[mcclim-devel] Install instructions for mcclim.asd

Andreas Fuchs asf at boinkor.net
Wed Feb 16 21:10:22 UTC 2005


(this will probably morph into some form of INSTALL file, hopefully
before the release happens. Feedback appreciated (-:)

Installing McCLIM using mcclim.asd

To tell ASDF about the wherabouts of McCLIM and to compile it for the
first time, perform these steps:

 1. Symlink mcclim.asd to a directory in your
    asdf:*central-repository* list. E.g., for SBCL, that would be:

      $ ln -sf /path/to/mcclim.asd ~/.sbcl/systems/

 2. If you are using a Lisp implementation that requires a separate
    CLX to be installed, do this now and symlink the clx's .asd file
    to your asdf:*central-repository*, as above.

 3. On your Lisp's REPL (with ASDF loaded), type

     (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :mcclim)
     ; compilation messages should zip past

After step 3, McCLIM and a suitable backend should be loaded and
you are good to go.

When you restart your lisp image, you will need to perform step 3 to
load McCLIM again.

Installing mcclim.asd if you were using ASDF & system.lisp before

Make sure to remove all symlinks in your asdf:*central-repository* to
system.lisp and replace them with symlinks to mcclim.asd. Keeping the
old links around will break loading the McCLIM system in subtle ways.

After replacing the symlinks, follow the "Installing McCLIM..."
section above, beginning at step 1 - the symlink mcclim.asd itself is
required, too.

Writing a system that depends on McCLIM

In an ASDF system that depends on a loaded CLIM, use the following
code to declare a dependency on McCLIM:

(defsystem :your-clim-using-system
           :depends-on (:mcclim #| other dependencies |#)
           :components (#| components |#)

The dependency on the McCLIM system will also load a suitable display
backend on implementations where it can determine one.

Have fun,
Andreas Fuchs, <asf at boinkor.net>, asf at jabber.at, antifuchs

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