[mcclim-devel] Fix for Scigraph package lock error with CMUCL

Robert Strandh strandh at labri.fr
Tue Dec 28 11:50:27 UTC 2004

Paolo Amoroso writes:
 > The current CVS sources of Scigraph generate a package lock error
 > during compilation or load with recent versions of CMUCL, I think the
 > 19a prerelease and release series.  It is caused by a conflict with
 > the symbol `cl:variable'.  The problem can be fixed by changing in
 > file Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/package.lisp the form:
 > (eval-when (compile load eval)
 >   (defpackage GRAPH
 >     #-allegro (:nicknames gr)           ; "GR" names something already.
 >     #+allegro (:shadow variable)        ; shouldn't be inherited but is
 >     #+MCL     (:shadow copy)
 >     (:use dwim-lisp tool statistics)))
 > to this, which removes the conditionalization of `variable' shadowing
 > for allegro:
 > (eval-when (compile load eval)
 >   (defpackage GRAPH
 >     #-allegro (:nicknames gr)           ; "GR" names something already.
 >     (:shadow variable)                  ; shouldn't be inherited but is
 >     #+MCL     (:shadow copy)
 >     (:use dwim-lisp tool statistics)))

Patch applied. Thanks.

Robert Strandh

Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C
or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden
slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.

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