[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 2 14:43:40 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv22872/Drei

Modified Files:
	base.lisp drei-redisplay.lisp fundamental-syntax.lisp 
	lr-syntax.lisp packages.lisp views.lisp 
Log Message:
Connect redisplay to syntax information.

Currently, the necessary methods are only implemented for Fundamental
syntax, so there is still no syntax highlighting. There is, however, a
30-40% performance increase in redisplay, as Fundamental syntax is
much better at keeping track of buffer contents than the hack I wrote
for drei-buffer-view.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/base.lisp	2007/12/27 13:39:25	1.8
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/base.lisp	2008/01/02 14:43:40	1.9
@@ -381,6 +381,56 @@
    *kill-ring* (region-to-sequence mark1 mark2))
   (delete-region mark1 mark2))
+(defun in-place-buffer-substring (buffer string offset1 offset2)
+  "Copy from `offset1' to `offset2' in `buffer' to `string',
+which must be an adjustable vector of characters with a fill
+pointer. All objects in the buffer range must be
+characters. Returns `string'."
+  (loop for offset from offset1 below offset2
+     for i upfrom 0
+     do (vector-push-extend (buffer-object buffer offset) string)
+     finally (return string)))
+(defun fill-string-from-buffer (buffer string offset1 offset2)
+  "Copy from `offset1' to `offset2' in `buffer' to `string',
+which must be an adjustable vector of characters with a fill
+pointer. Once the buffer region has been copied to `string', or a
+non-character object has been encountered in the buffer, the
+number of characters copied to `string' will be returned."
+  (loop for offset from offset1 below offset2
+     for i upfrom 0
+     if (characterp (buffer-object buffer offset))
+     do (vector-push-extend (buffer-object buffer offset) string)
+     else do (loop-finish)
+     finally (return i)))
+(defun buffer-find-nonchar (buffer start-offset max-offset)
+  "Search through `buffer' from `start-offset', returning the
+first offset at which a non-character object is found, or
+`max-offset', whichever comes first."
+  (loop for offset from start-offset below max-offset
+     unless (characterp (buffer-object buffer offset))
+     do (loop-finish)
+     finally (return offset)))
+(defun offset-beginning-of-line-p (buffer offset)
+  "Return true if `offset' is at the beginning of a line in
+`buffer' or at the beginning of `buffer'."
+  (or (zerop offset) (eql (buffer-object buffer (1- offset)) #\Newline)))
+(defun offset-end-of-line-p (buffer offset)
+  "Return true if `offset' is at the end of a line in
+`buffer' or at the end of `buffer'."
+  (or (= (size buffer) offset)
+      (eql (buffer-object buffer offset) #\Newline)))
+(defun end-of-line-offset (buffer start-offset)
+  "Return the offset of the end of the line of `buffer'
+containing `start-offset'."
+  (loop for offset from start-offset
+     until (offset-end-of-line-p buffer offset)
+     finally (return offset)))
 ;;; Character case
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/01/02 10:03:02	1.16
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/01/02 14:43:40	1.17
@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@
 applicable. This method will only be called by the Drei redisplay
 engine when the cursor is active and the buffer position it
 refers to is on display - therefore, `offset-to-screen-position'
-is *guaranteed* to not return NIL or T. This function will return
-either the output record of the cursor, or NIL.")
+is *guaranteed* to not return NIL or T.")
   (:method :around ((stream extended-output-stream) (view drei-view)
                     (cursor drei-cursor))
            (when (visible cursor view)
@@ -198,40 +197,59 @@
   (:documentation "Return a pump state that will enable pumping
 strokes from `offset' in the buffer of `view' (via
 `stroke-pump'). The pump state is not guaranteed to be valid past
-the next call to `stroke-pump' or `synchronize-view'."))
+the next call to `stroke-pump' or `synchronize-view'. The results
+are undefined if `offset' is not at the beginning of a line.")
