[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 14 18:42:43 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv4573/Drei

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Baseline-adjusted drawing for Drei. Please test.

Is very slightly slower than it used to be, but enables an
optimisation (reduction in number of distinct calls to
draw-rectangle*) that I'll finish up shortly.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/01/14 12:43:05	1.26
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/01/14 18:42:43	1.27
@@ -100,11 +100,12 @@
   (style nil))
 (defconstant +default-stroke-drawer-dispatcher+
-  #'(lambda (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y default-drawing-fn)
-      (funcall default-drawing-fn stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y))
-  "A simple function of six arguments that simply calls the first
-argument as a function with the remaining five arguments. Used as
-the default drawing-function of `drawing-options' objects.")
+  #'(lambda (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y default-drawing-fn draw)
+      (funcall default-drawing-fn stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y draw))
+  "A simple function of seven arguments that simply calls the
+first argument as a function with the remaining sex
+arguments. Used as the default drawing-function of
+`drawing-options' objects.")
 (defstruct drawing-options
   "A set of options for how to display a stroke."
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@
 be absolute coordinates in the coordinate system of a sheet. A
 special `center' slot is also provided to enable the recording of
 what might be considered a *logical* centre of the dimensions on
-the vertical axis."
+the vertical axis. `Center' should be relative to `y1'."
   (x1 0)
   (y1 0)
   (x2 0)
@@ -189,6 +190,13 @@
+(defun stroke-at-end-of-line (buffer stroke)
+  "Return true if the end offset of `stroke' is at the end of a
+line in `buffer'. Otherwise, return nil. The end offset of
+`stroke' must be a valid offset for `buffer' or an error will be
+  (offset-end-of-line-p buffer (stroke-end-offset stroke)))
 (defstruct (displayed-line (:conc-name line-))
   "A line on display. A line delimits a buffer region (always
 bounded by newline objects or border beginning/end) and contains
@@ -391,8 +399,7 @@
 sets the modified-bit of `stroke' to false, as it updates the
   (let ((dimensions (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
-    (setf (stroke-dirty stroke) (and (stroke-dirty stroke)
-                                     (not drawn))
+    (setf (stroke-dirty stroke) (and (stroke-dirty stroke) (not drawn))
           (stroke-modified stroke) nil
 	  (stroke-parts stroke) parts
           (stroke-widths stroke) widths
@@ -443,12 +450,11 @@
   "Calculate the width information of `stroke-string' when
 displayed with `text-style' (which must be fully specified) on
 `stream', starting at the horizontal device unit offset
-`x-position'. Four values will be returned: the total width of
-the stroke, the baseline, the parts of the stroke and the widths
-of the parts of the stroke."
+`x-position'. Three values will be returned: the total width of
+the stroke, the parts of the stroke and the widths of the parts
+of the stroke."
   (loop with parts = (analyse-stroke-string stroke-string)
      with width = 0
-     with baseline = 0
      with widths = (make-array (length parts) :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
      with tab-width
      for (start end object) in parts
@@ -459,32 +465,32 @@
                         (mod (+ width x-position) tab-width)))
                (vector-push-extend width widths))
-               (multiple-value-bind (w ignore1 ignore2 ignore3 b)
+               (multiple-value-bind (w ignore1 ignore2 ignore3 ignore4)
                    (text-size stream object
                     :text-style text-style)
-                 (declare (ignore ignore1 ignore2 ignore3))
+                 (declare (ignore ignore1 ignore2 ignore3 ignore4))
                  (incf width w)
-                 (setf baseline (max baseline b))
                  (vector-push-extend width widths)))
-               (multiple-value-bind (w ignore1 ignore2 ignore3 b)
+               (multiple-value-bind (w ignore1 ignore2 ignore3 ignore4)
                    (text-size stream stroke-string
                     :start start :end end
                     :text-style text-style)
-                 (declare (ignore ignore1 ignore2 ignore3))
+                 (declare (ignore ignore1 ignore2 ignore3 ignore4))
                  (incf width w)
-                 (setf baseline (max baseline b))
                  (vector-push-extend width widths))))
-     finally (return (values width baseline parts widths))))
+     finally (return (values width parts widths))))
-(defun stroke-drawing-fn (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
-  "Draw `stroke' to `stream' at the position (`cursor-x',
+(defun stroke-drawing-fn (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y draw)
+  "Draw `stroke' to `stream' baseline-adjusted at the position (`cursor-x',
 `cursor-y'). `View' is the view object that `stroke' belongs
-to. It is assumed that the buffer region delimited by `stroke'
-only contains characters. `Stroke' is drawn with face given by
-the drawing options of `stroke', using the default text style of
-`stream' to fill out any holes. The screen area beneath `stroke'
-will be cleared before any actual output takes place."
