[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Backends/CLX

CVS User afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 22 21:17:07 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv5587/Backends/CLX

Modified Files:
	medium.lisp port.lisp 
Log Message:
Remove the blocks marked #+unicode, and remove #-unicode tags.

As clisp includes :unicode on their *features* list, it doesn't
make much sense anymore to keep code around that worked only with an
experimental branch of cmucl, long ago.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp	2005/11/28 13:01:59	1.70
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp	2006/01/22 21:17:07	1.71
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
 (defclass clx-medium (basic-medium)
   ((gc :initform nil)
    (picture :initform nil)
-   #+unicode
-   (fontset :initform nil :accessor medium-fontset)
    (buffer :initform nil :accessor medium-buffer)))
@@ -50,7 +48,6 @@
 ;;; secondary methods for changing text styles and line styles
 (defmethod (setf medium-text-style) :before (text-style (medium clx-medium))
   (with-slots (gc) medium
     (when gc
@@ -59,13 +56,6 @@
 	  (setf (xlib:gcontext-font gc)
 		(text-style-to-X-font (port medium) (medium-text-style medium))))))))
-(defmethod (setf medium-text-style) :before (text-style (medium clx-medium))
-  (with-slots (fontset) medium
-    (let ((old-text-style (medium-text-style medium)))
-      (unless (eq text-style old-text-style)
-        (setf fontset (text-style-to-X-fontset (port medium) (medium-text-style medium)))))))
 ;;; Translate from CLIM styles to CLX styles.
 (defconstant +cap-shape-map+ '((:butt . :butt)
 			       (:square . :projecting)
@@ -160,10 +150,7 @@
 		  (xlib:gcontext-dashes gc) (if (eq dashes t) 3
       (setf (xlib:gcontext-function gc) boole-1)
-      #-unicode
       (setf (xlib:gcontext-font gc) (text-style-to-X-font port (medium-text-style medium)))
-      #+unicode
-      (setf (medium-fontset medium) (text-style-to-X-fontset port (medium-text-style medium)))
       (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground gc) (X-pixel port ink)
 	    (xlib:gcontext-background gc) (X-pixel port (medium-background medium)))
       ;; Here is a bug with regard to clipping ... ;-( --GB )
@@ -338,11 +325,7 @@
     (when mirror
       (let* ((line-style (medium-line-style ,medium))
 	     (ink        (medium-ink ,medium))
-	     (gc         (medium-gcontext ,medium ink))
-	     #+unicode
-	     (*fontset*  (or (medium-fontset ,medium)
-			     (setf (medium-fontset ,medium)
-				   (text-style-to-X-fontset (port ,medium) *default-text-style*)))))
+	     (gc         (medium-gcontext ,medium ink)))
 	line-style ink
 	     (progn , at body)
@@ -624,48 +607,24 @@
 ;;; Methods for text styles
 (defmethod text-style-ascent (text-style (medium clx-medium))
   (let ((font (text-style-to-X-font (port medium) text-style)))
     (xlib:font-ascent font)))
-(defmethod text-style-ascent (text-style (medium clx-medium))
-  (let ((fontset (text-style-to-X-fontset (port medium) text-style)))
-    (fontset-ascent fontset)))
 (defmethod text-style-descent (text-style (medium clx-medium))
   (let ((font (text-style-to-X-font (port medium) text-style)))
     (xlib:font-descent font)))
-(defmethod text-style-descent (text-style (medium clx-medium))
-  (let ((fontset (text-style-to-X-fontset (port medium) text-style)))
-    (fontset-descent fontset)))
 (defmethod text-style-height (text-style (medium clx-medium))
   (let ((font (text-style-to-X-font (port medium) text-style)))
     (+ (xlib:font-ascent font) (xlib:font-descent font))))
-(defmethod text-style-height (text-style (medium clx-medium))
-  (let ((fontset (text-style-to-X-fontset (port medium) text-style)))
-    (fontset-height fontset)))
 (defmethod text-style-character-width (text-style (medium clx-medium) char)
   (xlib:char-width (text-style-to-X-font (port medium) text-style) (char-code char)))
-(defmethod text-style-character-width (text-style (medium clx-medium) char)
-  (fontset-point-width (char-code char) (text-style-to-X-fontset (port medium) text-style)))
 (defmethod text-style-width (text-style (medium clx-medium))
   (text-style-character-width text-style medium #\m))
 (defun translate (src src-start src-end afont dst dst-start)
   ;; This is for replacing the clx-translate-default-function
   ;; who does'nt know about accentated characters because
@@ -706,88 +665,6 @@
 		(return i)
 	        (setf (aref dst j) elt))))))
-; Yes, the following is a nasty hack.
