[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim

ahefner ahefner at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 5 03:16:55 UTC 2007

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv7623

Modified Files:
	bordered-output.lisp package.lisp 
Log Message:
Mostly rewrote bordered output. Introduced new border types :rounded
and :ellipse, and introduced various new keywords (:filled, :background,
:outline-ink, :shadow, :shadow-offset, :line-*, :padding-*, etc, to be
documented). Introduced generic functions make-bordered-output-record,
draw-output-border-under, draw-output-border-over to provide a CLOS-style
underpinning for the define-border-type macro. This also means you can
implement anonymous border styles via any object having applicable methods
for these functions. Filled borders should respond to presentation
highlighting if a :highlight keyword provides an alternate background ink
to use while highlighted.

Export aforementioned new border functions, draw-rounded-rectangle*, the
bordered-output-record class, and the highlight-output-record-tree function
via clim-externals.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/bordered-output.lisp	2006/03/29 10:43:36	1.14
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/bordered-output.lisp	2007/02/05 03:16:55	1.15
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS -*-
+;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS -*-
 ;;;  (c) copyright 2002 by Alexey Dejneka (adejneka at comail.ru)
+;;;  (c) copyright 2007 by Andy Hefner (ahefner at gmail.com)
 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
@@ -17,16 +18,76 @@
 ;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
 ;;; TODO:
-;;; - Gap computation
+;;;  - Define a protocol which the graph formatter can utilize to determine
+;;;    where graph edges should be connected to shaped output borders.
+;;;  - ** Double check default value and intent of move-cursor argument.
+;;;    If I understand things right, move-cursor t for underlining is usually
+;;;    the wrong thing.
+;;; FIXME:
+;;;  - Various functions which try to accomodate line-thickness do not
+;;;    attempt to consider possibility of a line-style argument.
+;;;  - In a perfect world we could make the default shadow ink a tranlucent
+;;;    ink, but the CLX backend isn't there yet. A stopgap measure could
+;;;    simply blend against the pane-background.
+;;;  - Using padding to control the rounded rectangles might be the wrong thing.
+;;; ???
+;;;  - Would it make more sense to draw borders as part of replay (with recording
+;;;    off, like a displayed record), and letting them effortlessly accomodate
+;;;    changes in the bounding rectangle of the contents? This would only benefit
+;;;    people doing unusual things with output records. How would be determine
+;;;    bounds of the border?
 (in-package :clim-internals)
-(defvar *border-types* (make-hash-table))
+(defclass bordered-output-record (standard-sequence-output-record)
+  (under record over))
+(defgeneric make-bordered-output-record (stream shape record &key
+                                                &allow-other-keys)
+  (:documentation "Instantiates an output record of a class appropriate for the
+  specified shape containing the given output record, and renders any decorations
+  associated with the shape."))
+(defgeneric draw-output-border-under
+    (shape stream record &rest drawing-options &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:documentation
+   "Draws the portion of border shape which is visible underneath the surrounded
+    output"))
+(defgeneric draw-output-border-over
+    (shape stream record &rest drawing-options &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:documentation
+   "Draws the portion of border shape which is visible above the surrounded
+    output"))
+;; Keep this around just for fun, so we can list the defined border types.
+(defvar *border-types* nil)
+(defparameter *border-default-padding* 4)
+(defparameter *border-default-radius*  7)
+(defparameter *drop-shadow-default-offset* 6)
+;; Defining the border edges directly by the edges of the surrounded output
+;; record is wrong in the 'null bounding rectangle' case, occuring when the
+;; record has no chidren, or no children with non-null bounding rectangles.
+;; Intuitively, the empty border should remain centered on the cursor.