+to. If `draw' is true, actually draw the stroke to `stream',
+otherwise, just calculate its size. It is assumed that the buffer
+region delimited by `stroke' only contains characters. `Stroke'
+is drawn with face given by the drawing options of `stroke',
+using the default text style of `stream' to fill out any
+holes. The screen area beneath `stroke' will be cleared before
+any actual output takes place."
   (with-accessors ((start-offset stroke-start-offset)
                    (end-offset stroke-end-offset)
                    (dimensions stroke-dimensions)
@@ -500,56 +506,56 @@
            ;; Ignore face when computing height, otherwise we get
            ;; bouncy lines when things like parenmatching bolds parts
            ;; of the line.
-           (roman-text-style (merge-text-styles +roman-face-style+
-                                                merged-text-style))
+           (roman-text-style (merge-text-styles +roman-face-style+ merged-text-style))
            (text-style-ascent (text-style-ascent roman-text-style (sheet-medium stream)))
-           (text-style-descent (text-style-descent roman-text-style (sheet-medium stream)))
-           (text-style-height (+ text-style-ascent text-style-descent)))
+           (text-style-descent (text-style-descent roman-text-style (sheet-medium stream))))
       (with-accessors ((x1 x1) (x2 x2) (center center)) dimensions
-        (multiple-value-bind (width baseline stroke-parts part-widths)
+        (multiple-value-bind (width stroke-parts part-widths)
 	    (if (stroke-modified stroke)
 		(calculate-stroke-width stroke-string merged-text-style stream cursor-x)
-		(values (- x2 x1) center parts widths))
-	  (clear-rectangle* stream cursor-x cursor-y
-			    (+ cursor-x width) (+ cursor-y text-style-height
-						  (stream-vertical-spacing stream)))
-	  (loop for (start end object) in stroke-parts
-		for width across part-widths
-		do (cond ((and object (eq object #\Tab))
-			  nil)
-			 (object
-			  (draw-text* stream object (+ cursor-x width)
-				      (+ cursor-y
-					 (- text-style-ascent
-					    baseline))
-				      :text-style merged-text-style
-				      :ink +darkblue+
-				      :align-y :top))
-			 (t
-			  (draw-text* stream stroke-string (+ cursor-x width)
-				      (+ cursor-y
-					 (- text-style-ascent
-					    baseline))
-				      :start start :end end
-				      :text-style merged-text-style
-				      :ink (face-ink (drawing-options-face drawing-options))
-				      :align-y :top))))
-	  (record-stroke stroke stroke-parts part-widths cursor-x cursor-y
-			 (+ width cursor-x) (+ text-style-height cursor-y)
-			 t baseline))))))
+		(values (- x2 x1) parts widths))
+          (when draw
+            (loop for (start end object) in stroke-parts
+               for width across part-widths
+               do (cond ((and object (eq object #\Tab))
+                         nil)
+                        (object
+                         (draw-text* stream object (+ cursor-x width)
+                                     cursor-y
+                                     :text-style merged-text-style
+                                     :ink +darkblue+
+                                     :align-y :baseline))
+                        (t
+                         (draw-text* stream stroke-string (+ cursor-x width)
+                                     cursor-y
+                                     :start start :end end
+                                     :text-style merged-text-style
+                                     :ink (face-ink (drawing-options-face drawing-options))
+                                     :align-y :baseline)))))
+	  (record-stroke stroke stroke-parts part-widths
+                         cursor-x (- cursor-y text-style-ascent)
+			 (+ width cursor-x) (+ cursor-y text-style-descent)
+			 draw text-style-ascent))))))
+(defun update-stroke-dimensions (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
+  "Calculate the dimensions of `stroke' on `stream'
+at (`cursor-x', `cursor-y'), but without actually drawing
+anything. Will use the function specified in the drawing-options
+of `stroke' to carry out the actual calculations."
