[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Wed Mar 14 23:33:25 UTC 2007

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv19686/Backends/Graphic-Forms

Added Files:
	frame-manager.lisp gadgets.lisp graft.lisp medium.lisp 
	package.lisp port.lisp utils.lisp 
Log Message:
Added the native windows backend clim-graphic-forms, by Jack D. Unrue

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/frame-manager.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/frame-manager.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIM-GRAPHIC-FORMS -*-

;;; (c) 2006 Jack D. Unrue (jdunrue (at) gmail (dot) com)
;;; based on the null backend by:
;;;  (c) 2005 Christophe Rhodes (c.rhodes at gold.ac.uk)

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Library General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

(in-package :clim-graphic-forms)

(defclass graphic-forms-frame-manager (frame-manager)

(defmethod make-pane-1 ((fmgr graphic-forms-frame-manager) (frame application-frame) type &rest initargs)
  #+nil (gfs::debug-format "make-pane-1 type: ~a initargs: ~a~%" type initargs)
  (apply #'make-pane-2 type :manager fmgr :frame frame :port (port frame) initargs))

(defmethod adopt-frame :after ((fmgr graphic-forms-frame-manager) (frame application-frame))

(defmethod note-space-requirements-changed :after ((graft graphic-forms-graft) pane)
  (gfs::debug-format "space requirements changed: ~a~%" pane))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/gadgets.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/gadgets.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIM-GRAPHIC-FORMS; -*-

;;; (c) 2006-2007 Jack D. Unrue (jdunrue (at) gmail (dot) com)
;;; based on the null backend by:
;;;  (c) 2005 Christophe Rhodes (c.rhodes at gold.ac.uk)

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Library General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

(in-package :clim-graphic-forms)

;;; base widget behaviors

(defmethod activate-gadget ((widget gfw-widget-pane-mixin))
  (with-slots (active-p) widget
    (unless active-p
      (gfw:enable (sheet-mirror widget) t)))

(defmethod deactivate-gadget ((widget gfw-widget-pane-mixin))
  (with-slots (active-p) widget
    (unless active-p
      (gfw:enable (sheet-mirror widget) nil)))

;;; menus

(defun append-menu-items (port menu-pane)
  (let ((table-name (command-table menu-pane)))
    (when table-name
      (let ((table (find-command-table table-name)))
        (dolist (thing (slot-value table 'climi::menu))
          (let* ((sub-table-name (if (eql (command-menu-item-type thing) :menu)
                                   (command-table-name thing)
                 (sub-pane (climi::make-menu-button-from-menu-item
                             thing nil :command-table sub-table-name)))
            (if (eql (command-menu-item-type thing) :command)
              (setf (gadget-label sub-pane) (climi::command-menu-item-name thing)
                    (item sub-pane) thing)
              (setf (label sub-pane) (climi::command-menu-item-name thing)))
            (setf (sheet-parent sub-pane) menu-pane)
            (realize-mirror port sub-pane))))))
  (dolist (menu-item (contents menu-pane))
    (unless (integerp menu-item)
      (setf (sheet-parent menu-item) menu-pane)
      (realize-mirror port menu-item))))

(defmethod make-pane-2 ((type (eql 'climi::menu-bar)) &rest initargs)
  (apply #'make-instance 'gfw-menu-bar-pane initargs))

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane gfw-menu-bar-pane))
  (let* ((top-level (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent (sheet-parent pane))))
         (mirror (gfw:menu-bar top-level)))
    (setf (sheet mirror) pane)
    (climi::port-register-mirror port pane mirror)
    (append-menu-items port pane)

(defmethod destroy-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane gfw-menu-bar-pane))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror port pane)))
    (climi::port-unregister-mirror port pane mirror)))

(defmethod make-pane-2 ((type (eql 'climi::menu-button-submenu-pane)) &rest initargs)
  (apply #'make-instance 'gfw-menu-pane initargs))

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane gfw-menu-pane))
  (let* ((parent (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent pane)))
         (mirror (make-instance 'gfw-menu :sheet pane :handle (gfs::create-popup-menu))))
    (gfw:append-submenu parent (label pane) mirror nil)
    (climi::port-register-mirror port pane mirror)
    (append-menu-items port pane)

(defmethod destroy-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane gfw-menu-pane))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror port pane)))
    (climi::port-unregister-mirror port pane mirror)))

(defmethod make-pane-2 ((type (eql 'climi::menu-button-leaf-pane)) &rest initargs)
  (apply #'make-instance 'gfw-menu-item-pane initargs))

