[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 11 22:50:09 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv23082/Drei

Modified Files:
	fundamental-syntax.lisp lr-syntax.lisp packages.lisp 
Log Message:
Flayed Fundamental syntax, most of what it used to do is now done by
the drei-buffer-view directly.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/fundamental-syntax.lisp	2008/01/07 22:01:53	1.11
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/fundamental-syntax.lisp	2008/02/11 22:50:04	1.12
@@ -34,119 +34,22 @@
 ;;; The syntax object and misc stuff.
 (define-syntax fundamental-syntax (syntax)
-  ((lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain)
-          :reader lines)
-   (scan :accessor scan))
+  ()
   (:command-table fundamental-table)
   (:name "Fundamental"))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((syntax fundamental-syntax) &rest args)
-  (declare (ignore args))
-  (with-accessors ((buffer buffer) (scan scan)) syntax
-    (setf scan (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left))))
 (setf *default-syntax* 'fundamental-syntax)
 ;;; update syntax
-(defclass line-object ()
-  ((%start-mark :reader start-mark
-                :initarg :start-mark)
-   (%line-length :reader line-length
-                 :initarg :line-length)
-   (%chunks :accessor chunks
-            :initform (make-array 5
-                       :adjustable t
-                       :fill-pointer 0)
-            :documentation "A list of cons-cells, with the car
-being a buffer offset relative to the `start-mark' of the line,
-and the cdr being T if the chunk covers a non-character, and NIL
-if it covers a character sequence.")))
-(defun line-end-offset (line)
-  "Return the end buffer offset of `line'."
-  (+ (offset (start-mark line)) (line-length line)))
-(defun get-chunk (buffer line-start-offset chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
-  "Return a chunk in the form of a cons cell. The chunk will
-start at `chunk-start-offset' and extend no further than
-  (let* ((chunk-end-offset (buffer-find-nonchar
-                            buffer chunk-start-offset
-                            (min (+ *maximum-chunk-size*
-                                    chunk-start-offset)
-                                 line-end-offset))))
-    (cond ((= chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
-           (cons (- chunk-end-offset
-                    line-start-offset) nil))
-          ((or (not (= chunk-end-offset chunk-start-offset))
-               (and (offset-beginning-of-line-p buffer chunk-start-offset)
-                    (offset-end-of-line-p buffer chunk-end-offset)))
-           (cons (- chunk-end-offset
-                    line-start-offset) nil))
-          ((not (characterp (buffer-object buffer chunk-end-offset)))
-           (cons (- (1+ chunk-end-offset)
-                    line-start-offset) t)))))
 (defmethod update-syntax values-max-min ((syntax fundamental-syntax) prefix-size suffix-size
                                          &optional begin end)
   (declare (ignore begin end))
-  (let ((low-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer syntax) prefix-size :left))
-        (high-mark (make-buffer-mark
-                    (buffer syntax) (- (size (buffer syntax)) suffix-size) :left)))
-    (when (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
-      (beginning-of-line low-mark)
-      (end-of-line high-mark)
-      (with-slots (lines scan) syntax
-        (let ((low-index 0)
-              (high-index (nb-elements lines)))
-          ;; Binary search for the start of changed lines.
-          (loop while (< low-index high-index)
-             do (let* ((middle (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2))
-                       (line-start (start-mark (element* lines middle))))
-                  (cond ((mark> low-mark line-start)
-                         (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                        (t
-                         (setf high-index middle)))))
-          ;; Discard lines that have to be re-analyzed.
-          (loop while (and (< low-index (nb-elements lines))
-                           (mark<= (start-mark (element* lines low-index))
-                                   high-mark))
-             do (delete* lines low-index))
-          ;; Analyze new lines.
-          (setf (offset scan) (offset low-mark))
-          (loop while (mark<= scan high-mark)
-             for i from low-index
-             do (progn (let ((line-start-mark (clone-mark scan)))
-                         (insert* lines i (make-instance
-                                           'line-object
-                                           :start-mark line-start-mark
-                                           :line-length (- (offset (end-of-line scan))
-                                                           (offset line-start-mark))))
-                         (if (end-of-buffer-p scan)
-                             (loop-finish)
-                             ;; skip newline
-                             (forward-object scan))))))))
-    ;; Fundamental syntax always parses the entire buffer.