+  (unless (= cursor-x (x1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
+    (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t))
+  (when (stroke-dirty stroke)
+    (funcall (drawing-options-function (stroke-drawing-options stroke)) stream view stroke
+             cursor-x cursor-y #'stroke-drawing-fn nil)))
 (defun draw-stroke (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
-  "Draw `stroke' on `stream' at (`cursor-x', `cursor-y'). Nothing
-will be done unless `stroke' is dirty. Will use the function
-specified in the drawing-options of `stroke' to carry out the
-actual drawing."
-  (let* ((drawing-options (stroke-drawing-options stroke)))
-    (unless (and (= cursor-x (x1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
-                 (= cursor-y (y1 (stroke-dimensions stroke))))
-      (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t))
-    (when (stroke-dirty stroke)
-      (funcall (drawing-options-function drawing-options) stream view stroke
-               cursor-x cursor-y #'stroke-drawing-fn))))
+  "Draw `stroke' on `stream' with a baseline at
+`cursor-y'. Drawing starts at the horizontal offset
+`cursor-x'. Stroke must thus have updated dimensional
+informational. Nothing will be done unless `stroke' is dirty."
+  (when (stroke-dirty stroke)
+    (funcall (drawing-options-function (stroke-drawing-options stroke))
+             stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y #'stroke-drawing-fn t)))
 (defun end-line (line x1 y1 line-width line-height)
   "End the addition of strokes to `line' for now, and update the
@@ -568,21 +574,20 @@
 associated dimensions. Also clear from the bottom of strokes to
 the bottom of the line, and from the end of the line to the end
 of the sheet."
+  (declare (ignore old-line-width))
   (end-line line line-x1 line-y1 line-width line-height)
   (with-accessors ((line-x1 x1) (line-y1 y1)
                    (line-x2 x2) (line-y2 y2)) (line-dimensions line)
-    ;; If a has a lesser height than the line, clear from the bottom
-    ;; of the stroke to the bottom of the line, to avoid artifacts
-    ;; left over from prefvious redisplays.
+    ;; If a has a lesser height than the line, clear from the top of
+    ;; the line stroke to the top of the stroke, to avoid artifacts
+    ;; left over from previous redisplays.
     (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
       (let ((stroke-dimensions (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
         (with-accessors ((stroke-x1 x1) (stroke-y1 y1)
                          (stroke-x2 x2) (stroke-y2 y2)) stroke-dimensions
           (when (> line-height (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions))
-            (clear-rectangle* stream stroke-x1 stroke-y2
-                              stroke-x2 (+ stroke-y2 (- line-height
-                                                        (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions))
-                                           (stream-vertical-spacing stream)))))))
+            (clear-rectangle* stream stroke-x1 line-y1
+                              stroke-x2 stroke-y1)))))
     ;; Reset the dimensions of undisplayed lines.