+  (:method ((view drei-syntax-view) (offset integer))
+    (pump-state-for-offset-with-syntax view (syntax view) offset)))
 (defgeneric stroke-pump (view stroke pump-state)
-  (:documentation "Put stroke information in `stroke'. Returns
-new pump-state."))
-(defun in-place-buffer-substring (buffer string offset1 offset2)
-  "Copy from `offset1' to `offset2' in `buffer' to `string',
-which must be an adjustable vector of characters with a fill
-pointer. All objects in the buffer range must be
-characters. Returns `string'."
-  (loop for offset from offset1 below offset2
-     for i upfrom 0
-     do (vector-push-extend (buffer-object buffer offset) string)
-     finally (return string)))
-(defun fill-string-from-buffer (buffer string offset1 offset2)
-  "Copy from `offset1' to `offset2' in `buffer' to `string',
-which must be an adjustable vector of characters with a fill
-pointer. Once the buffer region has been copied to `string', or a
-non-character object has been encountered in the buffer, the
-number of characters copied to `string' will be returned."
-  (loop for offset from offset1 below offset2
-     for i upfrom 0
-     if (characterp (buffer-object buffer offset))
-     do (vector-push-extend (buffer-object buffer offset) string)
-     else do (loop-finish)
-     finally (return i)))
+  (:documentation "Put stroke information in `stroke', returns
+new pump-state. `Pump-state' must either be the result of a call
+to `pump-state-for-offset' or be the return value of an earlier
+call to `stroke-pump'.  A pump state is not guaranteed to be
+valid past the next call to `stroke-pump' or
+`synchronize-view'. It is permissible for `pump-state' to be
+destructively modified by this function.")
+  (:method :around ((view drei-buffer-view) stroke pump-state)
+    ;; `call-next-method' for the next pump state, and compare
+    ;; the new stroke data with the old one. If it has changed,
+    ;; mark the stroke as dirty and modified.
+    (let ((old-start-offset (stroke-start-offset stroke))
+          (old-end-offset (stroke-end-offset stroke))
+          (old-drawing-options (stroke-drawing-options stroke))
+          (new-pump-state (call-next-method)))
+      (unless (and old-start-offset
+                   (= old-start-offset (stroke-start-offset stroke))
+                   (= old-end-offset (stroke-end-offset stroke))
+                   (drawing-options-equal old-drawing-options
+                                          (stroke-drawing-options stroke)))
+        (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t))
+      new-pump-state))
+  (:method ((view drei-syntax-view) stroke pump-state)
+    (stroke-pump-with-syntax view (syntax view) stroke pump-state)))
 (defun clear-rectangle* (stream x1 y1 x2 y2)
   "Draw on `stream' from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with the background
 ink for the stream."
   (draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x2 y2 :ink +background-ink+))
+(defun invalidate-stroke (stroke &key modified cleared)
+  "Invalidate `stroke' by setting its dirty-bit to true. If
+`modified' or `cleared' is true, also set the modified-bit to
+true. If `cleared' is true, inform the stroke that its previous
+output has been cleared by someone, and that it does not need to
+clear it itself during its next redisplay."
+  (setf (stroke-dirty stroke) t
+        (stroke-modified stroke)
+        (or (stroke-modified stroke)
+            modified
+            cleared))
+  (when cleared
+    (setf (x1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)) 0
+          (y1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)) 0
+          (x2 (stroke-dimensions stroke)) 0
+          (y2 (stroke-dimensions stroke)) 0)))
 (defun invalidate-line-strokes (line &key modified cleared)
   "Invalidate all the strokes of `line' by setting their
 dirty-bit to true. If `modified' or `cleared' is true, also set
@@ -240,17 +258,8 @@
 and that they do not need to clear it themselves during their
 next redisplay."