+(defmacro with-border-edges ((stream record) &body body)
+  `(if (null-bounding-rectangle-p ,record)
+    (multiple-value-bind (left top) (stream-cursor-position ,stream)
+      (let ((right  (1+ left))
+            (bottom (1+ top)))
+        , at body))
+    (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) ,record
+      , at body)))
 (defmacro surrounding-output-with-border ((&optional stream
-                                           &rest drawing-options
-                                           &key (shape :rectangle) (move-cursor t))
+                                           &rest drawing-options &key
+                                           (shape :rectangle)
+                                           (move-cursor t)
+					   &allow-other-keys)
                                           &body body)
   (declare (ignore shape move-cursor))
   (setf stream (stream-designator-symbol stream '*standard-output*))
@@ -35,102 +96,622 @@
+(defun %prepare-bordered-output-record
+    (stream shape border inner-record drawing-options)
+  (with-sheet-medium (medium stream)
+    (macrolet ((capture (&body body)
+                   `(multiple-value-bind (cx cy) (stream-cursor-position stream)
+                     (with-output-to-output-record (stream)
+                       (setf (stream-cursor-position stream) (values cx cy))
+                       , at body))))
+      (let* ((border-under
+              (with-identity-transformation (medium)
+                (capture
+                 (apply #'draw-output-border-under
+                        shape stream inner-record drawing-options))))
+             (border-over
+              (with-identity-transformation (medium)
+                (capture
+                 (apply #'draw-output-border-over
+                        shape stream inner-record drawing-options)))))
+        (with-slots (under record over) border
+          (setf under  border-under
+                record inner-record
+                over   border-over)
+          (add-output-record under  border)
+          (add-output-record record border)
+          (add-output-record over   border))
+        border))))
+(defmethod make-bordered-output-record (stream shape inner-record
+                                               &rest drawing-options)
+  (%prepare-bordered-output-record stream shape
+                                   (make-instance 'bordered-output-record)
+                                   inner-record drawing-options))
+;; This should have been exported by the CLIM package, otherwise you can't
+;; apply a computed list of drawing options.
 (defun invoke-surrounding-output-with-border (stream cont
                                               &rest drawing-options
                                               &key (shape :rectangle)
-					      (move-cursor t))
-  (with-sheet-medium (medium stream)
-    (let ((bbox-record
-	   (with-new-output-record (stream)
-	     (let ((record (with-new-output-record (stream)
-			     (funcall cont stream))))
-	       (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) record
-		 (with-identity-transformation (medium)
-		   (with-keywords-removed
-		       (drawing-options (:shape :move-cursor))
-		     (apply (or (gethash shape *border-types*)
-				(error "Border shape ~S not defined." shape))
-			    :stream stream
-			    :record record
-			    :left left :top top
-			    :right right :bottom bottom
-			    :allow-other-keys t
-			    drawing-options))))))))
-      (when move-cursor
-	(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) bbox-record
-	  (declare (ignore left top))
-	  (setf (stream-cursor-position stream) (values right bottom))))
-      bbox-record)))
+					      (move-cursor t)
+					      &allow-other-keys)
+  (with-keywords-removed (drawing-options (:shape :move-cursor))
+    (multiple-value-bind (cx cy) (stream-cursor-position stream)
+      (let ((border (apply #'make-bordered-output-record
+                           stream
+                           shape
+			   (with-output-to-output-record (stream)
+			     ;; w-o-t-o-r moved the cursor to the origin.
+			     (setf (stream-cursor-position stream)
+                                   (values cx cy))
+			     (funcall cont stream)
+			     (setf (values cx cy)
+                                   (stream-cursor-position stream)))
+                           drawing-options)))
+        (stream-add-output-record stream border)
+        (when (stream-drawing-p stream)
+          (with-output-recording-options (stream :record nil)
+            (replay border stream)))
+        (if move-cursor
+	    ;; move-cursor is true, move cursor to lower-right corner of output.