     (do-undisplayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
       (let ((stroke-dimensions (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
@@ -594,43 +599,58 @@
     (clear-rectangle* stream line-x2 line-y1
                       (bounding-rectangle-width stream)
                       (+ line-y1 (max line-height old-line-height)
-                         (stream-vertical-spacing stream)))
-    (when (or (> old-line-height line-height)
-              (> old-line-width line-width))
-      (clear-rectangle* stream line-x1 (+ line-y1 line-height)
-                        (+ line-x1 (max old-line-width line-width))
-                        (+ line-y1 (max old-line-height line-height))))))
+                         (stream-vertical-spacing stream)))))
 (defun draw-line-strokes (stream view initial-pump-state
                           start-offset cursor-x cursor-y)
   "Pump strokes from `view', using `initial-pump-state' to begin
 with, and draw them on `stream'. The line is set to start at the
 buffer offset `start-offset', and will be drawn starting
-at (`cursor-x', `cursor-y')"
+at (`cursor-x', `cursor-y')."
   (let* ((line (line-information view (displayed-lines-count view)))
          (old-line-height (dimensions-height (line-dimensions line)))
          (old-line-width (dimensions-width (line-dimensions line)))
          (orig-x-offset cursor-x)
-         (offset-change (- start-offset (line-start-offset line))))
+         (offset-change (- start-offset (line-start-offset line)))
+         (line-spacing (stream-vertical-spacing stream)))
     (setf (line-start-offset line) start-offset
           (line-stroke-count line) 0)
-    (loop for index from 0
-       for stroke = (line-stroke-information line index)
-       for stroke-dimensions = (stroke-dimensions stroke)
-       for pump-state = (put-stroke view line initial-pump-state offset-change) then
-       (put-stroke view line pump-state offset-change)
-       do (draw-stroke stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
-       (setf cursor-x (x2 stroke-dimensions))
-       maximizing (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions) into line-height
-       summing (- (x2 stroke-dimensions)
-                  (x1 stroke-dimensions)) into line-width
-       when (or (= (stroke-end-offset stroke) (size (buffer view)))
-                (eql (buffer-object (buffer view) (stroke-end-offset stroke)) #\Newline))
-       return (progn (end-line-cleaning-up stream line orig-x-offset cursor-y
-                                           line-width old-line-width
-                                           line-height old-line-height)
-                     (incf (displayed-lines-count view))
-                     (values pump-state line-height)))))
+    ;; So yeah, this is fairly black magic, but it's not actually
+    ;; ugly, just complex.
+    (multiple-value-bind (line-width line-height baseline pump-state)
+        ;; Pump all the line strokes and calculate their dimensions.
+        (loop for index from 0
+           for stroke = (line-stroke-information line index)
+           for stroke-dimensions = (stroke-dimensions stroke)
+           for pump-state = (put-stroke view line initial-pump-state offset-change) then
+           (put-stroke view line pump-state offset-change)
+           do (update-stroke-dimensions stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
+           (setf cursor-x (x2 stroke-dimensions))
+           maximizing (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions) into line-height
+           maximizing (+ (center stroke-dimensions) cursor-y) into baseline
+           summing (dimensions-width stroke-dimensions) into line-width
+           when (stroke-at-end-of-line (buffer view) stroke)
+           return (values line-width line-height baseline pump-state))
+      ;; Now actually draw them in a way that makes sure they all
+      ;; touch the bottom of the line.
+      (loop with last-clear-x = orig-x-offset
+         for stroke-index below (line-stroke-count line)
+         for stroke = (aref (line-strokes line) stroke-index)
+         for stroke-dimensions = (stroke-dimensions stroke)
+         do (unless (= baseline (+ cursor-y (center stroke-dimensions)))
+              (invalidate-stroke stroke))
+         (when (stroke-dirty stroke)
+           (clear-rectangle* stream (x1 stroke-dimensions) cursor-y
+                             (x2 stroke-dimensions)
+                             (+ cursor-y line-height line-spacing))
+           (setf last-clear-x (x2 stroke-dimensions)))
+         (draw-stroke stream view stroke
+                      (x1 stroke-dimensions) baseline)
+         finally (progn (end-line-cleaning-up stream line orig-x-offset cursor-y
+                                              line-width old-line-width
+                                              line-height old-line-height)
+                        (incf (displayed-lines-count view))
+                        (return (values pump-state line-height)))))))
 (defun clear-stale-lines (pane view)
   "Clear from the last displayed line to the end of `pane'."