   (loop for stroke across (line-strokes line)
-     do (setf (stroke-dirty stroke) t
-              (stroke-modified stroke)
-              (or (stroke-modified stroke)
-                  modified
-                  cleared))
-     when cleared
-     do (let ((dimensions (stroke-dimensions stroke)))
-          (setf (x1 dimensions) 0
-                (y1 dimensions) 0
-                (x2 dimensions) 0
-                (y2 dimensions) 0))))
+     do (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified modified
+                                  :cleared cleared)))
 (defun invalidate-all-strokes (view &key modified cleared)
   "Invalidate all the strokes of `view' by setting their
@@ -560,33 +569,6 @@
 the buffer determining where the next stroke should start."
-(defun buffer-find-nonchar (buffer start-offset max-offset)
-  "Search through `buffer' from `start-offset', returning the
-first offset at which a non-character object is found, or
-`max-offset', whichever comes first."
-  (loop for offset from start-offset below max-offset
-     unless (characterp (buffer-object buffer offset))
-     do (loop-finish)
-     finally (return offset)))
-(defun offset-beginning-of-line-p (buffer offset)
-  "Return true if `offset' is at the beginning of a line in
-`buffer' or at the beginning of `buffer'."
-  (or (zerop offset) (eql (buffer-object buffer (1- offset)) #\Newline)))
-(defun offset-end-of-line-p (buffer offset)
-  "Return true if `offset' is at the end of a line in
-`buffer' or at the end of `buffer'."
-  (or (= (size buffer) offset)
-      (eql (buffer-object buffer offset) #\Newline)))
-(defun end-of-line-offset (buffer start-offset)
-  "Return the offset of the end of the line of `buffer'
-containing `start-offset'."
-  (loop for offset from start-offset
-     until (offset-end-of-line-p buffer offset)
-     finally (return offset)))
 (defun fetch-chunk (buffer chunk-start-offset)
   "Retrieve a chunk from `buffer', with the chunk starting at
 `chunk-start-offset'. The chunk is a cons, with the car being the
@@ -617,16 +599,9 @@
          (actual-end-offset (if (functionp (cdr chunk))
                                 (1+ (car chunk))
                                 (cdr chunk))))
-    (unless (and (stroke-start-offset stroke)
-                 (= (stroke-start-offset stroke) (car chunk))
-                 (= (stroke-end-offset stroke) actual-end-offset)
-                 (drawing-options-equal (stroke-drawing-options stroke)
-                                        drawing-options))
-      (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) (car chunk)
-            (stroke-end-offset stroke) actual-end-offset
-            (stroke-modified stroke) t
-            (stroke-dirty stroke) t
-            (stroke-drawing-options stroke) drawing-options))
+    (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) (car chunk)
+          (stroke-end-offset stroke) actual-end-offset
+          (stroke-drawing-options stroke) drawing-options)
     (if (offset-end-of-line-p (buffer view) actual-end-offset)
         (1+ actual-end-offset)
@@ -673,7 +648,6 @@
 the end of the buffer."))
 (defmethod offset-to-screen-position ((pane clim-stream-pane) (view drei-view) (offset number))
-  (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
   (flet ((worker ()
            (do-displayed-lines (line view)
              (when (<= (line-start-offset line) offset (line-end-offset line))
@@ -728,33 +702,29 @@
                                              (view drei-buffer-view)
                                              (cursor drei-cursor))
   (when (<= (offset (top view)) (offset (mark cursor)) (offset (bot view)))
-    (let ((cursor-output-record (call-next-method)))
-      (when cursor-output-record
-        (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) cursor-output-record
-          (do-displayed-lines (line view)
-            (cond ((> (y1 (line-dimensions line)) y2)
-                   (return))
-                  ((coordinates-intersects-dimensions
-                    (line-dimensions line) x1 y1 x2 y2)
-                   (block stroke-loop
-                     (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
-                       (cond ((> (x1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)) x2)
-                              (return-from stroke-loop))
-                             ((coordinates-intersects-dimensions
-                               (stroke-dimensions stroke) x1 y1 x2 y2)
-                              (setf (stroke-dirty stroke) t)
-                              (setf (stroke-modified stroke) t)))))))))))))
+    (clear-output-record cursor)
+    (prog1 (call-next-method)
+      (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) cursor
+        (do-displayed-lines (line view)
+          (cond ((> (y1 (line-dimensions line)) y2)
+                 (return))
+                ((coordinates-intersects-dimensions
+                  (line-dimensions line) x1 y1 x2 y2)
+                 (block stroke-loop
+                   (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
