[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Apps/Listener

ahefner ahefner at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 3 22:56:46 UTC 2006

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Listener
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv20883

Modified Files:
	dev-commands.lisp listener.lisp 
Log Message:
If we're going to present the package portion of the prompt, we might
as well define a translator to do something useful with it (or am I
missing the point?). While we're at it, present the package in the 
wholine-pane, and add a popup to choose a new package.

Also, added discussion of presentation of values at the REPL, as I'm
not entirely happy with the current behavior, but leave it unchanged
for the moment.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Listener/dev-commands.lisp	2006/11/21 20:34:40	1.38
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Listener/dev-commands.lisp	2006/12/03 22:56:46	1.39
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 (define-command-table application-commands)
-(define-command-table lisp-dev-commands :inherit-from nil) ;; "Abstract" command table used for defining some translators in
+(define-command-table lisp-dev-commands :inherit-from nil) ;; Translators live here
 (define-command-table lisp-commands :inherit-from (lisp-dev-commands))
 (define-command-table show-commands :inherit-from (lisp-dev-commands))
@@ -519,11 +519,11 @@
     ((class-spec 'class-name :prompt "class")
      (orientation 'keyword :prompt "orientation" :default :horizontal))     
-  (let ((class (frob-to-class class-spec)))
-    (if (not (null class))
+  (let ((class (frob-to-class class-spec)))    
+    (if (not (null class))        
         (class-grapher *standard-output* class #'clim-mop:class-direct-subclasses
                        :orientation orientation)
-      (note "~A is not a defined class." class-spec))))
+        (note "~A is not a defined class." class-spec))))
 ; Lookup direct slots from along the CPL given a class and a slot name.
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@
 ;; So.. yeah.
 (defun automagic-translator (pathname)
-  "Returns  values, the command translation, and a documentation string for the translation."  
+  "Returns 2 values: the command translation, and a documentation string for the translation."
   (cond ((wild-pathname-p pathname)
          (values `(com-show-directory ,pathname)
                  "Show Matching Files"
@@ -1443,26 +1443,47 @@
 ;;; Eval
 (defun display-evalues (values)
-  (with-drawing-options (t :ink +olivedrab+)
-    (cond ((null values)
-           (format t "No values.~%"))
-          ((= 1 (length values))
-           (let ((o (first values)))
-             (with-output-as-presentation (t o (presentation-type-of o)
-                                             :single-box t)
-               (present (first values) 'expression)))
-           (fresh-line))
-          (t (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
-                   (items values (rest items))
-                   (o (first items) (first items)))
-                  ((null items))           
+  (labels
+      ((present-value (value)         
+         ;; I would really prefer this to behave as below, as presenting
+         ;; things as expressions causes translators applicable to expression
+         ;; to override those which would be otherwise applicable (such as
+         ;; the set-current-package translator). I retain the use of w-o-a-p,
+         ;; swapping the inner/outer presentation types, with the assumption
+         ;; that someone (the form reader?) really does want expressions, and
+         ;; the presentation-type-of is seldom a subtype of expression.
+         ;; Aside from that, the problem with my code below is that it
+         ;; will use the default presentation method for the type, which will
+         ;; not necessarily print in the fashion expected from the lisp REPL.
+         ;; Possibly this +listener-view+ could save the day here, but I'm
+         ;; unclear on why it exists.   --Hefner
+         ;; Okay, set-current-package translator now mysteriously works, but
+         ;; I stand by the notion that 'expression should not be the type of
+         ;; the innermost presentation.
+         #+(or)
+         (with-output-as-presentation (t value 'expression :single-box t)
+           (present value (presentation-type-of value) :single-box t))
+         (with-output-as-presentation (t value (presentation-type-of value)
+                                         :single-box t)
+           (present (first values) 'expression))))
+    (with-drawing-options (t :ink +olivedrab+)
+      (cond ((null values)
+             (format t "No values.~%"))
+            ((= 1 (length values))             
+             (present-value (first values))
+             (fresh-line))
+            (t (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
+                     (items values (rest items))
+                     (object (first items) (first items)))
+                    ((null items))
                (with-drawing-options (t :ink +limegreen+)
                  (with-text-style (t (make-text-style nil :italic :small))
                    (format t "~A  " i)))
-               (with-output-as-presentation (t o (presentation-type-of o)
-                                               :single-box t)
-                 (present o 'expression))
-               (fresh-line))))))
+                 (present-value object)
+                 (fresh-line)))))))
 (defun shuffle-specials (form values)
   (setf +++ ++
@@ -1476,7 +1497,7 @@
         *   (first values)))
 (define-command (com-eval :menu t :command-table lisp-commands)
-    ((form 'clim:form :prompt "form"))  
+    ((form 'clim:form :prompt "form"))
   (let* ((- form)
          (values (multiple-value-list (eval form))))
@@ -1563,3 +1584,14 @@
 				 :provide-output-destination-keyword nil)
     ((p 'package))
   (setf *package* p))
+(define-presentation-to-command-translator set-current-package
+    (package com-set-package lisp-commands
+             :pointer-documentation ((object stream)
+                                     (format stream "Set current package to ~A" (package-name object)))
+             :documentation ((stream) (format stream "Set Package"))
+             :menu t
+             :tester ((object) (not (eql *package* object))))
+    (object)
+  (list object))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Listener/listener.lisp	2006/11/21 22:39:32	1.30
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Listener/listener.lisp	2006/12/03 22:56:46	1.31
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
 ;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(define-presentation-type listener-current-package () :inherit-from 'package)
 ;; Wholine Pane
@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@
             (cell (:left)   (format t "~A@~A" username sitename))
             (cell (:center)
               (format t "Package ")
-              (print-package-name t))
+              (with-output-as-presentation (t *package* 'listener-current-package)
+                (print-package-name t)))
             (cell (:center)
               (when (probe-file *default-pathname-defaults*)
                 (with-output-as-presentation (t (truename *default-pathname-defaults*) 'pathname)
@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@
 (defmethod stream-present :around 
     ((stream listener-interactor-pane) object type
      &rest args &key (single-box nil sbp) &allow-other-keys)
-   (apply #'call-next-method stream object type :single-box t args)
+  (apply #'call-next-method stream object type :single-box t args)
   ;; we would do this, but CLIM:PRESENT calls STREAM-PRESENT with all
   ;; the keyword arguments explicitly.  *sigh*.
@@ -199,6 +201,29 @@
+;;; Package selection popup
+(define-listener-command (com-choose-package)
+    ()
+  (let ((new-package (menu-choose (sort (mapcar (lambda (package) (cons (package-name package)
+                                                                        package))
+                                                (list-all-packages))
+                                        #'string<
+                                        :key #'car)
+                                  :label "Choose Package")))
+    (when new-package
+      (setf *package* new-package))))
+(define-presentation-to-command-translator choose-package-translator
+    (listener-current-package com-choose-package listener
+     :echo nil
+     :priority 100  ; These presentations appear in exactly one context, so give this a high priority.
+     :documentation ((object stream)
+                     (declare (ignore object))
+                     (format stream "Choose package")))
+  (current-package)
+  nil)
 ;;; Lisp listener command loop
 (defmethod read-frame-command ((frame listener) &key (stream *standard-input*))  

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