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane gfw-menu-item-pane))
  (let* ((menu (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent pane)))
         (mirror (gfw:append-item menu (gadget-label pane) *pane-dispatcher* nil nil 'gfw-menu-item)))
    (setf (sheet mirror) pane)
    (climi::port-register-mirror port pane mirror)

(defmethod destroy-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane gfw-menu-item-pane))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror port pane)))
    (climi::port-unregister-mirror port pane mirror)))

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane climi::menu-divider-leaf-pane))
  (let* ((menu (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent pane)))
         (mirror (gfw:append-separator menu)))
    (climi::port-register-mirror port pane mirror)

(defmethod destroy-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (pane climi::menu-divider-leaf-pane))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror port pane)))
    (climi::port-unregister-mirror port pane mirror)))

;;; other gadgets

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (gadget push-button))
  (gfs::debug-format "realizing ~a~%" gadget)
  (let* ((parent-mirror (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent gadget)))
         (mirror (make-instance 'gfw-button :parent parent-mirror :style '(:push-button))))
    (if (gadget-label gadget)
      (setf (gfw:text mirror) (gadget-label gadget)))
    (climi::port-register-mirror port gadget mirror)

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (gadget toggle-button))
  (gfs::debug-format "realizing ~a~%" gadget)
  (let* ((parent-mirror (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent gadget)))
         (mirror (make-instance 'gfw-button :parent parent-mirror :style '(:check-box))))
    (if (gadget-label gadget)
      (setf (gfw:text mirror) (gadget-label gadget)))
    (climi::port-register-mirror port gadget mirror)

(defmethod realize-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (gadget scroll-bar))
  (gfs::debug-format "realizing ~a~%" gadget)
  (let* ((parent-mirror (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent gadget)))
         (mirror (make-instance 'gfw-scrollbar :parent parent-mirror :style :vertical)))
    (climi::port-register-mirror port gadget mirror)

(defmethod destroy-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (gadget value-gadget))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror port gadget)))
    (climi::port-unregister-mirror port gadget mirror)))

(defmethod destroy-mirror ((port graphic-forms-port) (gadget action-gadget))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror port gadget)))
    (climi::port-unregister-mirror port gadget mirror)))

;;; layout

(defmethod compose-space ((gadget action-gadget) &key width height)
  (declare (ignore width height))
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror (port gadget) gadget))
        (pref-size (gfs:make-size :width 100 :height 100)))
    (if mirror
      (setf pref-size (gfw:preferred-size mirror -1 -1))
        (gfs::debug-format "compose-space parent: ~a~%" (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent gadget)))
        (setf mirror (make-instance 'gfw:button :parent (sheet-mirror (sheet-parent gadget)) :text (gadget-label gadget)))
        (setf pref-size (gfw:preferred-size mirror -1 -1))
        (gfs:dispose mirror)
        (setf mirror nil)))
    (gfs::debug-format "pref size ~a for ~a mirror ~a~%" pref-size gadget mirror)
    (make-space-requirement :width (gfs:size-width pref-size)
                            :height (gfs:size-height pref-size))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/graft.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/graft.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIM-GRAPHIC-FORMS -*-

;;; (c) 2006-2007 Jack D. Unrue (jdunrue (at) gmail (dot) com)
;;; based on the null backend by:
;;;  (c) 2005 Christophe Rhodes (c.rhodes at gold.ac.uk)

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Library General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

(in-package :clim-graphic-forms)

(defclass graphic-forms-graft (graft)

(defmethod graft-width ((graft graphic-forms-graft) &key (units :device))
  (gfw:with-root-window (window)
    (let ((size (gfs:size window)))
      (gfw:with-graphics-context (gc window)
        (ecase units
          (:device       (gfs:size-width size))
          (:millimeters  (gfs::get-device-caps (gfs:handle gc) gfs::+horzsize+))
          (:inches       (floor (gfs:size-width size)
                                (gfs::get-device-caps (gfs:handle gc) gfs::+logpixelsx+)))
          (:screen-sized 1))))))

(defmethod graft-height ((graft graphic-forms-graft) &key (units :device))
  (gfw:with-root-window (window)
    (let ((size (first (gethash (gfs:obtain-system-metrics) :display-sizes))))
      (gfw:with-graphics-context (gc window)
        (ecase units
          (:device       (gfs:size-height size))
          (:millimeters  (gfs::get-device-caps (gfs:handle gc) gfs::+vertsize+))
          (:inches       (floor (gfs:size-height size)
                                (gfs::get-device-caps (gfs:handle gc) gfs::+logpixelsy+)))
          (:screen-sized 1))))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/medium.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/medium.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIM-GRAPHIC-FORMS -*-

