[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 30 11:48:40 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27756/Drei

Modified Files:
	core-commands.lisp drei-clim.lisp drei.lisp input-editor.lisp 
	packages.lisp search-commands.lisp syntax.lisp 
Log Message:
Go some way towards fixing the minibuffer debacle.

Drei will no longer attempt to create a minibuffer on its own pane.

Commands that need the minibuffer, when none is available, will fail
somewhat gracefully.

Pointer documentation isn't broken yet, even with all the
pointer-documentation-pane abuse I'm doing. I'll have to work on that.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/core-commands.lisp	2008/01/21 17:08:28	1.15
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/core-commands.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.16
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 (define-command (com-zap-to-object :name t :command-table deletion-table) ()
   "Prompt for an object and kill to the next occurence of that object after point.
 Characters can be entered in #\ format."
+  (require-minibuffer)
   (let* ((item (handler-case (accept 't :prompt "Zap to Object")
 		(error () (progn (beep)
 				 (display-message "Not a valid object")
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
 FIXME: Accepts a string (that is, zero or more characters) 
 terminated by a #\NEWLINE. If a zero length string signals an error. 
 If a string of length >1, uses the first character of the string."
+  (require-minibuffer)
   (let* ((item-string (handler-case (accept 'string :prompt "Zap to Character") ; Figure out how to get #\d and d.  (or 'string 'character)?
 		(error () (progn (beep)
 				 (display-message "Not a valid string. ")
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-clim.lisp	2008/01/28 16:53:21	1.35
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-clim.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.36
@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@
 (defmethod stream-default-view ((stream drei-pane))
   (view stream))
-(defmethod display-drei ((drei drei-pane))
+(defmethod display-drei ((drei drei-pane) &rest args)
+  (declare (ignore args))
   (redisplay-frame-pane (pane-frame drei) drei))
 (defmethod editor-pane ((drei drei-pane))
@@ -227,8 +228,7 @@
 keyboard focus"))
   (:metaclass modual-class)
-   :command-executor 'execute-drei-command
-   :redisplay-minibuffer t)
+   :command-executor 'execute-drei-command)
   (:documentation "An actual, instantiable Drei gadget with
  event-based command processing."))
@@ -285,26 +285,20 @@
 (defmethod handle-gesture ((drei drei-gadget-pane) gesture)
   (let ((*command-processor* drei)
         (*abort-gestures* *esa-abort-gestures*))
-    ;; It is important that the minibuffer of the Drei object is
-    ;; actually the minibuffer that will be used for output, or it
-    ;; will not be properly redisplayed by `display-drei'.
     (accepting-from-user (drei)
-      (letf (((minibuffer drei) (or (minibuffer drei) *minibuffer*
-                                    (unless (eq drei *standard-input*)
-                                      *standard-input*))))
-        (handler-case (process-gesture drei gesture)
-          (unbound-gesture-sequence (c)
-            (display-message "~A is unbound" (gesture-name (gestures c))))
-          (abort-gesture ()
-            (display-message "Aborted")))
-        (display-drei drei)
-        (when (modified-p (view drei))
-          (when (gadget-value-changed-callback drei)
-            (value-changed-callback drei
-                                    (gadget-client drei)
-                                    (gadget-id drei)
-                                    (gadget-value drei)))
-          (setf (modified-p (view drei)) nil))))))
+      (handler-case (process-gesture drei gesture)
+        (unbound-gesture-sequence (c)
+          (display-message "~A is unbound" (gesture-name (gestures c))))
+        (abort-gesture ()
+          (display-message "Aborted")))
+      (display-drei drei :redisplay-minibuffer t)
+      (when (modified-p (view drei))
+        (when (gadget-value-changed-callback drei)
+          (value-changed-callback drei
+                                  (gadget-client drei)
+                                  (gadget-id drei)
+                                  (gadget-value drei)))
+        (setf (modified-p (view drei)) nil)))))
 ;;; This is the method that functions as the entry point for all Drei
 ;;; gadget logic.
@@ -314,8 +308,7 @@
       (let ((gesture (convert-to-gesture event)))
         (when (proper-gesture-p gesture)
           (with-bound-drei-special-variables (gadget :prompt (format nil "~A " (gesture-name gesture)))
-            (let ((*standard-input* (or *minibuffer* *standard-input*)))
-              (handle-gesture gadget gesture))))))))
+            (handle-gesture gadget gesture)))))))
 (defmethod handle-event :before 
     ((gadget drei-gadget-pane) (event pointer-button-press-event))
@@ -362,8 +355,7 @@
 record of the Drei area instance."))