+                     (cond ((> (x1 (stroke-dimensions stroke)) x2)
+                            (return-from stroke-loop))
+                           ((coordinates-intersects-dimensions
+                             (stroke-dimensions stroke) x1 y1 x2 y2)
+                            (setf (stroke-dirty stroke) t)
+                            (setf (stroke-modified stroke) t))))))))))))
 (defmethod display-drei-view-cursor ((stream extended-output-stream)
                                      (view drei-buffer-view)
                                      (cursor drei-cursor))
   (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y line-height object-width)
       (offset-to-screen-position stream view (offset (mark cursor)))
-    (updating-output (stream :unique-id (list* stream view cursor)
-                             :id-test #'equal
-                             :cache-value (list* cursor-x cursor-y line-height object-width)
-                             :cache-test #'equal
-                             :all-new t)
+    (letf (((stream-current-output-record stream) cursor))
       (draw-rectangle* stream
                        cursor-x cursor-y
                        (+ cursor-x object-width) (+ cursor-y line-height)
@@ -917,7 +887,6 @@
       (change-space-requirements pane :width output-width))))
 (defmethod fix-pane-viewport :after ((pane drei-pane) (view point-mark-view))
-  (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
   (when (and (pane-viewport pane) (active pane))
     (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y line-height object-width)
         (offset-to-screen-position pane view (offset (point view)))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/fundamental-syntax.lisp	2007/12/08 08:53:50	1.7
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/fundamental-syntax.lisp	2008/01/02 14:43:40	1.8
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
 ;;; The syntax object and misc stuff.
 (define-syntax fundamental-syntax (syntax)
-  ((lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain))
+  ((lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain)
+          :reader lines)
    (scan :accessor scan))
   (:command-table fundamental-table)
   (:name "Fundamental"))
@@ -51,24 +52,54 @@
 ;;; update syntax
 (defclass line-object ()
-  ((start-mark :initarg :start-mark :reader start-mark)))
-(defmethod update-syntax-for-display (buffer (syntax fundamental-syntax) top bot)
-  nil)
+  ((%start-mark :reader start-mark
+                :initarg :start-mark)
+   (%chunks :accessor chunks
+            :initform (make-array 5
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :fill-pointer 0))))
+(defun get-chunk (buffer chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+  (let* ((chunk-end-offset (buffer-find-nonchar
+                            buffer chunk-start-offset
+                            (min (+ *maximum-chunk-size*
+                                    chunk-start-offset)
+                                 line-end-offset))))
+    (cond ((= chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+           (cons chunk-end-offset nil))
+          ((or (not (= chunk-end-offset chunk-start-offset))
+               (and (offset-beginning-of-line-p buffer chunk-start-offset)
+                    (offset-end-of-line-p buffer chunk-end-offset)))
+           (cons chunk-end-offset nil))
+          ((not (characterp (buffer-object buffer chunk-end-offset)))
+           (cons (1+ chunk-end-offset) t)))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((line line-object)
+                                       &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignore initargs))
+  (loop with buffer = (buffer (start-mark line))
+     with chunk-start-offset = (offset (start-mark line))
+     with line-end-offset = (end-of-line-offset buffer (offset (start-mark line)))
+     for chunk-info = (get-chunk (buffer (start-mark line))
+                                 chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+     do (vector-push-extend chunk-info (chunks line))
+     (setf chunk-start-offset (car chunk-info))
+     when (= chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+     do (loop-finish)))
 (defmethod update-syntax ((syntax fundamental-syntax) prefix-size suffix-size
                           &optional begin end)
   (declare (ignore begin end))
-  (let ((low-mark (clone-mark (scan syntax) :left))
-        (high-mark (clone-mark (scan syntax) :left)))
-    (setf (offset low-mark) prefix-size
-          (offset high-mark) (- (size (buffer syntax)) suffix-size))
+  (let ((low-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer syntax) prefix-size :left))
+        (high-mark (make-buffer-mark
+                    (buffer syntax) (- (size (buffer syntax)) suffix-size) :left)))
     (when (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
       (beginning-of-line low-mark)
       (end-of-line high-mark)
       (with-slots (lines scan) syntax
         (let ((low-index 0)
               (high-index (nb-elements lines)))
+          ;; Binary search for the start of changed lines.