-    (values 0 (size (buffer syntax)))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((line line-object)
-                                       &rest initargs)
-  (declare (ignore initargs))
-  (loop with buffer = (buffer (start-mark line))
-     with line-start-offset = (offset (start-mark line))
-     with line-end-offset = (+ line-start-offset (line-length line))
-     with chunk-start-offset = line-start-offset
-     for chunk-info = (get-chunk buffer
-                                 line-start-offset
-                                 chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
-     do (vector-push-extend chunk-info (chunks line))
-     (setf chunk-start-offset (+ (car chunk-info)
-                                 line-start-offset))
-     when (= chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
-     do (loop-finish)))
+  ;; We do nothing. Technically, Fundamental syntax always parses the
+  ;; entire buffer, though.
+  (values 0 (size (buffer syntax))))
@@ -165,20 +68,19 @@
 (defmethod pump-state-for-offset-with-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view)
                                               (syntax fundamental-syntax) (offset integer))
-  (update-parse syntax 0 offset)
   ;; Perform binary search looking for line starting with `offset'.
-  (with-accessors ((lines lines)) syntax
+  (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
     (loop with low-index = 0
-       with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
-       for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
-       for line-start = (start-mark (element* lines middle))
-       do (cond ((mark> offset line-start)
-                 (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                ((mark< offset line-start)
-                 (setf high-index middle))
-                ((mark= offset line-start)
-                 (loop-finish)))
-       finally (return (make-pump-state middle offset 0)))))
+          with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
+          for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
+          for line-start = (start-mark (element* lines middle))
+          do (cond ((mark> offset line-start)
+                    (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                   ((mark< offset line-start)
+                    (setf high-index middle))
+                   ((mark= offset line-start)
+                    (loop-finish)))
+          finally (return (make-pump-state middle offset 0)))))
 (defun fetch-chunk (line chunk-index)
   "Retrieve the `chunk-index'th chunk from `line'. The return
@@ -199,9 +101,8 @@
     (with-accessors ((line-index pump-state-line-index)
                      (offset pump-state-offset)
                      (chunk-index pump-state-chunk-index)) pump-state
-      (update-parse syntax 0 offset)
       (let* ((chunk (fetch-chunk
-                     (element* (lines syntax) line-index) chunk-index))
+                     (element* (lines view) line-index) chunk-index))
              (drawing-options (if (functionp chunk)
                                   (make-drawing-options :function chunk)
@@ -222,31 +123,6 @@
 ;;; exploit the parse
-(defun offset-in-line-p (line offset)
-  "Return true if `offset' is in the buffer region delimited by
-  (<= (offset (start-mark line)) offset
-      (line-end-offset line)))
-(defun line-containing-offset (syntax mark-or-offset)
-  "Return the line `mark-or-offset' is in for `syntax'. `Syntax'
-must be a `fundamental-syntax' object."
-  ;; Perform binary search looking for line containing `offset1'.
-  (as-offsets ((offset mark-or-offset))
-    (with-accessors ((lines lines)) syntax
-      (loop with low-index = 0
-         with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
-         for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
-         for this-line = (element* lines middle)
-         for line-start = (start-mark this-line)
-         do (cond ((offset-in-line-p this-line offset)
-                   (loop-finish))
-                  ((mark> offset line-start)
-                   (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                  ((mark< offset line-start)
-                   (setf high-index middle)))
-         finally (return this-line)))))
 ;; do this better
 (defmethod syntax-line-indentation ((syntax fundamental-syntax) mark tab-width)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2008/02/10 00:42:03	1.17
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/lr-syntax.lisp	2008/02/11 22:50:05	1.18
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
       (initial-state :initarg :initial-state)
-      (current-size)))
+      (current-size)
+      (scan :accessor scan)))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((syntax lr-syntax-mixin) &rest args)
   (declare (ignore args))
@@ -554,7 +555,8 @@
                    (drawing-options pump-state-drawing-options)
                    (highlighting-rules pump-state-highlighting-rules))
-    (let ((line (line-containing-offset (syntax view) offset)))
+    (let* ((line (line-containing-offset view offset))
+           (line-end-offset (end-offset line)))
       (flet ((finish (new-offset symbol &optional stroke-drawing-options sticky-p)
                (setf start-symbol symbol)
                (unless (null stroke-drawing-options)
@@ -567,7 +569,7 @@
                (return-from find-next-stroke-end new-offset)))
         (cond ((null start-symbol)
                ;; This means that all remaining lines are blank.
