[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 30 21:21:43 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8469/Drei

Modified Files:
	drei.lisp input-editor.lisp views.lisp 
Log Message:
WITH-INPUT-EDITING now works really well with Drei.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.35
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei.lisp	2008/01/30 21:21:43	1.36
@@ -234,8 +234,7 @@
 ;;; The basic Drei class.
 (defclass drei ()
-  ((%view :initform (make-instance 'textual-drei-syntax-view)
-          :initarg :view
+  ((%view :initarg :view
           :accessor view
           :documentation "The CLIM view that will be used
 whenever this Drei is being displayed. During redisplay, the
@@ -345,16 +344,18 @@
                  (cursors drei))))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((drei drei) &rest args &key
-                                       active single-line (editable-p t)
-                                       no-cursors)
+                                       view active single-line (editable-p t)
+                                       no-cursors initial-contents)
   (declare (ignore args))
-  (with-accessors ((buffer buffer)
-                   (point point) (mark mark)) (view drei)
-    (setf (active (view drei)) active)
-    (setf (single-line-p (implementation buffer)) single-line)
-    (setf (read-only-p buffer) (not editable-p))
-    (setf (no-cursors (view drei)) no-cursors)
-    (add-view-cursors drei)))
+  (unless view             ; Unless a view object has been provided...
+    ;; Create it with the provided initargs.
+    (setf (view drei) (make-instance 'textual-drei-syntax-view
+                       :active active
+                       :single-line single-line
+                       :read-only (not editable-p)
+                       :no-cursors no-cursors
+                       :initial-contents initial-contents)))
+  (add-view-cursors drei))
 (defmethod (setf view) :after (new-val (drei drei))
   ;; Delete the old cursors, then add the new ones, provided the
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/input-editor.lisp	2008/01/30 15:57:35	1.27
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/input-editor.lisp	2008/01/30 21:21:43	1.28
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj drei-input-editing-mixin)
 				       &rest args
-				       &key stream (initial-contents "")
+				       &key stream
 				       (cursor-visibility t)
                                        (min-width 0))
   (check-type min-width (or (integer 0) (eql t)))
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@
 	      (apply #'make-instance
 		     :editor-pane stream
-		     :buffer (make-instance 'drei-buffer
-                                            :name "Input-editor buffer"
-                                            :initial-contents initial-contents)
 		     :x-position cx
 		     :y-position cy
 		     :active cursor-visibility
@@ -76,8 +73,10 @@
                      :allow-other-keys t
       ;; XXX Really add it here?
-      (stream-add-output-record stream (drei-instance obj))
-      (display-drei (drei-instance obj)))))
+      (stream-add-output-record stream (drei-instance obj)))))
+(defmethod stream-default-view ((stream drei-input-editing-mixin))
+  (view (drei-instance stream)))
 (defmethod stream-insertion-pointer
     ((stream drei-input-editing-mixin))
@@ -155,17 +154,23 @@
   ;; we can support fancy accept methods such as the one for
   ;; `command-or-form'
   (unless (stream-rescanning-p stream)
-    (call-next-method)
+    ;; Put the prompt in the proper place, but be super careful not to
+    ;; mess with the insertion pointer.
+    (let ((ip-clone (clone-mark (point (view (drei-instance stream))))))
+      (unwind-protect (progn (setf (stream-insertion-pointer stream)
+                                   (stream-scan-pointer stream))
+                             (call-next-method))
+        (setf (stream-insertion-pointer stream) (offset ip-clone)))
+      (redraw-input-buffer stream))
     ;; We skip ahead of any noise strings to put us past the
     ;; prompt. This is safe, because the noise strings are to be
     ;; ignored anyway, but we need to be ahead to set the input
     ;; position properly (ie. after the prompt).
