[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 5 14:23:16 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8577/Drei

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Handle more noncharacters in the Lisp lexer.

Fix dumb bug in `find-list-parent'.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax.lisp	2008/01/05 11:55:18	1.50
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lisp-syntax.lisp	2008/01/05 14:23:16	1.51
@@ -354,99 +354,103 @@
 		    (let ((prefix 0))
 		      (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-			    while (digit-char-p (object-after scan))
+			    while (and (characterp (object-after scan))
+                                       (digit-char-p (object-after scan)))
 			    do (setf prefix
 				     (+ (* 10 prefix)
 					(digit-char-p (object-after scan))))
-		    (if (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-			(make-instance 'incomplete-lexeme)
-			(case (object-after scan)
-			  ((#\Backspace #\Tab #\Newline #\Linefeed
-			    #\Page #\Return #\Space #\))
-			   (fo)
-			   (make-instance 'error-lexeme))
-			  (#\\ (fo)
-			       (cond ((end-of-buffer-p scan)
-				      (make-instance 'incomplete-character-lexeme))
-				     ((not (constituentp (object-after scan)))
-				      (fo) (make-instance 'complete-character-lexeme))
-				     (t (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-					   while (constituentp (object-after scan))
-					   do (fo))
-					(make-instance 'complete-character-lexeme))))
-			  (#\' (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'function-lexeme))
-			  (#\( (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'simple-vector-start-lexeme))
-			  (#\* (fo)
-			       (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-				     while (or (eql (object-after scan) #\1)
-					       (eql (object-after scan) #\0))
-				     do (fo))
-			       (if (and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
-					(constituentp (object-after scan)))
-				   (make-instance 'error-lexeme)
-				   (make-instance 'bit-vector-form)))
-			  (#\: (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'uninterned-symbol-lexeme))
-			  (#\. (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'readtime-evaluation-lexeme))
-			  ((#\B #\b #\O #\o #\X #\x)
-			   (let ((radix
-				  (ecase (object-after scan)
-				    ((#\B #\b) 2)
-				    ((#\O #\o) 8)
-				    ((#\X #\x) 16))))
-			     (fo)
+		    (if (or (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                            (not (characterp (object-after scan))))
+                        (make-instance 'incomplete-lexeme)
+                        (case (object-after scan)
+                          ((#\Backspace #\Tab #\Newline #\Linefeed
+                                        #\Page #\Return #\Space #\))
+                           (fo)
+                           (make-instance 'error-lexeme))
+                          (#\\ (fo)
+                               (cond ((or (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                                          (not (characterp (object-after scan))))
+                                      (make-instance 'incomplete-character-lexeme))
+                                     ((not (constituentp (object-after scan)))
+                                      (fo) (make-instance 'complete-character-lexeme))
+                                     (t (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                                           while (constituentp (object-after scan))
+                                           do (fo))
+                                        (make-instance 'complete-character-lexeme))))
+                          (#\' (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'function-lexeme))
+                          (#\( (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'simple-vector-start-lexeme))
+                          (#\* (fo)
+                               (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                                  while (or (eql (object-after scan) #\1)
+                                            (eql (object-after scan) #\0))
+                                  do (fo))
+                               (if (and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
+                                        (constituentp (object-after scan)))
+                                   (make-instance 'error-lexeme)
+                                   (make-instance 'bit-vector-form)))
+                          (#\: (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'uninterned-symbol-lexeme))
+                          (#\. (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'readtime-evaluation-lexeme))
+                          ((#\B #\b #\O #\o #\X #\x)
+                           (let ((radix
+                                  (ecase (object-after scan)
+                                    ((#\B #\b) 2)
+                                    ((#\O #\o) 8)
+                                    ((#\X #\x) 16))))
+                             (fo)
                              (when (char= (object-after scan)