-               (finish (line-end-offset line) nil))
+               (finish line-end-offset nil))
               ((and (typep start-symbol 'literal-object-mixin)
                     (= offset (start-offset start-symbol)))
                (finish (end-offset start-symbol) start-symbol nil))
@@ -584,8 +586,8 @@
                          (let ((options-to-be-used (if (frame-sticky-p (first drawing-options))
                                                        (frame-drawing-options (first drawing-options))
-                           (cond ((> (start-offset symbol) (line-end-offset line))
-                                  (finish (line-end-offset line) start-symbol))
+                           (cond ((> (start-offset symbol) line-end-offset)
+                                  (finish line-end-offset start-symbol))
                                  ((and (typep symbol 'literal-object-mixin))
                                   (finish (start-offset symbol) symbol
                                           (or symbol-drawing-options
@@ -607,7 +609,7 @@
                    ;; If there are no more parse symbols, we just go
                    ;; line-by-line from here. This should mean that all
                    ;; remaining lines are blank.
-                   (finish (line-end-offset line) nil))))))))
+                   (finish line-end-offset nil))))))))
 (defmethod stroke-pump-with-syntax ((view textual-drei-syntax-view)
                                     (syntax lr-syntax-mixin) stroke
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2008/01/31 12:14:05	1.50
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/packages.lisp	2008/02/11 22:50:05	1.51
@@ -217,11 +217,18 @@
            ;; Views and their facilities.
            #:drei-view #:modified-p #:no-cursors
            #:drei-buffer-view #:buffer #:top #:bot #:buffer-view-p
+           #:lines
+           #:buffer-line #:start-mark #:line-length #:chunks #:end-offset
+           #:line-containing-offset #:offset-in-line-p
            #:drei-syntax-view #:syntax #:syntax-view-p
            #:point-mark-view #:point-mark-view-p
            #:tab-space-count #:space-width #:tab-width #:use-tabs
            #:auto-fill-mode #:auto-fill-column
@@ -509,9 +516,7 @@
 (defpackage :drei-fundamental-syntax
   (:use :clim-lisp :clim :drei-buffer :drei-base 
         :drei-syntax :flexichain :drei :drei-core :esa-utils)
-  (:export #:fundamental-syntax #:scan
-           #:start-mark #:line-length #:line-end-offset
-           #:line-containing-offset #:offset-in-line-p)
+  (:export #:fundamental-syntax)
   (:documentation "Implementation of the basic syntax module for
 editing plain text."))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/02/03 07:16:48	1.34
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/02/11 22:50:05	1.35
@@ -550,6 +550,10 @@
   (:documentation "Scroll `view', which is displayed on `pane', a
 page up."))
+;;; Buffer view
 (defclass drei-buffer-view (drei-view)
   ((%buffer :accessor buffer
             :initarg :buffer
@@ -595,7 +599,11 @@
                      :documentation "A list of (start . end) conses
 of buffer offsets, delimiting the regions of the buffer that have
 changed since the last redisplay. The regions are not
-overlapping, and are sorted in ascending order."))
+overlapping, and are sorted in ascending order.")
+   (lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain)
+          :reader lines
+          :documentation "The lines of the buffer, stored in a
+format that makes it easy to retrieve information about them."))
   (:metaclass modual-class)
   (:documentation "A view that contains a `drei-buffer'
 object. The buffer is displayed on a simple line-by-line basis,
@@ -615,7 +623,8 @@
                                         :read-only read-only
                                         :initial-contents initial-contents)))
     (setf top (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) 0 :left)
-          bot (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) (size (buffer view)) :right))))
+          bot (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) (size (buffer view)) :right))
+    (update-line-data view 0 (size (buffer view)))))
 (defmethod (setf top) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
   (invalidate-all-strokes view))
@@ -674,11 +683,143 @@
     (setf (changed-regions view) (worker (changed-regions view)))))
+(defclass buffer-line ()
+  ((%start-mark :reader start-mark
+                :initarg :start-mark
+                :documentation "The mark at which this line starts.")
+   (%line-length :reader line-length
+                 :initarg :line-length
+                 :documentation "The length of the line described by this object.")
+   (%chunks :accessor chunks
+            :initform (make-array 5
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :fill-pointer 0)
+            :documentation "A list of cons-cells, with the car
+being a buffer offset relative to the `start-mark' of the line,
+and the cdr being T if the chunk covers a non-character, and NIL
+if it covers a character sequence."))
