[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Extensions/Images

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Fri Jan 11 06:00:07 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv2033/Extensions/Images

Modified Files:
	gif.lisp image-viewer.lisp images.lisp jpeg.lisp package.lisp 
Log Message:
Changed MCCLIM-IMAGES:LOAD-IMAGE to create an instance of an image
class containing size information. Fixex JPEG reading.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/gif.lisp	2008/01/09 10:20:23	1.3
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/gif.lisp	2008/01/11 06:00:06	1.4
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
 (define-image-reader "gif" (image-pathname &key)
   (let* ((data-stream (skippy:load-data-stream image-pathname))
          (first-image (aref (skippy:images data-stream) 0))
-         (pattern-array (make-array (list (skippy:height first-image)
-                                          (skippy:width first-image))))
+         (image-height (skippy:height first-image))
+         (image-width (skippy:width first-image))
+         (pattern-array (make-array (list image-height image-width)))
          (designs (coerce (loop with color-table = (skippy:color-table data-stream)
-                               with transparency-index = (skippy:transparency-index first-image)
+                             with transparency-index = (skippy:transparency-index first-image)
                              for i below (skippy:color-table-size color-table)
                              when (and transparency-index (= i transparency-index))
                              collect +transparent-ink+
@@ -35,7 +36,8 @@
                                  (skippy:color-rgb (skippy:color-table-entry color-table i))
                                (make-rgb-color (/ r 255) (/ g 255) (/ b 255))))
-    (dotimes (y (array-dimension pattern-array 0))
-      (dotimes (x (array-dimension pattern-array 1))
+    (dotimes (y image-height)
+      (dotimes (x image-width)
         (setf (aref pattern-array y x) (skippy:pixel-ref first-image x y))))
-    (make-pattern pattern-array designs)))
+    (make-image (make-pattern pattern-array designs)
+                image-height image-width)))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/image-viewer.lisp	2008/01/09 19:27:39	1.1
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/image-viewer.lisp	2008/01/11 06:00:06	1.2
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
   ;; Clear the old image.
   (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) (sheet-region pane)    
     (draw-rectangle* (sheet-medium pane) x1 y1 x2 y2 :ink +background-ink+))
-  ;; Draw the new one, if there is one.
   (when (gadget-value pane)
-    (draw-design pane (gadget-value pane))))
+    ;; Try to ensure there is room for the new image.
+    (change-space-requirements pane
+     :height (image-height (gadget-value pane))
+     :width (image-width (gadget-value pane)))
+    ;; Draw the new one, if there is one.
+    (draw-image pane (gadget-value pane))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/images.lisp	2008/01/06 08:36:57	1.1
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/images.lisp	2008/01/11 06:00:06	1.2
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 file to be read, and any keyword arguments provided by the
-(defun image-format-supported (format)
+(defun image-format-supported-p (format)
   "Return true if `format' is supported by `load-image'."
   (not (null (gethash format *image-readers*))))
@@ -49,18 +49,42 @@
 image format `format'."
   (error 'unsupported-image-format :image-format format))
+(defclass image ()
+  ((%image-design :reader image-design
+                  :initarg :image-design
+                  :initform (error "A design must be provided for the image"))
+   (%width :reader image-width
+           :initarg :image-width
+           :initform (error "A width must be provided for the image"))
+   (%height :reader image-height
+            :initarg :image-height
+            :initform (error "A width must be provided for the image"))))
+(defun make-image (design height width)
+  "Make and return an instance of `image' with the specified
+`design', `width' and `height'."
+  (make-instance 'image :image-design design
+                        :image-height height
+                        :image-width width))
+(defun draw-image (stream image)
+  "Draw `image' to `stream'. `Stream' must be a sufficiently
+powerful output stream (probably an `extended-output-stream')."
+  (draw-design stream (image-design image)))
 (defun load-image (image-pathname &rest args &key)
   "Load an image from `image-pathname', with the format of the
-image being the pathname-type of `image-pathname'. `Args' can be
-any keyword-arguments, they will be passed on to the image reader
-function for the relevant image format. If the image format is
-not recognised, an error of type `unsupprted-image-format' will
-be signalled."
+image being the pathname-type of `image-pathname'. Returns an
+instance of class `image'. `Args' can be any keyword-arguments,
+they will be passed on to the image reader function for the
+relevant image format. If the image format is not recognised, an
+error of type `unsupprted-image-format' will be signalled."
   (apply #'load-image-of-format (pathname-type image-pathname)
          image-pathname args))
 (defun load-image-of-format (format image-pathname &rest args &key)
-  "Load an image of format `format' from `image-pathname'. `Args'
+  "Load an image of format `format' from
+`image-pathname'. Returns an instance of class `image'. `Args'
 can be any keyword-arguments, they will be passed on to the image
 reader function for `format'. If the image format is not
 recognised, an error of type `unsupprted-image-format' will be
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/jpeg.lisp	2008/01/07 12:54:02	1.2
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/jpeg.lisp	2008/01/11 06:00:06	1.3
@@ -31,15 +31,18 @@
              (rgb-image (make-instance 'clim-internals::rgb-image
 				       :width width :height height :alphap nil
 				       :data rgb-image-data)))
-        (loop for y from (1- height) downto 0 do
-             (loop for x from (1- width) downto 0 do
-                  (let ((grey (svref rgb (+ x (* y width)))))
-                    (setf (aref rgb-image-data y x)
-                          (dpb grey (byte 8 0)
-                               (dpb grey (byte 8 8)
-                                    (dpb grey (byte 8 16)
-                                         (dpb (- 255 0) (byte 8 24) 0))))))))
-        (clim-internals::make-rgb-image-design rgb-image)))))
+        (dotimes (x width)
+          (dotimes (y height)
+            (let ((blue (aref rgb (+ (* x 3) (* y width 3))))
+                  (green (aref rgb (+ (* x 3) (* y width 3) 1)))
+                  (red (aref rgb (+ (* x 3) (* y width 3) 2))))
+              (setf (aref rgb-image-data y x)
+                    (dpb red (byte 8 0)
+                         (dpb green (byte 8 8)
+                              (dpb blue (byte 8 16)
+                                   (dpb (- 255 0) (byte 8 24) 0))))))))
+        (make-image (clim-internals::make-rgb-image-design rgb-image)
+                    height width)))))
 (define-image-reader "jpg" (pathname)
   (load-image-of-format "jpeg" pathname))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/package.lisp	2008/01/09 19:27:39	1.2
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/package.lisp	2008/01/11 06:00:06	1.3
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
 (defpackage :mcclim-images
   (:use :clim-lisp :clim)
-  (:export :export #:image-format-supported
+  (:export #:image-format-supported-p
+           #:image #:image-width #:image-height
+           #:draw-image
            #:load-image #:load-image-of-format
            #:unsupported-image-format #:image-format
            #:image-viewer #:image-viewer-pane))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/xpm.lisp	2008/01/06 08:36:57	1.1
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Extensions/Images/xpm.lisp	2008/01/11 06:00:06	1.2
@@ -442,7 +442,10 @@
 (define-image-reader "xpm" (pathname &key)
   (with-open-file (input pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-    (xpm-parse-stream input)))
+    (let ((pattern (xpm-parse-stream input)))
+      (make-image pattern
+                  (pattern-height pattern)
+                  (pattern-width pattern)))))

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