@@ -652,7 +672,7 @@
 	(widths (make-array 2 :initial-contents (list 0 0)))
 	(parts (list 0 1)))
     #'(lambda (stream view stroke cursor-x cursor-y
-               default-drawing-fn)
+               default-drawing-fn draw)
         (declare (ignore default-drawing-fn))
         (with-accessors ((start-offset stroke-start-offset)
                          (drawing-options stroke-drawing-options)) stroke
@@ -665,20 +685,17 @@
             ;; like the changing position is ignored. So add some
             ;; minuscule amount to it, and all will be well. 0.1
             ;; device units shouldn't even be visible.
-            (setf (output-record-position output-record) (values (+ cursor-x 0.1) cursor-y))
             (let ((width (bounding-rectangle-width output-record))
                   (height (bounding-rectangle-height output-record)))
-              (clear-rectangle* stream cursor-x cursor-y
-                                (+ cursor-x width) (+ cursor-y height
-                                                      (stream-vertical-spacing stream)))
-              (replay output-record stream)
+              (setf (output-record-position output-record)
+                    (values (+ cursor-x 0.1) (- cursor-y height)))
+              (when draw
+                (replay output-record stream))
 	      (setf (aref widths 1) width)
               (record-stroke stroke parts widths
-			     cursor-x cursor-y (+ width cursor-x)
-                             (+ (if (zerop height)
-                                    (text-style-height (medium-text-style stream) stream)
-                                    height)
-                                cursor-y))))))))
+                             cursor-x (- cursor-y height)
+                             (+ width cursor-x) cursor-y
+                             draw height)))))))
 (defmethod pump-state-for-offset ((view drei-buffer-view) (offset integer))
   "For a `drei-buffer-view' a pump-state is merely an offset into
@@ -767,7 +784,7 @@
 (defgeneric offset-to-screen-position (pane view offset)
   (:documentation "Returns the position of offset as a screen
-position.  Returns `x', `y', `line-height', `OBJECT-WIDTH' as
+position.  Returns `x', `y', `stroke-height', `object-width' as
 values if offset is on the screen, NIL if offset is before the
 beginning of the screen, and T if offset is after the end of the
 screen. `Object-width' may be an approximation if `offset' is at
@@ -786,7 +803,7 @@
                                  (/= start-offset end-offset))
                             (return-from worker
                               (values (x1 stroke-dimensions) (y1 stroke-dimensions)
-                                      (dimensions-height line-dimensions)
+                                      (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions)
                                       (if (= end-offset (1+ start-offset))
                                           (dimensions-width stroke-dimensions)
                                           (offset-in-stroke-position pane view stroke (1+ offset))))))
@@ -796,7 +813,7 @@
                               (let* ((relative-x-position (offset-in-stroke-position pane view stroke offset))
                                      (absolute-x-position (+ (x1 stroke-dimensions) relative-x-position)))
                                 (values absolute-x-position (y1 stroke-dimensions)
-                                        (dimensions-height line-dimensions)
+                                        (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions)
                                         (if (= (1+ offset) end-offset)
                                             (- (x2 stroke-dimensions) absolute-x-position)
                                             (- (offset-in-stroke-position pane view stroke (1+ offset))
@@ -815,9 +832,9 @@
            ;; Search through strokes, returning when we find one that
            ;; `offset' is in. Strokes with >1 object are assumed to be
            ;; strings.
-           (multiple-value-bind (x y line-height object-width) (worker)
-             (if (and x y line-height)
-                 (values x y line-height (or object-width default-object-width))

[21 lines skipped]

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