[mcclim-devel] Statement of intent: release McCLIM on Mothering Sunday (2005-03-06)

Andreas Fuchs asf at boinkor.net
Mon Feb 14 20:37:26 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I'd like to use my new-found McCLIM committer powers to push a new
release of McCLIM out the door.

This is the schedule that Xophe came up with on #lisp a few days ago
(augmented with real dates):

 * Freeze McCLIM proper on 2005-02-21
 * Freeze Apps/ and Examples/ on 2005-02-28
 * Release on 2005-03-06

If that isn't messing with anybody's plans, I'd like to stick to that
schedule and upload a nice official tarball in the end. (-:

If this release goes well, we could try a bi-monthly release schedule
based on that - hack a 6 weeks, freeze two (or just one) weeks,
release. Evidence from the mcclim-cvs list archive of the last few
months suggests that this could provide usable snapshots of a steadily
progressing McCLIM.

Happy hacking,
Andreas Fuchs, <asf at boinkor.net>, asf at jabber.at, antifuchs

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