[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim

tmoore tmoore at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 12 23:09:27 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8927

Modified Files:
	frames.lisp presentation-defs.lisp presentations.lisp 
Log Message:
drag-and-drop, not quite working yet

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/frames.lisp	2006/03/10 21:58:12	1.114
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/frames.lisp	2006/03/12 23:09:27	1.115
@@ -1566,46 +1566,162 @@
 	     (stream-replay stream buffer-rectangle))))))))
-(defgeneric frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting (frame to-presentation state))
+(defgeneric frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting
+    (frame to-presentation stream state))
 (defmethod frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting
-    ((frame standard-application-frame) to-presentation state)
-  )
+    ((frame standard-application-frame) to-presentation stream state)
+  (highlight-presentation-1 to-presentation stream state))
-(defun frame-drag-and-drop (translator-name command-table object presentation
-			    context-type frame event window x y)
-  (let* ((translators (mapcan (lambda (trans)
+(defun frame-drag-and-drop (translator-name command-table
+			    from-presentation context-type frame event window
+			    x y)
+  (declare (ignore command-table))
+  (let* ((*dragged-presentation* from-presentation)
+	 (*dragged-object* (presentation-object from-presentation))
+	 (translators (mapcan (lambda (trans)
 				(and (typep trans 'drag-n-drop-translator)
-				     (test-presentation-translator
-				      trans presentation context-type frame
-				      window x y :event event)))
+				     (funcall (tester trans)
+					      (presentation-object
+					       from-presentation)
+					      :presentation from-presentation
+					      :context-type context-type
+					      :frame frame
+					      :window window
+					      :x x
+					      :y y
+					      :event event)))
-			       (presentation-type presentation)
+			       (presentation-type from-presentation)
 			       (frame-command-table frame))))
+	 ;; Try to run the feedback and highlight functions of the translator
+	 ;; that got us here.
 	 (translator (or (find translator-name translators :key #'name)
 			 (car translators)))
-	 (tester (tester translator))
-	 (drag-type (from-type translator))
-	 (feedback-fn (feedback translator))
-	 (hilite-fn (highlighting translator))
-	 (drag-context (make-fake-input-context drag-c-type))
-	 (*dragged-object* object)
-	 (destination-object nil))
-    (multiple-value-bind (x0 y0)
-	(stream-pointer-position window)
-      (funcall feedback-fn *application-frame* object window
-	       x0 y0 x0 y0 :highlight)
-      (tracking-pointer (window :context-type `(or ,(mapcar #'from-type
-							    translators))
-				:highlight nil)
-	(:presentation (&key presentation event x y)
-	 )
-	(:pointer-motion (&key event x y)
-	  (multiple-value-bind (presentation translator)
-	      (find-innermost-presentation-match drag-context window
-						 x y :event event)))
-	(:presentation-button-press (&key presentation x y))
-	(:presentation-button-release (&key presentation x y))
-	(:button-press (&key x y))
-	(:button-release (&key x y))))))
+	 (initial-feedback-fn (feedback translator))
+	 (initial-hilite-fn (highlighting translator))
+	 (destination-presentation nil)
+	 (initial-x x)
+	 (initial-y y)
+	 (last-presentation nil)
+	 (feedback-activated nil)
+	 (feedback-fn initial-feedback-fn)
+	 (hilite-fn initial-hilite-fn)
+	 (last-event nil))
+    ;; We shouldn't need to use find-innermost-presentation-match
+    ;; This repeats what tracking-pointer has already done, but what are you
+    ;; gonna do?
