[mcclim-devel] questions about CLIM interface paradigm

rpgoldman at real-time.com rpgoldman at real-time.com
Tue Jul 26 02:50:16 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Me" == Robert P Goldman <rpgoldman at real-time.com> writes:

    Me> Paolo Amoroso wrote:
    >> rpgoldman at real-time.com writes:
    Me> [...snip...]
    >>> 2.  Is it good style to use the Enabled method?  Is there a standard
    >> I think this is a general UI issue, not necessarily a CLIM one.

    Me> I actually think that this /is/ a specifically CLIM issue --- if CLIM 
    Me> simply removes disabled interactions from the UI, instead of leaving 
    Me> them there in a visibly-disabled form, then one may feel compelled to 
    Me> modify the way disablement is handled, or reimplement a custom 
    Me> disablement behavior.

OK, I see that this was unclear, mirroring my own confusion, but
somewhat reinforced by what feels like inconsistency in McCLIM.  

When I make a menubar, then disabling is handled in the "dynamic"
style I referred to in my email, and disabled items are grayed out.
This seems fine.

*But* when I just use the right menu button, then *all* commands are
shown, whether they are enabled or disabled.  

Question: should we be modifying McCLIM to make the right button menu
act like the menu bar, or vice versa?  I favor the former, but defer
to wiser heads....


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