-; It's just a proof of concept, I'll try not to commit it :]
-; If it does get committed, it shouldn't affect anyone much...
-(defun translate (source source-start source-end initial-font destination destination-start)
-  ; do the first character especially
-  (let* ((code   (char-code (char source source-start)))
-         (result (fontset-point code)))
-    (if result
-        (destructuring-bind ((range-start . range-stop) font translator) result
-          (if (not (eq font initial-font))
-            ; may need to change fonts immediately:
-            (values source-start font)
-            ; otherwise, lets finish the job...
-            (multiple-value-bind (result success) (funcall translator code)
-              (setf (elt destination destination-start) result)
-              (do ((src  (+ source-start 1)      (+ src 1))
-                   (dst  (+ destination-start 1) (+ dst 1)))
-                  ((>= src source-end)
-                   ; we finished
-                   (values src nil))
-                (let* ((code (char-code (char source src))))
-                  (if (<= range-start code range-stop)
-                      (multiple-value-bind (result success) (funcall translator code)
-                        (setf (elt destination dst) result))
-                      ; wasn't in the range... need to switch
-                      (let ((new (fontset-point code)))
-                        (if new
-                            (destructuring-bind ((range-start . range-stop) font translator) new
-                              (return (values src font)))
-                            (return (values src nil))))))))))
-        (values source-start nil))))
-(in-package :external-format)
-(defun ascii-code-to-font-index (code)
-  (values code (<= #x00 code #x7f)))
-(defun ksc5601-code-to-font-index (wc)
-  (labels ((illegal-sequence ()
-             (error "ksc5601-wctomb"))
-           (summary-of (array index)
-             (values (aref array index 0)
-                     (aref array index 1))))
-    (multiple-value-bind (indx used)
-        (cond
-          ((<= #x0000 wc #x045f)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-page00 (ash wc -4)))
-          ((<= #x2000 wc #x266f)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-page20 (- (ash wc -4) #x200)))
-          ((<= #x3000 wc #x33df)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-page30 (- (ash wc -4) #x300)))
-          ((<= #x4e00 wc #x9f9f)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-page4e (- (ash wc -4) #x4e0)))
-          ((<= #xac00 wc #xd79f)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-pageac (- (ash wc -4) #xac0)))
-          ((<= #xf900 wc #xfa0f)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-pagef9 (- (ash wc -4) #xf90)))
-          ((<= #xff00 wc #xffef)
-           (summary-of ksc5601-uni2indx-pageff (- (ash wc -4) #xff0)))
-          (t
-           (illegal-sequence)))
-      (let ((i (logand wc #x0f)))
-        (if (/= 0 (logand used (ash 1 i)))
-            (let* ((used (logand used (- (ash 1 i) 1)))
-                   (used (+ (logand used #x5555) (ash (logand used #xaaaa) -1)))
-                   (used (+ (logand used #x3333) (ash (logand used #xcccc) -2)))
-                   (used (+ (logand used #x0f0f) (ash (logand used #xf0f0) -4)))
-                   (used (+ (logand used #x00ff) (ash used -8)))
-                   (c    (aref ksc5601-2charset (+ indx used))))
-              c)
-            (illegal-sequence))))))
-(in-package :clim-clx)
 (defmethod text-size ((medium clx-medium) string &key text-style (start 0) end)
   (when (characterp string)
     (setf string (make-string 1 :initial-element string)))
@@ -825,7 +702,6 @@
                                           direction first-not-done))
                       (values width (+ ascent descent) width 0 ascent)) )))))) )
 (defmethod climi::text-bounding-rectangle*
     ((medium clx-medium) string &key text-style (start 0) end)
   (when (characterp string)
@@ -866,82 +742,8 @@
                       ;; * font-ascent / ascent
                       (values left (- font-ascent) right font-descent)))))))))
-(defmethod text-size ((medium clx-medium) string &key text-style (start 0) end)
-  (when (characterp string)
-    (setf string (make-string 1 :initial-element string)))
-  (unless end (setf end (length string)))
-  (unless text-style (setf text-style (medium-text-style medium)))
-  (let* ((xfontset     (text-style-to-X-fontset (port medium) text-style))
-         (default-font (fontset-default-font xfontset)))
-    (cond ((= start end)
-           (values 0 0 0 0 0))
-          (t
-           (let ((position-newline (position #\newline string :start start :end end)))
-             (cond ((not (null position-newline))
-                    (multiple-value-bind (width ascent descent left right
-                                                font-ascent font-descent direction
-                                                first-not-done)
-                        (let ((*fontset* xfontset))
-                          (xlib:text-extents default-font string
-                                             :start start :end position-newline
-                                             :translate #'translate))