           (loop while (< low-index high-index)
              do (let* ((middle (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2))
                        (line-start (start-mark (element* lines middle))))
@@ -76,139 +107,91 @@
                          (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
                          (setf high-index middle)))))
-          ;; discard lines that have to be re-analyzed
+          ;; Discard lines that have to be re-analyzed.
           (loop while (and (< low-index (nb-elements lines))
                            (mark<= (start-mark (element* lines low-index))
              do (delete* lines low-index))
-          ;; analyze new lines
+          ;; Analyze new lines.
           (setf (offset scan) (offset low-mark))
-          (loop while (and (mark<= scan high-mark)
-                           (not (end-of-buffer-p scan)))
+          (loop while (mark<= scan high-mark)
              for i from low-index
              do (progn (insert* lines i (make-instance
                                          :start-mark (clone-mark scan)))
                        (end-of-line scan)
-                       (unless (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-                         ;; skip newline
-                         (forward-object scan)))))))))
+                       (if (end-of-buffer-p scan)
+                           (loop-finish)
+                           ;; skip newline
+                           (forward-object scan)))))))))
 ;;; display
-(defvar *white-space-start* nil)
-(defvar *current-line* 0)
-(defun handle-whitespace (pane view buffer start end)
-  (let ((space-width (space-width pane view))
-        (tab-width (tab-width pane view)))
-    (with-sheet-medium (medium pane)
-      (with-accessors ((cursor-positions cursor-positions)) view
-        (loop while (< start end)
-           do (case (buffer-object buffer start)
-                (#\Newline (record-line-vertical-offset pane view (incf *current-line*))
-                           (terpri pane)
-                           (stream-increment-cursor-position
-                            pane (first (aref cursor-positions 0)) 0))
-                ((#\Page #\Return #\Space) (stream-increment-cursor-position
-                                            pane space-width 0))
-                (#\Tab (when (plusp tab-width)
-                         (let ((x (stream-cursor-position pane)))
-                           (stream-increment-cursor-position
-                            pane (- tab-width (mod x tab-width)) 0)))))
-           (incf start))))))
-(defmethod display-line ((stream clim-stream-pane) (view textual-drei-syntax-view) mark)
-  (let ((mark (clone-mark mark)))
-    (let ((saved-offset nil)
-          (id 0)
-          (space-width (space-width stream view))
-          (tab-width (tab-width stream view)))
-      (flet ((output-word ()
-               (unless (null saved-offset)
-                 (let ((contents (coerce (region-to-sequence
-                                          saved-offset
-                                          mark)
-                                         'string)))
-                   (updating-output (stream :unique-id (cons view (incf id))
-                                            :id-test #'equal
-                                            :cache-value contents
-                                            :cache-test #'equal)
-                     (unless (null contents)
-                       (present contents 'string :stream stream))))
-                 (setf saved-offset nil))))
-        (loop
-           until (end-of-line-p mark)
-           do (let ((obj (object-after mark)))
-                (cond ((eql obj #\Space)
-                       (output-word)
-                       (stream-increment-cursor-position stream space-width 0))
-                      ((eql obj #\Tab)
-                       (output-word)
-                       (let ((x (stream-cursor-position stream)))
-                         (stream-increment-cursor-position
-                          stream (- tab-width (mod x tab-width)) 0)))
-                      ((constituentp obj)
-                       (when (null saved-offset)
-                         (setf saved-offset (offset mark))))
-                      ((characterp obj)
-                       (output-word)
-                       (updating-output (stream :unique-id (cons stream (incf id))
-                                                :id-test #'equal
-                                                :cache-value obj)