;;; (c) 2006 Jack D. Unrue (jdunrue (at) gmail (dot) com)
;;; based on the null backend by:
;;;  (c) 2005 Christophe Rhodes (c.rhodes at gold.ac.uk)

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Library General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

(in-package :clim-graphic-forms)

(defclass graphic-forms-medium (basic-medium)
    :accessor font-of
    :initform nil)
    :accessor image-of
    :initform nil)
    :accessor port-of
    :initarg :port
    :initform nil)))

(defvar *medium-origin*     (gfs:make-point))
(defvar *mediums-to-render* nil)

(defun add-medium-to-render (medium)
  (pushnew medium *mediums-to-render* :test #'eql))

(defun remove-medium-to-render (medium)
  (setf *mediums-to-render* (remove medium *mediums-to-render*)))

(defun render-medium (medium)
  (let ((mirror (climi::port-lookup-mirror (port-of medium) (medium-sheet medium))))
    (gfw:with-graphics-context (gc mirror)
      (gfg:draw-image gc (image-of medium) *medium-origin*))))

(defun render-pending-mediums ()
  (loop for medium in *mediums-to-render*
        do (render-medium medium))
  (setf *mediums-to-render* nil))

(defun resize-medium-buffer (medium size)
  (let ((old-image (image-of medium)))
    (when old-image
      (if (not (gfs:disposed-p old-image))
        (let ((old-size (gfg:size old-image)))
          (unless (gfs:equal-size-p size old-size)
            (gfs:dispose old-image)
            (setf old-image nil)))
        (setf old-image nil)))
    (unless old-image
      (setf (image-of medium) (make-instance 'gfg:image :size size)))))

(defun destroy-medium (medium)
  (remove-medium-to-render medium)
  (let ((image (image-of medium)))
    (if (and image (not (gfs:disposed-p image)))
      (gfs:dispose image)))
  (let ((font (font-of medium)))
    (if (and font (not (gfs:disposed-p font)))
      (gfs:dispose font))
    (setf (font-of medium) nil)))

(defun normalize-text-data (text)
  (etypecase text
    (string    text)
    (character (string text))
    (symbol    (symbol-name text))))

(defun sync-text-style (medium text-style)
  (multiple-value-bind (family face size)
      (text-style-components (merge-text-styles text-style *default-text-style*))
    #+nil (gfs::debug-format "family: ~a  face: ~a  size: ~a~%" family face size)
    ;; FIXME: what to do about font data char sets?
    ;; FIXME: externalize these specific choices so that applications can
    ;; have better control over them
    (gfw:with-graphics-context (gc (climi::port-lookup-mirror (port-of medium) (medium-sheet medium)))
      (let ((old-data (if (font-of medium) (gfg:data-object (font-of medium) gc)))
            (face-name (case family
                         ((:fix :fixed) "Lucida Console")
                         (:serif        "Times New Roman")
                         (:sansserif    "Arial")))
            (pnt-size (case size
                        (:tiny       6)
                        (:very-small 8)
                        (:small      10)
                        (:normal     12)
                        (:large      14)
                        (:very-large 16)
                        (:huge       18)
                        (otherwise   10)))
            (style nil))
        (pushnew (case face
                   ((:bold :bold-italic :bold-oblique :italic-bold :oblique-bold)
        (pushnew (case face
                   ((:bold-italic :italic :italic-bold)
        (pushnew (case family
                   ((:fix :fixed) :fixed)
                   (otherwise     :normal))
        (when (or (null old-data)
                  (not (eql pnt-size (gfg:font-data-point-size old-data)))
                  (string-not-equal face-name (gfg:font-data-face-name old-data))
                  (/= (length style)
                      (length (intersection style (gfg:font-data-style old-data)))))
          (when old-data
            (gfs:dispose (font-of medium))
            (setf (font-of medium) nil))
          (let ((new-data (gfg:make-font-data :face-name face-name
                                              :point-size pnt-size
                                              :style style)))
            #+nil (gfs::debug-format "new font data: ~a~%" new-data)
            (setf (font-of medium) (make-instance 'gfg:font :gc gc :data new-data))))))))

(defmethod (setf medium-text-style) :before (text-style (medium graphic-forms-medium))
  (sync-text-style medium
                   (merge-text-styles (medium-text-style medium)
                                      (medium-default-text-style medium))))

(defmethod (setf medium-line-style) :before (line-style (medium graphic-forms-medium))

[197 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/package.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/package.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1

[222 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/port.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/port.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1

[661 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/utils.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	NONE
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/Graphic-Forms/utils.lisp	2007/03/14 23:33:25	1.1

[714 lines skipped]

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