-                      (declare (ignorable left right
-                                          font-ascent font-descent
-                                          direction first-not-done))
-                      (multiple-value-bind (w h x y baseline)
-                          (text-size medium string :text-style text-style
-                                     :start (1+ position-newline) :end end)
-                        (values (max w width) (+ ascent descent h)
-                                x (+ ascent descent y) (+ ascent descent baseline)))))
-                   (t
-                    (multiple-value-bind (width ascent descent left right
-                                                font-ascent font-descent direction
-                                                first-not-done)
-                        (let ((*fontset* xfontset))
-                          (xlib:text-extents default-font string
-                                     :start start :end end
-                                     :translate #'translate))
-                      (declare (ignorable left right
-                                          font-ascent font-descent
-                                          direction first-not-done))
-                      (values width (+ ascent descent) width 0 ascent)) )))))) )
-(defmethod medium-draw-text* ((medium clx-medium) string x y
-                              start end
-                              align-x align-y
-                              toward-x toward-y transform-glyphs)
-  (declare (ignore toward-x toward-y transform-glyphs))
-  (with-transformed-position ((sheet-native-transformation (medium-sheet medium))
-                              x y)
-    (with-clx-graphics (medium)
-      (when (characterp string)
-        (setq string (make-string 1 :initial-element string)))
-      (when (null end) (setq end (length string)))
-      (multiple-value-bind (text-width text-height x-cursor y-cursor baseline) 
-          (text-size medium string :start start :end end)
-        (declare (ignore x-cursor y-cursor))
-        (unless (and (eq align-x :left) (eq align-y :baseline))	    
-          (setq x (- x (ecase align-x
-                         (:left 0)
-                         (:center (round text-width 2))
-                         (:right text-width))))
-          (setq y (ecase align-y
-                    (:top (+ y baseline))
-                    (:center (+ y baseline (- (floor text-height 2))))
-                    (:baseline y)
-                    (:bottom (+ y baseline (- text-height)))))))
-      (let ((x (round-coordinate x))
-            (y (round-coordinate y)))
-        (when (and (<= #x-8000 x #x7FFF)
-                   (<= #x-8000 y #x7FFF))
-          (multiple-value-bind (halt width)
-              (xlib:draw-glyphs mirror gc x y string
-                                :start start :end end
-                                :translate #'translate)))))))
 (defmethod medium-draw-text* ((medium clx-medium) string x y
                               start end
                               align-x align-y
@@ -973,7 +775,6 @@
           (multiple-value-bind (halt width)
               (xlib:draw-glyphs mirror gc x y string
                                 :start start :end end
-                                :size 16
                                 :translate #'translate)))))))
 (defmethod medium-buffering-output-p ((medium clx-medium))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp	2006/01/17 16:57:47	1.118
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp	2006/01/22 21:17:07	1.119
@@ -937,7 +937,6 @@
 (defvar *fontset* nil)
 (defmethod text-style-mapping ((port clx-port) text-style
                                &optional character-set)
   (declare (ignore character-set))
@@ -972,96 +971,6 @@
                           (open-font (clx-port-display port) font-name)))
-(defun build-english-font-name (text-style)
-  (multiple-value-bind (family face size language)
-      (text-style-components text-style)
-    (destructuring-bind (family-name face-table)
-         (if (stringp family)
-             (list family *clx-text-faces*)
-             (or (getf *clx-text-family+face-map* family)
-                 (getf *clx-text-family+face-map* :fix)))
-       (let* ((face-name (if (stringp face)
-                             face
-                             (or (getf face-table
-                                       (if (listp face)
-                                           (intern (format nil "~A-~A"
-                                                           (symbol-name (first face))
-                                                           (symbol-name (second face)))
-                                                   :keyword)
-                                           face))
-                                 (getf *clx-text-faces* :roman))))
-              (size-number (if (numberp size)
-                               (round size)
-                               (or (getf *clx-text-sizes* size)
-                                   (getf *clx-text-sizes* :normal))))
-              (font-name (format nil "-~A-~A-*-*-~D-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-                                 family-name face-name size-number)))