+  (:documentation "An object describing a single line in the
+buffer associated with a `drei-buffer-view'"))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((line buffer-line)
+                                       &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignore initargs))
+  (loop with buffer = (buffer (start-mark line))
+        with line-start-offset = (offset (start-mark line))
+        with line-end-offset = (+ line-start-offset (line-length line))
+        with chunk-start-offset = line-start-offset
+        for chunk-info = (get-chunk buffer
+                                    line-start-offset
+                                    chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+        do (vector-push-extend chunk-info (chunks line))
+        (setf chunk-start-offset (+ (car chunk-info)
+                                    line-start-offset))
+        when (= chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+        do (loop-finish)))
+(defmethod end-offset ((line buffer-line))
+  "Return the end buffer offset of `line'."
+  (+ (offset (start-mark line)) (line-length line)))
+(defun get-chunk (buffer line-start-offset chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+  "Return a chunk in the form of a cons cell. The chunk will
+start at `chunk-start-offset' and extend no further than
+  (let* ((chunk-end-offset (buffer-find-nonchar
+                            buffer chunk-start-offset
+                            (min (+ *maximum-chunk-size*
+                                    chunk-start-offset)
+                                 line-end-offset))))
+    (cond ((= chunk-start-offset line-end-offset)
+           (cons (- chunk-end-offset
+                    line-start-offset) nil))
+          ((or (not (= chunk-end-offset chunk-start-offset))
+               (and (offset-beginning-of-line-p buffer chunk-start-offset)
+                    (offset-end-of-line-p buffer chunk-end-offset)))
+           (cons (- chunk-end-offset
+                    line-start-offset) nil))
+          ((not (characterp (buffer-object buffer chunk-end-offset)))
+           (cons (- (1+ chunk-end-offset)
+                    line-start-offset) t)))))
+(defun update-line-data (view start end)
+  "Update the sequence of lines stored by the `drei-buffer-view'
+`view'. `Start' and `end' are buffer offsets delimiting the
+region that has changed since the last update."
+  (let ((low-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) start :left))
+        (high-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) end :left)))
+    (when (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
+      (beginning-of-line low-mark)
+      (end-of-line high-mark)
+      (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
+        (let ((low-index 0)
+              (high-index (nb-elements lines)))
+          ;; Binary search for the start of changed lines.
+          (loop while (< low-index high-index)
+                do (let* ((middle (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2))
+                          (line-start (start-mark (element* lines middle))))
+                     (cond ((mark> low-mark line-start)
+                            (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                           (t
+                            (setf high-index middle)))))
+          ;; Discard lines that have to be re-analyzed.
+          (loop while (and (< low-index (nb-elements lines))
+                           (mark<= (start-mark (element* lines low-index))
+                                   high-mark))
+                do (delete* lines low-index))
+          ;; Analyze new lines.
+          (loop while (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
+                for i from low-index
+                do (progn (let ((line-start-mark (clone-mark low-mark)))
+                            (insert* lines i (make-instance
+                                              'buffer-line
+                                              :start-mark line-start-mark
+                                              :line-length (- (offset (end-of-line low-mark))
+                                                              (offset line-start-mark))))
+                            (if (end-of-buffer-p low-mark)
+                                (loop-finish)
+                                ;; skip newline
+                                (forward-object low-mark))))))))))
 (defmethod observer-notified ((view drei-buffer-view) (buffer drei-buffer)
   ;; If something has been redisplayed, and there have been changes to
   ;; some of those lines, mark them as dirty.
-  (remember-changed-region view (car changed-region) (cdr changed-region)))
+  (remember-changed-region view (car changed-region) (cdr changed-region))
+  ;; I suspect it's most efficient to keep this always up to date,
+  ;; even for small changes.
+  (update-line-data view (car changed-region) (cdr changed-region)))
+;;; Exploit the stored line information.
+(defun offset-in-line-p (line offset)
+  "Return true if `offset' is in the buffer region delimited by
+  (<= (offset (start-mark line)) offset
+      (end-offset line)))
+(defun line-containing-offset (view mark-or-offset)
+  "Return the line `mark-or-offset' is in for `view'. `View'
+must be a `drei-buffer-view'."
+  ;; Perform binary search looking for line containing `offset1'.
+  (as-offsets ((offset mark-or-offset))
+    (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
+      (loop with low-index = 0
+         with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
+         for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
+         for this-line = (element* lines middle)
+         for line-start = (start-mark this-line)
+         do (cond ((offset-in-line-p this-line offset)
+                   (loop-finish))
+                  ((mark> offset line-start)
+                   (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                  ((mark< offset line-start)
+                   (setf high-index middle)))
+         finally (return this-line)))))
+;;; Syntax views
 (defclass drei-syntax-view (drei-buffer-view)
   ((%syntax :accessor syntax

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