[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 9 08:55:24 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv30926/Drei

Modified Files:
	lisp-syntax-swine.lisp lisp-syntax.lisp lr-syntax.lisp 
Log Message:
Do less incrementality-pretending in Lr syntax, but be more aware of the possibility in Lisp syntax.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax-swine.lisp	2007/12/16 14:42:07	1.10
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax-swine.lisp	2008/01/09 08:55:24	1.11
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
 provided are, in order: the form, the forms operator, the indices
 to the operand at `offset', or the indices to an operand entered
 at that position if none is there, and the operands in the form."
-  (update-parse syntax 0 offset)
+  (update-parse syntax)
   (let* ((form
           ;; Find a form with a valid (fboundp) operator.
           (let ((immediate-form
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax.lisp	2008/01/08 21:16:16	1.60
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax.lisp	2008/01/09 08:55:24	1.61
@@ -1209,7 +1209,6 @@
 (defun need-to-update-package-list-p (prefix-size suffix-size syntax)
   (let ((low-mark-offset prefix-size)
         (high-mark-offset (- (size (buffer syntax)) suffix-size)))
-    (update-parse syntax)
     (flet ((test (x)
              (let ((start-offset (start-offset x))
                    (end-offset (end-offset x)))
@@ -1249,17 +1248,18 @@
 (defun update-package-list (syntax)
   (setf (package-list syntax) nil)
+  (update-parse syntax)
   (flet ((test (x)
            (when (form-list-p x)
              (let ((candidate (first-form (children x))))
                (and (form-token-p candidate)
                     (eq (form-to-object syntax candidate
-                                         :no-error t)
+                         :no-error t)
          (extract (x)
            (let ((designator (second-form (children x))))
              (form-to-object syntax designator
-                              :no-error t))))
+              :no-error t))))
     (with-slots (stack-top) syntax
       (loop for child in (children stack-top)
          when (test child)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2008/01/08 21:05:50	1.14
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2008/01/09 08:55:24	1.15
@@ -267,8 +267,7 @@
   (print-unreadable-object (mark stream :type t :identity t)
     (format stream "~s" (offset mark))))
-(defun parse-patch (syntax begin end)
-  (declare (ignore begin))
+(defun parse-patch (syntax)
   (with-slots (current-state stack-top scan potentially-valid-trees) syntax
     (parser-step syntax)
     (finish-output *trace-output*)
@@ -359,12 +358,13 @@
 (defmethod update-syntax values-max-min ((syntax lr-syntax-mixin) prefix-size suffix-size
                                          &optional (begin 0) (end (size (buffer syntax))))
+  (declare (ignore begin end))
   (let* ((low-mark-offset prefix-size)
 	 (high-mark-offset (- (size (buffer syntax)) suffix-size)))
     (when (<= low-mark-offset high-mark-offset)
       (catch 'done
-	(with-slots (current-state stack-top scan potentially-valid-trees
-				   initial-state) syntax
+        (with-slots (current-state stack-top scan potentially-valid-trees
+                                   initial-state) syntax
           (setf potentially-valid-trees
                 (if (null stack-top)
@@ -373,12 +373,12 @@
           (setf stack-top (find-last-valid-lexeme stack-top low-mark-offset))
           (setf (offset scan) (if (null stack-top) 0 (end-offset stack-top))
                 current-state (if (null stack-top)
-				  initial-state
+                                  initial-state
                                   (new-state syntax
                                              (parser-state stack-top)
-          (loop do (parse-patch syntax begin end)))))
-    (values 0 end)))
+          (loop do (parse-patch syntax)))))
+    (values 0 (offset (scan syntax)))))

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