[mcclim-devel] Scigraph

Fred Gilham gilham at csl.sri.com
Thu Mar 10 00:24:18 UTC 2005


Here's a scigraph.asd file to allow easy building of Scigraph.  It
seems like it almost (where almost = about 95%) works.  Great work by

Put this file in mcclim/Apps/Scigraph and do the usual:

(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :scigraph-system)

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: Common-Lisp-User -*-

(in-package :common-lisp-user)

(asdf:defsystem scigraph-system
  :serial t
  ((:module "dwim"
	    :serial t
	    ((:file "package")
	     (:file "feature-case")
	     (:file "macros")
	     (:file "tv")
	     (:file "draw")
	     (:file "present")
	     (:file "extensions")
	     (:file "wholine")
	     (:file "export")))
   (:module "scigraph"
	    :serial t
	    ((:file "package") 
	     (:file "copy") 
	     (:file "dump") 
	     (:file "duplicate") 
	     (:file "random") 
	     (:file "menu-tools") 
	     (:file "basic-classes") 
	     (:file "draw")
	     (:file "mouse") 
	     (:file "color" ) 
	     (:file "basic-graph") 
	     (:file "graph-mixins") 
	     (:file "axis") 
	     (:file "moving-object") 
	     (:file "symbol" ) 
	     (:file "graph-data") 
	     (:file "legend" ) 
	     (:file "graph-classes") 
	     (:file "present" ) 
	     (:file "annotations") 
	     (:file "annotated-graph") 
	     (:file "contour" ) 
	     (:file "equation") 
	     (:file "popup-accept") 
	     (:file "popup-accept-methods") 
	     (:file "duplicate-methods" ) 
	     (:file "frame" ) 
	     (:file "export" ) 
	     (:file "demo-frame")))))
Fred Gilham                                      gilham at csl.sri.com
REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: the right not to reproduce, no matter what else
you do.  PLANNED PARENTHOOD: an organization that helps you plan to
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