+    (flet ((find-dest-translator (presentation window x y)
+	     (loop for translator in translators
+		   when (and (presentation-subtypep
+			      (presentation-type presentation)
+			      (destination-ptype translator))
+			     (test-presentation-translator translator
+							   presentation
+							   context-type frame
+							   window x y))
+		   do (return-from find-dest-translator translator))
+	     nil)
+	   (do-feedback (window x y state do-it)
+	     (when do-it
+	       (funcall feedback-fn frame from-presentation window
+			initial-x initial-y x y state)))
+	   (do-hilite (presentation window state)
+	     (when presentation
+	       (funcall hilite-fn frame presentation window state)))
+	   (last-window ()
+	     (event-sheet last-event))
+	   (last-x ()
+	     (pointer-event-x last-event))
+	   (last-y ()
+	     (pointer-event-y last-event)))
+      ;; :highlight nil will cause the presentation that is the source of the
+      ;; dragged object to be unhighlighted initially.
+      (block do-tracking
+	(tracking-pointer (window :context-type `(or ,(mapcar #'from-type
+							      translators))
+				  :highlight nil
+				  :multiple-window t)
+	  (:presentation (&key presentation window event x y)
+	    (let ((dest-translator (find-dest-translator presentation window
+							 x y)))
+	      (do-feedback (last-window) (last-x) (last-y)
+			   :unhighlight feedback-activated)
+	      (setq feedback-activated t
+		    last-event event)
+	      (do-hilite last-presentation (last-window) :unhighlight)
+	      (setq last-presentation presentation
+		    feedback-fn (feedback dest-translator)
+		    hilite-fn (highlighting dest-translator))
+	      (do-hilite presentation window :highlight)
+	      (do-feedback window x y :highlight t)
+	      (document-drag-n-drop dest-translator presentation
+				    context-type frame event window
+				    x y)))
+	  (:pointer-motion (&key event window x y)
+	    (do-feedback (last-window) (last-x) (last-y)
+			 :unhighlight feedback-activated)
+	    (setq feedback-activated t
+		  last-event event)
+	    (do-hilite last-presentation (last-window) :unhighlight)
+	    (setq last-presentation nil)
+	    (do-feedback window x y :highlight t)
+	    (document-drag-n-drop translator nil
+				  context-type frame event window
+				  x y))
+	  ;; XXX only support finish-on-release for now.
+	  #-(and)(:presentation-button-press ())
+	  (:presentation-button-release (&key presentation event)
+	    (setq destination-presentation presentation
+		  last-event event)
+	    (return-from do-tracking nil))
+	  #-(and)(:button-press ())
+	  (:button-release (&key event)
+	    (setq last-event event)
+	    (return-from do-tracking nil))))
+      ;;
+      ;; XXX Assumes x y from :button-release are the same as for the preceding
+      ;; button-motion; is that correct?
+      (do-feedback (last-window) (last-x) (last-y)
+		   :unhighlight feedback-activated)
+      (do-hilite last-presentation (last-window) :unhighlight)
+      (if destination-presentation
+	  (let ((final-translator (find-dest-translator destination-presentation
+							(last-window)
+							(last-x)
+							(last-y))))
+	    (if final-translator
+		(funcall (destination-translator final-translator)
+			 *dragged-object*
+			 :presentation *dragged-presentation*
+			 :destination-object (presentation-object
+					      destination-presentation)
+			 :destination-presentation destination-presentation
+			 :context-type context-type
+			 :frame frame
+			 :event event
+			 :window window
+			 :x x
+			 :y y)
+		(values nil nil)))
+	  (values nil nil)))))
+(defun document-drag-n-drop
+    (translator presentation context-type frame event window x y)
+  (when *pointer-documentation-output*
+    (let ((s *pointer-documentation-output*))
+      (window-clear s)
+      (with-end-of-page-action (s :allow)
+	(with-end-of-line-action (s :allow)
+	  (document-presentation-translator translator
+					    presentation
+					    context-type
+					    frame
+					    event
+					    window
+					    x y
+					    :stream s
+					    :documentation-type :pointer))))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/presentation-defs.lisp	2006/03/10 21:58:13	1.51
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/presentation-defs.lisp	2006/03/12 23:09:27	1.52
@@ -2002,30 +2002,44 @@
    (destination-translator :reader destination-translator
 			   :initarg :destination-translator)))
+(defvar *dragged-presentation* nil
+  "Bound to the presentation dragged in a drag-and-drop context")
 (defvar *dragged-object* nil
   "Bound to the object dragged in a drag-and-drop context")
 ;;; According to the Franz User's guide, the destination object is
 ;;; available in the tester, documentation, and translator function
 ;;; as destination-object. Therefore OBJECT is the dragged object. In
 ;;; our scheme the tester function, translator function etc. is
 ;;; really called on the destination object. So, we do a little
-;;; shuffling of arguments here.
