[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Fri Nov 10 01:15:58 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv7476/Drei

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add somewhat-correct implementation of input-editor typeout. I believe
Hefner has a better idea for how this should work.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/input-editor.lisp	2006/11/08 13:08:12	1.2
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/input-editor.lisp	2006/11/10 01:15:58	1.3
@@ -523,6 +523,45 @@
+;;; `With-input-editor-typeout'
+;;; The CLIM spec is very vague about what this function is supposed
+;;; to do, but the Franz users guide suggests that it is to be used to
+;;; display information to the user while editing, sort of what we
+;;; normally use a minibuffer for. Perhaps the output should be put in
+;;; an output record above or below the editing area, but for now, we
+;;; just put it in the minibuffer. That also means the `:erase'
+;;; keyword argument is meaningless. We do add some extra limitations,
+;;; though (check the docstring)
+(defgeneric invoke-with-input-editor-typeout (stream continuation &key erase)
+  (:documentation "Call `continuation' with a single argument, a
+stream to do input-editor-typeout on."))
+(defmethod invoke-with-input-editor-typeout ((stream drei-input-editing-mixin)
+                                             (continuation function) &key erase)
+  (declare (ignore erase))
+  (let ((drei (drei-instance stream)))
+    (when (minibuffer drei)
+      (funcall continuation (minibuffer drei)))))
+(defmacro with-input-editor-typeout ((&optional (stream t) &rest args
+                                                &key erase)
+                                     &body body)
+  "`Stream' is not evaluated and must be a symbol. If T (the
+default), `*standard-input*' will be used. `Stream' will be bound
+to an `extended-output-stream' while `body' is being evaluated."
+  (declare (ignore erase))
+  (check-type stream symbol)
+  (let ((stream (if (eq stream t) *standard-input* stream)))
+    `(apply #'invoke-with-input-editor-typeout
+            ,stream
+            #'(lambda (,stream)
+                , at body)
+            ,args)))
 ;;; Presentation type specialization.
 (define-presentation-method accept :around

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