explicit permission being given.

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