+	    (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) border
+	      (declare (ignore left top))
+	      (setf (stream-cursor-position stream) (values right bottom)))
+	    ;; move-cursor is false, preserve the cursor position from after
+	    ;; the output (I think this is right, it's useful for :underline)
+	    (setf (stream-cursor-position stream) (values cx cy)))
+        border))))
+(defmethod draw-output-border-under
+    (shape stream record &rest drawing-options &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (declare (ignore drawing-options))
+  (values))
+(defmacro %%line-style-for-method ()
+  `(or line-style
+    (merge-line-styles
+     (make-line-style
+      :unit      line-unit
+      :thickness line-thickness
+      :cap-shape line-cap-shape
+      :dashes    line-dashes)
+     (medium-line-style stream))))
+(defmacro %%adjusting-for-padding (&body body)
+  `(let ((left   (- left   padding-left))
+         (right  (+ right  padding-right))
+         (top    (- top    padding-top))
+         (bottom (+ bottom padding-bottom)))
+    , at body))
+(defmacro %%adjusting-padding-for-line-style (&body body)
+  `(let ((padding-left   (+ padding-left   (/ (or line-thickness 0) 2)))
+         (padding-right  (+ padding-right  (/ (or line-thickness 0) 2)))
+         (padding-top    (+ padding-top    (/ (or line-thickness 0) 2)))
+         (padding-bottom (+ padding-bottom (/ (or line-thickness 0) 2))))
+    , at body))
 (defmacro define-border-type (shape arglist &body body)
   (check-type arglist list)
-  (loop for arg in arglist
-     do (check-type arg symbol))
   ;; The Franz User guide implies that &key isn't needed.
   (pushnew '&key arglist)
-  `(setf (gethash ,shape *border-types*)
-         (lambda ,arglist , at body)))
+  `(progn
+    (pushnew ,shape *border-types*)
+    (defmethod draw-output-border-over ((shape (eql ',shape)) stream record
+                                        &rest drawing-options)
+      (with-border-edges (stream record)
+        (apply (lambda (, at arglist &allow-other-keys)
+                 , at body)
+               :stream stream
+               :record record
+               :left left
+               :right right
+               :top top
+               :bottom bottom
+               drawing-options)))))
 ;;;; Standard border types
-(define-border-type :rectangle (stream left top right bottom)
-  (let ((gap 3)) ; FIXME
-    (draw-rectangle* stream
-                     (- left gap) (- top gap)
-                     (+ right gap) (+ bottom gap)
-                     :filled nil)))
-(define-border-type :oval (stream left top right bottom)
-  (let ((gap 3)) ; FIXME
-    (draw-oval* stream
-                (/ (+ left right) 2) (/ (+ top bottom) 2)
-                (+ (/ (- right left) 2) gap) (+ (/ (- bottom top) 2) gap)
-                :filled nil)))
-(define-border-type :drop-shadow (stream left top right bottom)
-  (let* ((gap 3) ; FIXME?
-	 (offset 3)
-	 (left-edge (- left gap))
-	 (bottom-edge (+ bottom gap))
-	 (top-edge (- top gap))
-	 (right-edge (+ right gap)))
-    (draw-rectangle* stream
-		     left-edge top-edge
-		     right-edge bottom-edge
-		     :filled nil)
-    (draw-rectangle* stream
-		     right-edge (+ top-edge offset)
-		     (+ right-edge offset) bottom-edge :filled t)
-    (draw-rectangle* stream
-		     (+ left-edge offset) bottom-edge
-		     (+ right-edge offset) (+ bottom-edge offset)
-		     :filled t)))
-(define-border-type :underline (stream record)
-  (labels ((fn (record)
-             (loop for child across (output-record-children record) do
-               (typecase child
-                 (text-displayed-output-record
-                  (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) child
-                     (declare (ignore top))
-                     (draw-line* stream left bottom right bottom)))
-                 (updating-output-record  nil)
-                 (compound-output-record  (fn child))))))
-    (fn record)))
-(define-border-type :inset (stream left top right bottom)
-  (let* ((gap 3)
-	 (left-edge (- left gap))
-	 (bottom-edge (+ bottom gap))
-	 (top-edge (- top gap))
-	 (right-edge (+ right gap))
-         (dark  *3d-dark-color*)
-         (light *3d-light-color*))
-    (flet ((draw (left-edge right-edge bottom-edge top-edge light dark)
-             (draw-line* stream left-edge bottom-edge left-edge top-edge :ink dark)
-             (draw-line* stream left-edge top-edge right-edge top-edge :ink dark)
-             (draw-line* stream right-edge bottom-edge right-edge top-edge :ink light)
-             (draw-line* stream left-edge bottom-edge right-edge bottom-edge :ink light)))