   (:metaclass modual-class)
-   :command-executor 'execute-drei-command
-    :redisplay-minibuffer t)
+   :command-executor 'execute-drei-command)
   (:documentation "A Drei editable area implemented as an output
@@ -380,7 +372,8 @@
 (defmethod esa-current-window ((drei drei-area))
   (editor-pane drei))
-(defmethod display-drei ((drei drei-area))
+(defmethod display-drei ((drei drei-area) &rest args)
+  (declare (ignore args))
   (display-drei-area drei))
 ;;; Implementation of the displayed-output-record and region protocol
@@ -503,9 +496,8 @@
   (:documentation "A constellation of a Drei gadget instance and
   a minibuffer."))
-(defmethod display-drei :after ((drei drei))
-  (when (and *minibuffer* (not (eq *minibuffer* (editor-pane drei)))
-             (redisplay-minibuffer drei))
+(defmethod display-drei :after ((drei drei) &key redisplay-minibuffer)
+  (when (and *minibuffer* redisplay-minibuffer)
     ;; We need to use :force-p t to remove any existing output from
     ;; the pane.
     (redisplay-frame-pane (pane-frame *minibuffer*) *minibuffer* :force-p t)))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei.lisp	2008/01/30 07:31:33	1.34
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.35
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
 (define-command (com-drei-extended-command :command-table exclusive-gadget-table)
   "Prompt for a command name and arguments, then run it."
+  (require-minibuffer)
   (let ((item (handler-case
                    `(command :command-table ,(command-table (drei-instance)))
@@ -287,14 +288,6 @@
                      :initarg :cursors-visible
                      :documentation "If true, the cursors of this
 Drei instance will be visible. If false, they will not.")
-   (%redisplay-minibuffer :accessor redisplay-minibuffer
-                          :initform nil
-                          :initarg :redisplay-minibuffer
-                          :documentation "If true, the minibuffer
-associated with this Drei instance will be redisplayed as the
-last part of the Drei redisplay process. If false, it is the task
-of the Drei-using application to make sure the minibuffer is
-redisplayed as appropriate.")
    (%isearch-mode :initform nil :accessor isearch-mode)
    (%isearch-states :initform '() :accessor isearch-states)
    (%isearch-previous-string :initform nil :accessor isearch-previous-string)
@@ -388,13 +381,37 @@
     (format stream "~A" (type-of (view object)))))
 ;; Main redisplay entry point.
-(defgeneric display-drei (drei)
+(defgeneric display-drei (drei &key redisplay-minibuffer)
   (:documentation "`Drei' must be an object of type `drei' and
 `frame' must be a CLIM frame containing the editor pane of
 `drei'. If you define a new subclass of `drei', you must define a
 method for this generic function. In most cases, methods defined
 on this function will merely be a trampoline to a function
-specific to the given Drei variant."))
+specific to the given Drei variant.
+If `redisplay-minibuffer' is true, also redisplay `*minibuffer*'
+if it is non-NIL."))
+(define-condition no-available-minibuffer (user-condition-mixin error)
+  ((%drei :reader drei
+          :initarg :drei
+          :initform (error "A drei instance must be provided")
+          :documentation "The Drei instance that does not have an
+available minibuffer."))
+  (:documentation "This error is signalled when a command wants
+to use the minibuffer, but none is available."))
+(defun no-available-minibuffer (drei-instance)
+  "Signal an `no-available-minibuffer' error for
+  (error 'no-available-minibuffer :drei drei-instance))
+(defun require-minibuffer (&optional (drei-instance (drei-instance)))
+  "Check that the provided Drei instance (defaulting to the one
+currently running) has an available minibuffer. If not, signal an
+error of type `no-available-minibuffer'."
