[mcclim-devel] A fix to fix-clisp.lisp
Pascal Bourguignon
pjb at informatimago.com
Sat Jul 9 16:14:27 UTC 2005
Think about this:
when is interned gray::original-input-stream-p in:
(ext:without-package-lock ("GRAY")
(setf (fdefinition 'gray::original-input-stream-p) ...))
I'd propose to put these symbols in a user package: a specific
gray-user, or they could as well be left in the current package.
(defpackage #:clim-mop
(:use #:clos))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(loop for sym being the symbols of :clim-mop
do (export sym :clim-mop)))
(defpackage #:gray-user (:use))
(ext:without-package-lock ("GRAY")
;; CLIM expects INPUT-STREAM-P to be a generic function.
(unless (typep #'input-stream-p 'generic-function)
(setf (fdefinition 'gray-user::original-input-stream-p) #'input-stream-p)
(fmakunbound 'input-stream-p)
(defgeneric input-stream-p (stream)
(:method ((stream stream)) (gray-user::original-input-stream-p stream))))
;; CLIM expects OUTPUT-STREAM-P to be a generic function.
(unless (typep #'output-stream-p 'generic-function)
(setf (fdefinition 'gray-user::original-output-stream-p) #'output-stream-p)
(fmakunbound 'output-stream-p)
(defgeneric output-stream-p (stream)
(:method ((stream stream)) (gray-user::original-output-stream-p stream))))
An alternative could be to gensym them.
(defmacro make-generic (funame arguments)
(let ((old (gensym (string funame)))
(gargs (mapcar (lambda (arg) (if (consp arg) (first arg) arg))
`(progn (setf (fdefinition ',old) (function ,funame))
(fmakunbound ',funame)
(defgeneric ,funame ,gargs
(:method ,arguments (,old , at gargs))))))
(defpackage #:clim-mop
(:use #:clos))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(loop for sym being the symbols of :clim-mop
do (export sym :clim-mop)))
(ext:without-package-lock ("GRAY")
;; CLIM expects INPUT-STREAM-P to be a generic function.
(unless (typep #'input-stream-p 'generic-function)
(make-generic input-stream-p ((stream stream))))
;; CLIM expects OUTPUT-STREAM-P to be a generic function.
(unless (typep #'output-stream-p 'generic-function)
(make-generic output-stream-p ((stream stream))))
__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
Cats meow out of angst
"Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much!"
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