[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Examples

rstrandh rstrandh at common-lisp.net
Mon Dec 7 14:04:39 UTC 2009

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Examples
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv24077

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fixed a bug that made this demo not work (thanks to "lhz" on #lisp).

Improved the code somewhat to avoid too much code duplication.  It
could be made better still.  On the other hand, this demo should
probably be redone or removed, since it involves the calculator as
well, which doesn't seem reasonable.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Examples/sliderdemo.lisp	2006/12/19 04:08:58	1.5
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Examples/sliderdemo.lisp	2009/12/07 14:04:39	1.6
@@ -24,10 +24,7 @@
 (defparameter calc '(0))
 (defvar *text-field* nil)
-(defun slidertest ()
-  (loop for port in climi::*all-ports*
-      do (destroy-port port))
-  (setq climi::*all-ports* nil)
+(defun sliderdemo ()
   (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'sliderdemo)))
     (run-frame-top-level frame)))
@@ -38,7 +35,8 @@
        (if (numberp last-item)
 	   (setf (car (last calc)) (+ (* 10 last-item) ,int))
 	   (setf calc (nconc calc (list ,int))))
-       (setf (gadget-value *text-field*) (princ-to-string (first (last calc)))))))
+       (setf (gadget-value *text-field*)
+             (princ-to-string (first (last calc)))))))
 (defmacro queue-operator (operator)
   `(lambda (gadget)
@@ -76,100 +74,69 @@
 (defun find-text-field (frame)
   (first (member-if #'(lambda (gadget) (typep gadget 'text-field))
-		    (frame-panes frame))))
+		    (frame-current-panes frame))))
-(defmethod sliderdemo-frame-top-level ((frame application-frame)
-				       &key (command-parser 'command-line-command-parser)
-				       (command-unparser 'command-line-command-unparser)
-				       (partial-command-parser
-					'command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command)
-				       (prompt "Command: "))
+(defmethod sliderdemo-frame-top-level
+    ((frame application-frame)
+     &key (command-parser 'command-line-command-parser)
+     (command-unparser 'command-line-command-unparser)
+     (partial-command-parser
+      'command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command)
+     (prompt "Command: "))
   (declare (ignore command-parser command-unparser partial-command-parser prompt))
   (setf *text-field* (find-text-field frame))
-(define-application-frame sliderdemo () ()
-  (:panes
-   (plus             :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "+"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-operator #'+))
-   (dash             :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "-"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-operator #'-))
-   (multiplicate     :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "*"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-operator #'*))
-   (divide           :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "/"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-operator #'round))
-   (result           :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "="
-		     :activate-callback #'do-operation)
-   (one              :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "1"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 1))
-   (two              :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "2"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 2))
-   (three            :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "3"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 3))
-   (four             :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "4"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 4))
-   (five             :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "5"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 5))
-   (six              :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "6"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 6))
-   (seven            :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "7"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 7))
-   (eight            :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "8"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 8))
-   (nine             :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "9"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 9))
-   (zero             :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "0"
-		     :activate-callback (queue-number 0))
-  (screen            :text-field
-		     :value "0"
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 200 :height 50))
-  (ac                :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "AC"
-		     :activate-callback #'initac)
-  (ce                :push-button
-		     :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
-		     :label "CE"
-		     :activate-callback #'initce)
-  (slider            :slider
-		     :value-changed-callback #'slide
-		     :min-value 0
-		     :max-value 100
-		     :value 0
-		     :normal +white+
-		     :highlighted +cyan+
-		     :pushed-and-highlighted +blue+))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+  (defun make-operator-button-form (name label operator)
+    `(,name :push-button
+            :space-requirement (make-space-requirement
+                                :width 50 :height 50)
+            :label ,label
+            :activate-callback (queue-operator #',operator)))
+  (defun make-number-button-form (name label number)
+    `(,name :push-button
+            :space-requirement (make-space-requirement
+                                :width 50 :height 50)
+            :label ,label
+            :activate-callback (queue-number ,number))))
+(define-application-frame sliderdemo () ()
+  (:panes #.(make-operator-button-form 'plus "+" '+)
+          #.(make-operator-button-form 'dash "-" '-)
+          #.(make-operator-button-form 'multiply "*" '*)
+          #.(make-operator-button-form 'divide "/" 'round)
+          #.(make-operator-button-form 'result "=" 'do-operation)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'one "1" 1)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'two "2" 2)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'three "3" 3)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'four "4" 4)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'five "5" 5)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'six "6" 6)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'seven "7" 7)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'eight "8" 8)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'nine "9" 9)
+          #.(make-number-button-form 'zero "0" 0)
+          (screen :text-field
+                  :value "0"
+                  :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 200 :height 50))
+          (ac     :push-button
+                  :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
+                  :label "AC"
+                  :activate-callback #'initac)
+          (ce     :push-button
+                  :space-requirement (make-space-requirement :width 50 :height 50)
+                  :label "CE"
+                  :activate-callback #'initce)
+          (slider :slider
+                  :value-changed-callback #'slide
+                  :min-value 0
+                  :max-value 100
+                  :value 0
+                  :normal +white+
+                  :highlighted +cyan+
+                  :pushed-and-highlighted +blue+))
    (defaults (horizontally ()
 	        (vertically ()
@@ -178,7 +145,7 @@
 		   (tabling ()
 		      (list one two plus)
 		      (list three four dash)
-		      (list five six multiplicate)
+		      (list five six multiply)
 		      (list seven eight divide)
 		      (list nine zero result)))

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