[mcclim-devel] pathname and accept

Timothy Moore moore at bricoworks.com
Wed Aug 10 17:47:57 UTC 2005

On Aug 10, 2005, at 12:01 PM, rpgoldman at real-time.com wrote:

>>>>>> "TM" == Timothy Moore <moore at bricoworks.com> writes:
>     TM> See 24.3 in the Input Editing chapter which describes the 
> conditions
> Thanks.  I did look at those.  The problem is that if I hoist an
> INPUT-NOT-OF-REQUIRED-TYPE error, it's just that --- an error.  There
> is no automagical trapping to reprompt to get good input.  We just
> throw an error at the user, which doesn't seem like a very nice thing
> to do...

Ah, but  that's a quality of implementation issue. I think it would be 
completely reasonable for the command reader to do something friendly 
with these errors.  The accepting-values code does try to something 
reasonable with any error that results from accept.

> This seems particularly bad if one has a complex command with multiple
> arguments.  Then you go to a lot of trouble to fill out five
> arguments, only to find that the first one was garbage.  :-(


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