-                         (present obj 'character :stream stream)))
-                      (t
-                       (output-word)
-                       (updating-output (stream :unique-id (cons stream (incf id))
-                                                :id-test #'equal
-                                                :cache-value obj
-                                                :cache-test #'eq)
-                         (present obj (presentation-type-of obj)
-                          :stream stream)))))
-           do (forward-object mark)
-           finally
-           (output-word)
-           (unless (end-of-buffer-p mark)
-             (terpri stream)))))))
-(defmethod display-syntax-view ((stream clim-stream-pane) (view textual-drei-syntax-view)
-                                (syntax fundamental-syntax))
-  (update-parse syntax)
-  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)) view
-    (with-accessors ((cursor-positions cursor-positions)) view
-      (setf cursor-positions (make-array (1+ (number-of-lines-in-region top bot))
-                              :initial-element nil
-                              :fill-pointer 1
-                              :adjustable t)
-            *current-line* 0
-            (aref cursor-positions 0) (multiple-value-list (stream-cursor-position stream))))
-    (setf *white-space-start* (offset top))
-    (with-slots (lines scan) syntax
-      (let ((low-index 0)
-            (high-index (nb-elements lines)))
-        (loop while (< low-index high-index)
-           do (let* ((middle (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2))
-                     (line-start (start-mark (element* lines middle))))
-                (cond ((mark> top line-start)
-                       (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                      ((mark< top line-start)
-                       (setf high-index middle))
-                      (t
-                       (setf low-index middle
-                             high-index middle)))))
-        (loop for i from low-index
-           while (and (< i (nb-elements lines))
-                      (mark< (start-mark (element* lines i))
-                             bot))
-           do (let ((line (element* lines i)))
-                (updating-output (stream :unique-id (cons view i)
-                                         :id-test #'equal
-                                         :cache-value line
-                                         :cache-test #'equal)
-                  (display-line stream view (start-mark (element* lines i))))))))))
+(defstruct (pump-state
+             (:constructor make-pump-state
+                           (line-index offset chunk-index))) 
+  "A pump state object used in the fundamental syntax. `Line' is
+the line object `offset' is in, and `line-index' is the index of
+`line' in the list of lines maintained by the syntax that created
+this pump state."
+  line-index
+  offset
+  chunk-index)
+(defmethod pump-state-for-offset-with-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view)
+                                              (syntax fundamental-syntax) (offset integer))
+  (update-parse syntax 0 offset)
+  ;; Perform binary search looking for line starting with `offset'.
+  (with-accessors ((lines lines)) syntax
+    (loop with low-index = 0
+       with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
+       for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
+       for line-start = (start-mark (element* lines middle))
+       do (cond ((mark> offset line-start)
+                 (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                ((mark< offset line-start)
+                 (setf high-index middle))
+                ((mark= offset line-start)
+                 (loop-finish)))
+       finally (return (make-pump-state middle offset 0)))))
+(defun fetch-chunk (line chunk-index)
+  "Retrieve the `chunk-index'th chunk from `line'. The return
+value is either an integer, in which case it specifies the
+end-offset of a string chunk, or a function, in which case it is
+the drawing function for a single-object non-character chunk."
+  (destructuring-bind (chunk-end-offset . objectp)
+      (aref (chunks line) chunk-index)
+    (if objectp (object-drawer) chunk-end-offset)))
+(defmethod stroke-pump-with-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view)
+                                    (syntax fundamental-syntax) stroke
+                                    (pump-state pump-state))
+  ;; `Pump-state' will be destructively modified.