+  (unless *minibuffer*
+    (no-available-minibuffer drei-instance)))
@@ -419,9 +436,6 @@
 (defmethod handle-drei-condition (drei (condition motion-after-end))
   (beep) (display-message "End of buffer"))
-(defmethod handle-drei-condition (drei (condition no-expression))
-  (beep) (display-message "No expression around point"))
 (defmethod handle-drei-condition (drei (condition no-such-operation))
   (beep) (display-message "Operation unavailable for syntax"))
@@ -453,13 +467,27 @@
        (handle-drei-condition (drei-instance) c))
      (motion-after-end (c)
        (handle-drei-condition (drei-instance) c))
-     (no-expression (c)
-       (handle-drei-condition (drei-instance) c))
      (no-such-operation (c)
-       (handle-drei-condition (drei-instance) c))
-     (buffer-read-only (c)
        (handle-drei-condition (drei-instance) c))))
+(defun find-available-minibuffer (drei-instance)
+  "Find a pane usable as the minibuffer for `drei-instance'. The
+default will be to use the minibuffer specified for
+`drei-instance' (if there is one), secondarily the value of
+`*minibuffer*' will be used. Thirdly, the value of
+`*pointer-documentation-output*' will be used. If the found panes
+are not available (for example, if they are the editor-panes of
+`drei-instance'), it is possible for this function to return
+  (flet ((available-minibuffer-p (pane)
+           (and (or (typep pane 'minibuffer-pane)
+                    (typep pane 'pointer-documentation-pane))
+                (not (eq pane (editor-pane drei-instance))))))
+    (find-if #'available-minibuffer-p
+             (list (minibuffer drei-instance)
+                   *minibuffer*
+                   *pointer-documentation-output*))))
 (defmacro with-bound-drei-special-variables ((drei-instance &key
                                                             (kill-ring nil kill-ring-p)
                                                             (minibuffer nil minibuffer-p)
@@ -482,7 +510,7 @@
           (*kill-ring* ,(if kill-ring-p kill-ring
                             `(kill-ring (drei-instance))))
           (*minibuffer* ,(if minibuffer-p minibuffer
-                             `(or (minibuffer (drei-instance)) *minibuffer*)))
+                             `(find-available-minibuffer (drei-instance))))
           (*command-parser* ,(if command-parser-p command-parser
           (*partial-command-parser* ,(if partial-command-parser-p partial-command-parser
@@ -490,7 +518,8 @@
           (*previous-command* ,(if previous-command-p previous-command
                                    `(previous-command (drei-instance))))
           (*extended-command-prompt* ,(if prompt-p prompt
-                                          "Extended command: ")))
+                                          "Extended command: "))
+          (*standard-input* (or *minibuffer* *standard-input*)))
      , at body))
 (defgeneric invoke-performing-drei-operations (drei continuation &key with-undo redisplay)
@@ -510,7 +539,7 @@
          (redisplay-frame-pane *application-frame* drei))
-         (display-drei drei))))))
+         (display-drei drei :redisplay-minibuffer t))))))
 (defmacro performing-drei-operations ((drei &rest args &key with-undo
                                             (redisplay t))
@@ -581,9 +610,7 @@
   `(invoke-accepting-from-user ,drei #'(lambda () , at body)))
 ;;; Plain `execute-frame-command' is not good enough for us. Our
-;;; event-handler method uses this function to invoke commands, note
-;;; that it is also responsible for updating the syntax of the buffer
-;;; in the pane.
+;;; event-handler method uses this function to invoke commands.
 (defgeneric execute-drei-command (drei-instance command)
   (:documentation "Execute `command' for `drei'. This is the
 standard function for executing Drei commands - it will take care
@@ -592,9 +619,8 @@
 recording the operations performed by `command' for undo."))
 (defmethod execute-drei-command ((drei drei) command)
-  (let ((*standard-input* (or *minibuffer* *standard-input*)))
-    (performing-drei-operations (drei :redisplay nil
-                                      :with-undo t)
-      (handling-drei-conditions
-        (apply (command-name command) (command-arguments command)))
-      (setf (previous-command drei) command))))
+  (performing-drei-operations (drei :redisplay nil
+                                    :with-undo t)
+    (handling-drei-conditions
+      (apply (command-name command) (command-arguments command)))
+    (setf (previous-command drei) command)))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/input-editor.lisp	2008/01/27 09:36:07	1.25
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/input-editor.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.26
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@
 		     :y-position cy
 		     :active cursor-visibility
 		     :max-width max-width
-                     :minibuffer (or *minibuffer*
-                                     *pointer-documentation-output*)
                      :allow-other-keys t
       ;; XXX Really add it here?
@@ -561,19 +559,8 @@
   (let* ((drei (drei-instance stream))
          (*command-processor* drei)
          (was-directly-processing (directly-processing-p drei))
-         (minibuffer (or (minibuffer drei) *minibuffer*))
          (*drei-input-editing-stream* stream))
-    (with-bound-drei-special-variables (drei
-                                        ;; If the minibuffer is the
-                                        ;; stream we are encapsulating
-                                        ;; for the
-                                        ;; input-editing-stream, we
-                                        ;; don't want to use it as a
-                                        ;; minibuffer.