-          font-name))))
-(defun build-korean-font-name (text-style)
-  (multiple-value-bind (family face size language)
-      (text-style-components text-style)
-    (let* ((face (if (equal face '(:bold :italic)) :bold-italic face))
-           (font (case family
-                   ((:fix nil)
-                    (case face
-                      ((:roman nil)          "baekmuk-dotum-medium-r")
-                      ((:bold)               "baekmuk-dotum-bold-r")
-                      ((:italic)             "baekmuk-dotum-medium-r")
-                      ((:bold-italic)        "baekmuk-dotum-bold-r")))
-                   ((:serif)
-                    (case face
-                      ((:roman nil)          "baekmuk-batang-medium-r")
-                      ((:bold)               "baekmuk-batang-bold-r")
-                      ((:italic)             "baekmuk-batang-medium-r")
-                      ((:bold-italic)        "baekmuk-batang-bold-r")))
-                   ((:sans-serif)
-                    (case face
-                      ((:roman nil)          "baekmuk-gulim-medium-r")
-                      ((:bold)               "baekmuk-gulim-bold-r")
-                      ((:italic)             "baekmuk-gulim-medium-r")
-                      ((:bold-italic)        "baekmuk-gulim-bold-r")))))
-            (size-number (if (numberp size)
-                             (round size)
-                             (or (getf *clx-text-sizes* size)
-                                 (getf *clx-text-sizes* :normal)))))
-      (format nil "-~A-*-*-~D-*-*-*-*-*-ksx1001.1997-*" font size-number))))
-; this needs much refactoring... FIXME
-(defmethod text-style-mapping ((port clx-port) text-style
-                               &optional character-set)
-  (declare (ignore character-set))
-  (let ((table (port-text-style-mappings port)))
-    (or (car (gethash text-style table))
-        (multiple-value-bind (family face size language)
-            (text-style-components text-style)
-          (let* ((display (clx-port-display port))
-                 (fontset (case language
-                            ((nil :english)
-                             (let* ((font-name (build-english-font-name text-style))
-                                    (font      (xlib:open-font display  font-name)))
-                               (make-fontset font-name
-                                 (0 255 font #'external-format::ascii-code-to-font-index))))
-                            ((:korean)
-                             (let* ((english-font-name (build-english-font-name text-style))
-                                    (english-font      (xlib:open-font display  english-font-name))
-                                    (korean-font-name  (build-korean-font-name  text-style))
-                                    (korean-font       (xlib:open-font display  korean-font-name)))
-                               (make-fontset korean-font-name
-                                 (0      255    english-font
-                                                #'external-format::ascii-code-to-font-index)
-                                 (#xAC00 #xD7A3 korean-font
-                                                #'external-format::ksc5601-code-to-font-index)
-                                 (#x4E00 #x9FA5 korean-font
-                                                #'external-format::ksc5601-code-to-font-index)))))))
-            (setf (gethash text-style table)
-                  (cons (fontset-name fontset) fontset))
-            (fontset-name fontset))))))
 (defmethod (setf text-style-mapping) (font-name (port clx-port)
                                       (text-style text-style)
                                       &optional character-set)
@@ -1070,38 +979,20 @@
         (cons font-name (open-font (clx-port-display port) font-name)))
 (defun text-style-to-X-font (port text-style)
   (let ((text-style (parse-text-style text-style)))
     (text-style-mapping port text-style)
     (cdr (gethash text-style (port-text-style-mappings port)))))
-(defun text-style-to-X-fontset (port text-style)
-  (let ((text-style (parse-text-style text-style)))
-    (text-style-mapping port text-style)
-    (cdr (gethash text-style (port-text-style-mappings port)))))
 (defmethod port-character-width ((port clx-port) text-style char)
   (let* ((font (text-style-to-X-font port text-style))
 	 (width (xlib:char-width font (char-code char))))
-(defmethod port-character-width ((port clx-port) text-style char)
-  (fontset-point-width (char-code char) (text-style-to-X-fontset port text-style)))
 (defmethod port-string-width ((port clx-port) text-style string &key (start 0) end)
   (xlib:text-width (text-style-to-X-font port text-style)
 		   string :start start :end end))
-#+unicode ; this requires a translator and so on.
-(defmethod port-string-width ((port clx-port) text-style string &key (start 0) end)
-  (let ((*fontset* (text-style-to-X-fontset port text-style)))
-    (xlib:text-width nil string :start start :end end :translator #'translate)))
 (defmethod X-pixel ((port clx-port) color)
   (let ((table (slot-value port 'color-table)))
     (or (gethash color table)

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