-    (loop
-       with buffer = (buffer (view (drei-instance stream)))
-       until (>= (stream-scan-pointer stream) (size buffer))
-       while (or (typep #1=(buffer-object buffer (stream-scan-pointer stream)) 'noise-string)
-                 (delimiter-gesture-p #1#))
-       do (incf (stream-scan-pointer stream)))
+    (loop with buffer = (buffer (view (drei-instance stream)))
+          until (>= (stream-scan-pointer stream) (size buffer))
+          while (or (typep #1=(buffer-object buffer (stream-scan-pointer stream)) 'noise-string)
+                    (delimiter-gesture-p #1#))
+          do (incf (stream-scan-pointer stream)))
     (setf (input-position stream) (stream-scan-pointer stream))))
 (defmethod stream-accept :after ((stream drei-input-editing-mixin) type &key &allow-other-keys)
@@ -670,6 +675,9 @@
 (defmethod input-editor-format ((stream drei-input-editing-mixin)
 				&rest format-args)
+  "Insert a noise string at the insertion-pointer of `stream'."
+  ;; Since everything inserted with this method is noise strings, we
+  ;; do not bother to modify the scan pointer or queue rescans.
   (let* ((drei (drei-instance stream))
          (output (apply #'format nil format-string format-args)))
     (when (or (stream-rescanning-p stream)
@@ -679,14 +687,12 @@
     ;; malfunction. Of course, the newlines inserted this way aren't
     ;; actually noise-strings. FIXME.
     (loop for (seq . rest) on (split-sequence #\Newline output)
-       when (plusp (length seq))
-       do (insert-object (point (view drei)) (make-instance 'noise-string
-                                                     :string seq))
-       unless (null rest)
-       do (insert-object (point (view drei)) #\Newline))
-    ;; Since everything inserted with this method is noise strings, we
-    ;; do not bother to modify the scan pointer or queue rescans.
-    (display-drei drei)))
+          when (plusp (length seq))
+          do (insert-object (point (view drei))
+                            (make-instance 'noise-string
+                             :string seq))
+          unless (null rest)
+          do (insert-object (point (view drei)) #\Newline))))
 (defmethod redraw-input-buffer ((stream drei-input-editing-mixin)
                                 &optional (start-position 0))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/01/30 07:31:34	1.31
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/01/30 21:21:43	1.32
@@ -287,7 +287,9 @@
 ;;; Readonly
 (defclass read-only-mixin ()
-  ((read-only-p :initform nil :accessor read-only-p)))
+  ((read-only-p :initform nil
+                :accessor read-only-p
+                :initarg :read-only)))
 (define-condition buffer-read-only (user-condition-mixin simple-error)
   ((buffer :reader condition-buffer :initarg :buffer))
@@ -376,13 +378,17 @@
   (:default-initargs :implementation (make-instance 'extended-standard-buffer)))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((buffer drei-buffer) &rest args
-                                       &key initial-contents)
+                                       &key read-only single-line
+                                       initial-contents)
   (declare (ignore args))
-  (with-accessors ((point point)) buffer
+  (with-accessors ((point point)
+                   (implementation implementation)) buffer
     (when initial-contents
       (check-type initial-contents array)
       (insert-buffer-sequence buffer 0 initial-contents))
-    (setf point (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :right))
+    (setf point (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right))
+    (setf (read-only-p implementation) read-only
+          (single-line-p implementation) single-line)
     ;; Hack: we need to be told whenever the undo facilities in the
     ;; implementation buffer changes the buffer contents.
     (add-observer (implementation buffer) buffer)))
@@ -520,7 +526,6 @@
 (defclass drei-buffer-view (drei-view)
   ((%buffer :accessor buffer
-            :initform (make-instance 'drei-buffer)
             :initarg :buffer
             :type drei-buffer
             :accessor buffer
@@ -571,11 +576,20 @@
 with top and bot marks delimiting the visible region. These marks
 are automatically set if applicable."))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((view drei-buffer-view) &rest initargs)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((view drei-buffer-view) &rest initargs
+                                       &key buffer single-line read-only
+                                       initial-contents)
   (declare (ignore initargs))
-  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot) (buffer buffer)) view
-    (setf top (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left)
-          bot (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right))))
+  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)) view
+    (unless buffer
+      ;; So many fun things are defined on (setf buffer) that we use
+      ;; slot-value here. This is just a glorified initform anyway.
+      (setf (slot-value view '%buffer) (make-instance 'drei-buffer
+                                        :single-line single-line
+                                        :read-only read-only
+                                        :initial-contents initial-contents)))
+    (setf top (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) 0 :left)
+          bot (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) (size (buffer view)) :right))))
 (defmethod (setf top) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
   (invalidate-all-strokes view))

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