-                                        :minibuffer (if (eq minibuffer *standard-input*)
-                                                        *pointer-documentation-output*
-                                                        minibuffer)
-                                        :prompt "M-x ")
+    (with-bound-drei-special-variables (drei :prompt "M-x ")
       (update-drei-buffer stream)
       ;; Commands are permitted to signal immediate rescans, but
       ;; we may need to do some stuff first.
@@ -589,14 +576,13 @@
                  (abort-gesture (c)
                    (if (member (abort-gesture-event c)
-                               :test #'event-matches-gesture-name-p)
+                        :test #'event-matches-gesture-name-p)
                        (signal 'abort-gesture :event (abort-gesture-event c))
                        (when was-directly-processing
                          (display-message "Aborted")))))))
         (update-drei-buffer stream))
       (let ((first-mismatch (prefix-size (view drei))))
-        ;; Will also take care of redisplaying minibuffer.
-        (display-drei drei)
+        (display-drei drei :redisplay-minibuffer t)
         (cond ((null first-mismatch)
                ;; No change actually took place, even though IP may
                ;; have moved.
@@ -873,7 +859,7 @@
                             ;; and signal a rescan.
                             (setf (activation-gesture stream) nil)
                             (handle-drei-condition drei e)
-                            (display-drei drei)
+                            (display-drei drei :redisplay-minibuffer t)
                             (immediate-rescan stream))))
                 (ptype (presentation-type-of object)))
            (return-from control-loop
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2008/01/30 07:31:33	1.48
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.49
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
            #:parse-stack-top #:target-parse-tree #:parse-state-empty-p
            #:parse-stack-next #:parse-stack-symbol
            #:parse-stack-parse-trees #:map-over-parse-trees
-           #:no-such-operation #:no-expression
+           #:no-such-operation
@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@
+           #:no-available-minibuffer
            ;; Views and their facilities.
            #:drei-view #:modified-p #:no-cursors
@@ -289,6 +290,7 @@
            #:performing-drei-operations #:invoke-performing-drei-operations
            #:accepting-from-user #:invoke-accepting-from-user
+           #:require-minibuffer
            ;; Gadget interface stuff.
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/search-commands.lisp	2008/01/26 12:37:25	1.7
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/search-commands.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.8
@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@
 (define-command (com-replace-string :name t :command-table search-table)
   "Replace all occurrences of `string' with `newstring'."
+  (require-minibuffer)
   ;; We have to do it this way if we want to refer to STRING in NEWSTRING
   (let* ((string (accept 'string :prompt "Replace String"))
 	 (newstring (accept'string :prompt (format nil "Replace ~A with" string))))
@@ -343,6 +344,7 @@
 (define-command (com-query-replace :name t :command-table search-table) ()
+  (require-minibuffer)
   (let* ((drei (drei-instance))
          (old-state (query-replace-state drei))
          (old-string1 (when old-state (string1 old-state)))
@@ -493,6 +495,7 @@
 	    do (princ char result))))
 (define-command (com-regex-search-forward :name t :command-table search-table) ()
+  (require-minibuffer)
   (let ((string (accept 'string :prompt "RE search"
 			:delimiter-gestures nil
@@ -502,6 +505,7 @@
                             (re-search-forward mark (normalise-minibuffer-regex string))))))
 (define-command (com-regex-search-backward :name t :command-table search-table) ()
+  (require-minibuffer)
   (let ((string (accept 'string :prompt "RE search backward"
 			:delimiter-gestures nil
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/syntax.lisp	2008/01/29 19:13:06	1.16
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/syntax.lisp	2008/01/30 11:48:40	1.17
@@ -73,14 +73,6 @@
   (:documentation "This condition is signaled whenever an attempt is
 made to execute an operation that is unavailable for the particular syntax" ))
-(define-condition no-expression (simple-error)
-  ()
-  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
-	     (declare (ignore condition))
-	     (format stream "No expression at point")))
-  (:documentation "This condition is signaled whenever an attempt is
-made to execute a by-experssion motion command and no expression is available." ))
 (defgeneric update-syntax (syntax unchanged-prefix unchanged-suffix
                                   &optional begin end)
   (:documentation "Inform the syntax module that it must update

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