[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim

crhodes crhodes at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 27 10:46:11 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26653

Modified Files:
	gadgets.lisp panes.lisp 
Log Message:
Patch from Paul Werkowski for with-output-as-gadget.  Still not good, 
but better, as I understand it.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/gadgets.lisp	2006/03/10 21:58:13	1.96
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/gadgets.lisp	2006/03/27 10:46:11	1.97
@@ -2656,17 +2656,15 @@
 (defclass gadget-output-record (basic-output-record displayed-output-record)
   ((gadget :initarg :gadget :accessor gadget)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record gadget-output-record) &key child x y)
-  (let* ((sr (compose-space child))
-         (width  (space-requirement-width sr))
-         (height (space-requirement-height sr)))
-    (allocate-space child width height)
-    (setf (gadget record) child
-          (rectangle-edges* record) (values x y (+ x width) (+ y height)))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record gadget-output-record) &key x y)
+  (setf (output-record-position record) (values x y)))
 (defmethod note-output-record-got-sheet ((record gadget-output-record) sheet)
   (multiple-value-bind (x y)  (output-record-position record)
     (sheet-adopt-child sheet (gadget record))
+    (allocate-space (gadget record)
+		    (rectangle-width record)
+		    (rectangle-height record))
     (move-sheet (gadget record) x y)))
 (defmethod note-output-record-lost-sheet ((record gadget-output-record) sheet)
@@ -2686,15 +2684,19 @@
                    (= oy gy))
         (move-sheet (gadget record) ox oy)))))
-(defun setup-gadget-record (sheet record x y)
-  ;; Here we modify the height of the current text line. This is necessary so
-  ;; that when the cursor advances to the next line, it does not start writing
-  ;; underneath the gadget. This is probably a less than optimal solution.
-  (with-slots (height) sheet    
-    (setf height (max height (bounding-rectangle-height record))))
-  (setf (stream-cursor-position sheet)
-        (values (+ x (bounding-rectangle-width record))
-                y)))
+(defun setup-gadget-record (sheet record)
+  (let* ((child (gadget record))
+	 (sr (compose-space child))
+	 (width  (space-requirement-width sr))
+	 (height (space-requirement-height sr)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (x y)(output-record-position record)
+      (setf (rectangle-edges* record) (values x y (+ x width) (+ y height)))
+    (when t ; :move-cursor t
+      ;; Almost like LWW, except baseline of text should align with bottom
+      ;; of gadget? FIXME
+      (setf (stream-cursor-position sheet)
+	    (values (+ x (bounding-rectangle-width record))
+		    (+ y (bounding-rectangle-height record))))))))
 ;; The CLIM 2.0 spec does not really say what this macro should return.
 ;; Existing code written for "Real CLIM" assumes it returns the gadget pane
@@ -2702,22 +2704,36 @@
 ;; For compatibility I'm having it return (values GADGET GADGET-OUTPUT-RECORD)
 (defmacro with-output-as-gadget ((stream &rest options) &body body)
-  (declare (type symbol stream)
-           (ignorable options))
-  (when (eq stream t)
-    (setq stream '*standard-output*))
-  (let ((gadget (gensym))
-	(gadget-output-record (gensym))
-        (x (gensym))
-        (y (gensym)))
-    `(multiple-value-bind (,x ,y)  (stream-cursor-position ,stream)
-       (let* ((,gadget (progn , at body))
-              (,gadget-output-record (make-instance 'gadget-output-record
-                                                    :child ,gadget :x (round ,x) :y (round ,y))))
-         (stream-add-output-record ,stream ,gadget-output-record)
-         (setup-gadget-record ,stream ,gadget-output-record (round ,x) (round ,y))
-         (values ,gadget ,gadget-output-record)))))
+  ;; NOTE - incremental-redisplay 12/28/05 will call this on redisplay
+  ;; unless wrapped in (updating-output (stream :cache-value t) ...)
+  ;; Otherwise, new gadget-output-records are generated but only the first
+  ;; gadget is ever adopted, and an erase-output-record called on a newer
+  ;; gadget-output-record will face a sheet-not-child error when trying
+  ;; to disown the never adopted gadget.
+  (let ((gadget-output-record (gensym))
+	(x (gensym))
+	(y (gensym)))
+    `(multiple-value-bind (,x ,y)(stream-cursor-position ,stream)
+       (flet ((with-output-as-gadget-continuation (,stream record)
+		(flet ((with-output-as-gadget-body (,stream)
+			 (declare (ignorable ,stream))
+			 (progn , at body)))
+		  (setf (gadget record)
+			(with-output-as-gadget-body ,stream))))
+	      (gadget-output-record-constructor ()
+		(make-instance 'gadget-output-record
+			       , at options :x ,x :y ,y)))
+	 (declare (dynamic-extent with-output-as-gadget-continuation
+				  gadget-output-record-constructor))
+	 (let ((,gadget-output-record
+		(invoke-with-output-to-output-record
+		 ,stream
+		 #'with-output-as-gadget-continuation
+		 nil
+		 #'gadget-output-record-constructor)))
+	   (setup-gadget-record ,stream ,gadget-output-record)
+	   (stream-add-output-record ,stream ,gadget-output-record)
+	   (values (gadget ,gadget-output-record) ,gadget-output-record))))))
 (defclass orientation-from-parent-mixin () ())
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/panes.lisp	2006/03/10 21:58:13	1.167
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/panes.lisp	2006/03/27 10:46:11	1.168
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 ;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-;;; $Id: panes.lisp,v 1.167 2006/03/10 21:58:13 tmoore Exp $
+;;; $Id: panes.lisp,v 1.168 2006/03/27 10:46:11 crhodes Exp $
 (in-package :clim-internals)
@@ -2654,7 +2654,8 @@
   (let ((frame (pane-frame stream)))
     (when frame
       (disown-frame (frame-manager frame) frame)))
-  (call-next-method))
+  (when (next-method-p)
+    (call-next-method)))
 (define-application-frame a-window-stream (standard-encapsulating-stream

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