+;;; shuffling of arguments here. We don't do that for the destination
+;;; translator because we can call that ourselves in frame-drag-and-drop.
+;;; Also, in Classic CLIM the destination presentation is passed as a
+;;; destination-presentation keyword argument; hence the presentation argument
+;;; is the dragged presentation.
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj drag-n-drop-translator)
-				       &key tester documentation
+				       &key documentation
-				       translator-function)
+				       destination-translator)
+  ;; This is starting to smell...
   (flet ((make-adapter (func)
-	   (lambda (object &rest args)
-	     (apply func *dragged-object* :destination-object object args))))
-    (setf (slot-value obj 'tester) (make-adapter tester))
+	   (lambda (object &rest args &key presentation &allow-other-keys)
+	     (if *dragged-presentation*
+		 (apply func
+			*dragged-object*
+			:presentation *dragged-presentation*
+			:destination-object object
+			:destination-presentation presentation
+			args)
+		 (apply func object args)))))
     (setf (slot-value obj 'documentation) (make-adapter documentation))
     (when pointer-documentation
       (setf (slot-value obj 'pointer-documentation)
-	    (make-adapter pointer-documentation)))
-    (setf (slot-value obj 'translator-function)
-	  (make-adapter translator-function))))
+	    (make-adapter pointer-documentation)))))
 (defmacro define-drag-and-drop-translator
    (name (from-type to-type destination-type command-table
@@ -2048,17 +2062,14 @@
     (with-keywords-removed (args (:feedback :highlighting))
 	 (define-presentation-translator ,name
-	     (,from-type ,to-type
+	     (,from-type ,to-type ,command-table
 	      , at args
 	      :feedback #',feedback :highlighting #',highlighting
 	      :destination-ptype ',real-dest-type
 	      :destination-translator #',(make-translator-fun arglist body)
 	      :translator-class drag-n-drop-translator)
-	   (object presentation context-type frame event window x y)
-	   (frame-drag-and-drop ',name ',command-table object
+	   (presentation context-type frame event window x y)
+	   (frame-drag-and-drop ',name ',command-table
 				presentation context-type
 				frame event window x y))))))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/presentations.lisp	2006/03/10 21:58:13	1.72
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/presentations.lisp	2006/03/12 23:09:27	1.73
@@ -1497,17 +1497,20 @@
 (defmethod call-presentation-translator
     ((translator presentation-translator) presentation context-type
      frame event window x y)
-  (multiple-value-bind (object ptype options)
-      (funcall (translator-function translator)
-	       (presentation-object presentation)
-	       :presentation presentation
-	       :context-type context-type
-	       :frame frame
-	       :event event
-	       :window window
-	       :x x
-	       :y y)
-    (values object (or ptype context-type) options)))
+  ;; Let the translator return an explict ptype of nil to, in effect, abort the
+  ;; presentation throw.
+  (multiple-value-call
+      #'(lambda (object &optional (ptype context-type) options)
+	  (values object ptype options))
+    (funcall (translator-function translator)
+	     (presentation-object presentation)
+	     :presentation presentation
+	     :context-type context-type
+	     :frame frame
+	     :event event
+	     :window window
+	     :x x
+	     :y y)))
 (defmethod call-presentation-translator
     ((translator presentation-action) presentation context-type

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