-			     (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-				   while (digit-char-p (object-after scan) radix)
-				   do (fo)))
-			   (if (and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
-				    (constituentp (object-after scan)))
-			       (make-instance 'error-lexeme)
-			       (make-instance 'number-lexeme)))
-			  ((#\R #\r)
-			   (fo)
-			   (cond
-			     ((<= 2 prefix 36)
-			      (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-				    while (digit-char-p (object-after scan) prefix)
-				    do (fo))
-			      (if (and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
-				       (constituentp (object-after scan)))
-				  (make-instance 'error-lexeme)
-				  (make-instance 'number-lexeme)))
-			     (t (make-instance 'error-lexeme))))
-			  ;((#\C #\c) )
-			  ((#\A #\a) (fo)
-			   (make-instance 'array-start-lexeme))
-			  ((#\S #\s) (fo)
-			   (cond ((and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
-				       (eql (object-after scan) #\())
-				  (fo)
-				  (make-instance 'structure-start-lexeme))
-				 ((end-of-buffer-p scan)
-				  (make-instance 'incomplete-lexeme))
-				 (t (make-instance 'error-lexeme))))
-			  ((#\P #\p) (fo)
-			   (make-instance 'pathname-start-lexeme))
-			  (#\= (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'sharpsign-equals-lexeme))
-			  (#\# (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'sharpsign-sharpsign-form))
-			  (#\+ (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'reader-conditional-positive-lexeme))
-			  (#\- (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'reader-conditional-negative-lexeme))
-			  (#\| (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'long-comment-start-lexeme))
-			  (#\< (fo)
-			       (make-instance 'error-lexeme))
-			  (t (fo) (make-instance 'undefined-reader-macro-lexeme))))))))
+                             (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                                while (digit-char-p (object-after scan) radix)
+                                do (fo)))
+                           (if (and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
+                                    (constituentp (object-after scan)))
+                               (make-instance 'error-lexeme)
+                               (make-instance 'number-lexeme)))
+                          ((#\R #\r)
+                           (fo)
+                           (cond
+                             ((<= 2 prefix 36)
+                              (loop until (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                                 while (and (characterp (object-after scan))
+                                            (digit-char-p (object-after scan) prefix))
+                                 do (fo))
+                              (if (and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
+                                       (constituentp (object-after scan)))
+                                  (make-instance 'error-lexeme)
+                                  (make-instance 'number-lexeme)))
+                             (t (make-instance 'error-lexeme))))
+                                        ;((#\C #\c) )
+                          ((#\A #\a) (fo)
+                           (make-instance 'array-start-lexeme))
+                          ((#\S #\s) (fo)
+                           (cond ((and (not (end-of-buffer-p scan))
+                                       (eql (object-after scan) #\())
+                                  (fo)
+                                  (make-instance 'structure-start-lexeme))
+                                 ((end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                                  (make-instance 'incomplete-lexeme))
+                                 (t (make-instance 'error-lexeme))))
+                          ((#\P #\p) (fo)
+                           (make-instance 'pathname-start-lexeme))
+                          (#\= (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'sharpsign-equals-lexeme))
+                          (#\# (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'sharpsign-sharpsign-form))
+                          (#\+ (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'reader-conditional-positive-lexeme))
+                          (#\- (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'reader-conditional-negative-lexeme))
+                          (#\| (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'long-comment-start-lexeme))
+                          (#\< (fo)
+                               (make-instance 'error-lexeme))
+                          (t (fo) (make-instance 'undefined-reader-macro-lexeme))))))))
 	(#\| (fo) (make-instance 'multiple-escape-start-lexeme))
 	(t (cond ((or (constituentp object)
                       (eql object #\\))
@@ -1975,7 +1979,7 @@
     (typecase parent
       (list-form parent)
       ((or form* null) nil)
-      (t (find-list-parent-offset parent)))))
+      (t (find-list-parent parent)))))
 (defun find-list-parent-offset (form fn)
   "Find a list parent of `form' and return `fn' applied to this

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