+  (prog1 pump-state
+    (with-accessors ((line-index pump-state-line-index)
+                     (offset pump-state-offset)
+                     (chunk-index pump-state-chunk-index)) pump-state
+      (update-parse syntax 0 offset)
+      (let* ((chunk (fetch-chunk
+                     (element* (lines syntax) line-index) chunk-index))
+             (drawing-options (if (functionp chunk)
+                                  (make-drawing-options :function chunk)
+                                  +default-drawing-options+))
+             (end-offset (if (functionp chunk)
+                             (1+ offset)
+                             chunk)))
+        (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) offset
+              (stroke-end-offset stroke) end-offset
+              (stroke-drawing-options stroke) drawing-options)
+        (if (offset-end-of-line-p (buffer view) end-offset)
+            (setf line-index (1+ line-index)
+                  chunk-index 0
+                  offset (1+ end-offset))
+            (setf chunk-index (1+ chunk-index)
+                  offset end-offset))))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2007/12/19 17:17:37	1.5
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2008/01/02 14:43:40	1.6
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@
 (defmethod update-syntax ((syntax lr-syntax-mixin) prefix-size suffix-size
                           &optional begin end)
   (declare (ignore begin end))
+  (call-next-method)
   (let* ((low-mark-offset prefix-size)
 	 (high-mark-offset (- (size (buffer syntax)) suffix-size)))
     (when (<= low-mark-offset high-mark-offset)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2008/01/01 18:43:36	1.28
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2008/01/02 14:43:40	1.29
@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@
+           #:in-place-buffer-substring
+           #:fill-string-from-buffer
+           #:buffer-find-nonchar
+           #:offset-beginning-of-line-p
+           #:offset-end-of-line-p
+           #:end-of-line-offset
            #:buffer-looking-at #:looking-at
@@ -211,6 +217,8 @@
            #:drei-view #:modified-p #:no-cursors
            #:drei-buffer-view #:buffer #:top #:bot
            #:drei-syntax-view #:syntax
+           #:pump-state-for-offset-with-syntax
+           #:stroke-pump-with-syntax
            #:tab-space-count #:space-width #:tab-width #:use-tabs
@@ -243,8 +251,17 @@
            #:drei #:drei-pane #:drei-gadget-pane #:drei-area
            #:handling-drei-conditions #:handle-drei-condition
-           #:display-drei-view-contents #:display-syntax-view
-           #:display-drei-view-cursor
+           #:display-drei-view-contents #:display-drei-view-cursor
+           #:face #:make-face #:face-ink #:face-style
+           #:drawing-options #:make-drawing-options
+           #:drawing-options-face #:drawing-options-function
+           #:drawing-options-equal #:+default-drawing-options+
+           #:stroke-start-offset #:stroke-end-offset
+           #:stroke-drawing-options
+           #:pump-state-for-offset #:stroke-pump
+           #:object-drawer #:*maximum-chunk-size*
            #:performing-drei-operations #:invoke-performing-drei-operations
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/01/01 18:43:36	1.9
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/01/02 14:43:40	1.10
@@ -683,6 +683,25 @@
                         (synchronize-view view :begin begin :end end)))
+(defgeneric pump-state-for-offset-with-syntax (view syntax offset)
+  (:documentation "Return a pump state that will enable pumping
+strokes from `offset' in the buffer of `view' as specified by
+`syntax' (via `stroke-pump-for-syntax'). The pump state is not
+guaranteed to be valid past the next call to
+`stroke-pump-for-syntax' or `synchronize-view'. The results are
+undefined if `offset' is not at the beginning of a line."))
+(defgeneric stroke-pump-with-syntax (view syntax stroke pump-state)
+  (:documentation "Put stroke information in `stroke' as
+specified by `syntax', returns new pump-state. `Pump-state' must
+either be the result of a call to
+`pump-state-for-offset-with-syntax' or be the return value of an
+earlier call to `stroke-pump-with-syntax'. A pump state is not
+guaranteed to be valid past the next call to
+`stroke-pump-with-syntax' or `synchronize-view'. It is
+permissible for `pump-state' to be destructively modified by this
 (defclass point-mark-view (drei-buffer-view)
   ((%point :initform nil :initarg :point :accessor point-of)
    (%mark :initform nil :initarg :mark :accessor mark-of))

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