-      (draw left-edge right-edge bottom-edge top-edge light dark)
-      (draw (1+ left-edge) (1- right-edge) (1- bottom-edge) (1+ top-edge) light dark))))
+(define-border-type :rectangle (stream left top right bottom
+                                       ink outline-ink filled
+                                       (padding *border-default-padding*)
+                                       (padding-x padding)
+                                       (padding-y padding)
+                                       (padding-left   padding-x)
+                                       (padding-right  padding-x)
+                                       (padding-top    padding-y)
+                                       (padding-bottom padding-y)
+                                       line-style
+                                       line-unit
+                                       line-thickness
+                                       line-cap-shape
+                                       line-dashes)
+  (%%adjusting-padding-for-line-style
+    (%%adjusting-for-padding
+      (let ((ink (or outline-ink
+                     (and (not filled)
+                          (or ink (medium-ink stream))))))
+        (when ink
+          (draw-rectangle* stream
+                           left top right bottom
+                           :line-style (%%line-style-for-method)
+                           :ink ink
+                           :filled nil))))))
+(defmethod draw-output-border-under
+    ((shape (eql :rectangle)) stream record
+     &key background ink filled
+     (padding *border-default-padding*)
+     (padding-x padding)
+     (padding-y padding)     
+     (padding-left   padding-x)
+     (padding-right  padding-x)
+     (padding-top    padding-y)
+     (padding-bottom padding-y)
+     shadow
+     (shadow-offset *drop-shadow-default-offset*)
+     line-thickness
+     &allow-other-keys)
+  (when (or background filled)
+    (with-border-edges (stream record)
+      (%%adjusting-padding-for-line-style
+        (%%adjusting-for-padding
+          (when (and shadow shadow-offset)
+            (draw-rectangle* stream
+                             (+ shadow-offset left)
+                             (+ shadow-offset top)
+                             (+ shadow-offset right)
+                             (+ shadow-offset bottom)
+                             :ink shadow
+                             :filled t))
+          (draw-rectangle* stream
+                           left top
+                           right bottom
+                           :ink (or background ink +background-ink+)
+                           :filled t))))))
+(define-border-type :oval (stream left top right bottom
+				  (ink (medium-ink stream))
+                                  outline-ink
+                                  (padding *border-default-padding*)
+                                  (padding-x padding)
+                                  (padding-y padding)
+                                  (padding-left   padding-x)
+                                  (padding-right  padding-x)
+                                  (padding-top    padding-y)
+                                  (padding-bottom padding-y)
+                                  line-style
+                                  line-unit
+                                  line-thickness
+                                  line-cap-shape
+                                  line-dashes)
+  (%%adjusting-padding-for-line-style
+    (%%adjusting-for-padding
+      (when ink
+        (draw-oval* stream
+                    (/ (+ left right) 2) (/ (+  top bottom) 2)
+                    (/ (- right left) 2) (/ (- bottom top) 2)
+                    :line-style (%%line-style-for-method)
+                    :ink (or outline-ink ink)
+                    :filled nil)))))
+(defmethod draw-output-border-under
+    ((shape (eql :oval)) stream record &key
+     background ink filled line-thickness     
+     (shadow-offset *drop-shadow-default-offset*)
+     shadow
+     (padding *border-default-padding*)

[405 lines skipped]
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/package.lisp	2007/02/04 12:55:43	1.60
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/package.lisp	2007/02/05 03:16:55	1.61
@@ -1923,6 +1923,16 @@
+   #:draw-output-border-over
+   #:draw-output-border-under
+   #:make-bordered-output-record
+   #:bordered-output-record
+   #:draw-rounded-rectangle*
+   #:highlight-output-record-tree
    ;; Font listing extension:

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