[mcclim-devel] Is anyone using McCLIM with :unicode on *features*?

Andreas Fuchs asf at boinkor.net
Fri Oct 7 21:06:34 UTC 2005

Hi all,

short story:

I wonder if anyone is using McCLIM on CLX with the :unicode feature.
Please test with:

(cl:member :unicode cl:*features*)

and report non-NIL results to this list. Thank you!

long story:

while trying to refactor the CLX backend's medium implementation, I
found a lot of #+unicode statements in Backends/CLX/medium.lisp. From
the comments, it looks like they shouldn't even be there:

; Yes, the following is a nasty hack.
; It's just a proof of concept, I'll try not to commit it :]
; If it does get committed, it shouldn't affect anyone much...

These definitions don't *seem* to me like they are used by anyone, so
I'd like to nuke them in favour of definitions that have a chance of
working with mcclim-freetype's idea of text-style properties without
requiring an ugly hack (like the method redefinitions that
mcclim-freetype currently employs).

So, again, please test if you're using McCLIM with the feature

Run (cl:member :unicode cl:*features*)

and report non-NIL results to this list. I may be breaking your McCLIM
soon, and we don't want that to happen without a good reason (-:

Andreas Fuchs, <asf at boinkor.net>, asf at jabber.at, antifuchs

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