[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 16 13:12:41 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv13598/Drei

Modified Files:
Log Message:
More redisplay optimisations (so fast!).

Also, don't end in an infinite loop if we can't even fit a single line
on the screen.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/01/16 12:01:05	1.37
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/01/16 13:12:40	1.38
@@ -541,7 +541,9 @@
 anything. Will use the function specified in the drawing-options
 of `stroke' to carry out the actual calculations."
   (unless (and (= cursor-x (x1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
-               (not (stroke-dirty stroke)))
+               (= cursor-y (y1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
+               (not (stroke-dirty stroke))
+               (mark<= (stroke-end-offset stroke) (bot view)))
     (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t))
   (when (stroke-dirty stroke)
     (funcall (drawing-options-function (stroke-drawing-options stroke)) stream view stroke
@@ -571,36 +573,14 @@
           (x2 dimensions) (+ x1 line-width)
           (y2 dimensions) (+ y1 line-height))))
-(defun end-line-cleaning-up (view pane line line-x1 line-y1
+(defun end-line-cleaning-up (view line line-x1 line-y1
                              line-width line-height)
   "End the addition of strokes to `line' for now, and update the
-dimensions of `line'. Update all undisplayed lines to have no
-associated dimensions. Also clear from the bottom of strokes to
-the bottom of the line, and from the end of the line to the end
-of the sheet."
+dimensions of `line'."
   (end-line line line-x1 line-y1 line-width line-height)
-  (with-accessors ((line-x1 x1) (line-y1 y1)
-                   (line-x2 x2) (line-y2 y2)) (line-dimensions line)
-    (setf (max-line-width view)
-          (max (max-line-width view)
-               (dimensions-width (line-dimensions line))))
-    ;; If a has a lesser height than the line, clear from the top of
-    ;; the line stroke to the top of the stroke, to avoid artifacts
-    ;; left over from previous redisplays.
-    (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
-      (let ((stroke-dimensions (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
-        (with-accessors ((stroke-x1 x1) (stroke-y1 y1)
-                         (stroke-x2 x2) (stroke-y2 y2)) stroke-dimensions
-          (when (> line-height (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions))
-            (clear-rectangle* pane stroke-x1 line-y1
-                              stroke-x2 stroke-y1)))))
-    ;; Reset the dimensions of undisplayed lines.
-    (do-undisplayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
-      (let ((stroke-dimensions (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
-        (with-accessors ((stroke-x1 x1) (stroke-y1 y1)
-                         (stroke-x2 x2) (stroke-y2 y2)) stroke-dimensions
-          (setf stroke-x1 0 stroke-y1 0
-                stroke-x2 0 stroke-y2 0))))))
+  (setf (max-line-width view)
+        (max (max-line-width view)
+             (dimensions-width (line-dimensions line)))))
 (defun draw-line-strokes (pane view initial-pump-state
                           start-offset cursor-x cursor-y)
@@ -654,7 +634,7 @@
          for stroke = (aref (line-strokes line) stroke-index)
          for stroke-dimensions = (stroke-dimensions stroke)
          do (draw-stroke pane view stroke (x1 stroke-dimensions) baseline)
-         finally (progn (end-line-cleaning-up view pane line orig-x-offset cursor-y
+         finally (progn (end-line-cleaning-up view line orig-x-offset cursor-y
                                               line-width line-height)
                         (incf (displayed-lines-count view))
                         (return (values pump-state line-height)))))))
@@ -1103,7 +1083,8 @@
                                          (round x1))
-          (when (> y2 (+ y-position viewport-height))
+          (when (and (> y2 (+ y-position viewport-height))
+                     (not (end-of-buffer-p (bot view))))
             (full-redisplay pane)
             ;; We start all over!
             (display-drei-pane (pane-frame pane) pane)))))))

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