[mcclim-cvs] CVS update: mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp

Timothy Moore tmoore at common-lisp.net
Tue Jan 11 13:35:39 UTC 2005

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Backends/CLX
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16352/Backends/CLX

Modified Files:
	medium.lisp port.lisp 
Log Message:

Rewrote WITH-DOUBLE-BUFFERING. This version takes a rectangle as an
argument, allocates a pixmap for that region of the screen, and sets up
the sheet transformations so that drawing is done in the correct
pixmap coordinates.

of using dragging-output.

Change the definition of ROUND-COORDINATE in the CLX backend to round
down from .5, not up. This should follow the CLIM pixel coverage
definition for shapes more closely. Replace most uses of ROUND in the

Allow inconsistent :ID-TEST arguments in UPDATING-OUTPUT.

Date: Tue Jan 11 14:35:37 2005
Author: tmoore

Index: mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp
diff -u mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp:1.63 mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp:1.64
--- mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp:1.63	Fri Apr 23 21:29:49 2004
+++ mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp	Tue Jan 11 14:35:33 2005
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 ;; cache.
 ;; --GB
 ;;; CLX-MEDIUM class
 (defclass clx-medium (basic-medium)
@@ -293,20 +292,16 @@
       (error "Sorry, not yet implemented."))
     ;; Bah!
     (typecase design
-      (climi::indexed-pattern
-       (let ((gc (design-gcontext medium design)))
-         (setf (xlib:gcontext-ts-x gc) (round (nth-value 0 (transform-position transformation 0 0)))
-               (xlib:gcontext-ts-y gc) (round (nth-value 1 (transform-position transformation 0 0)))
-               (xlib:gcontext-clip-x gc)(round (nth-value 0 (transform-position transformation 0 0)))
-               (xlib:gcontext-clip-y gc)(round (nth-value 1 (transform-position transformation 0 0))))
-         gc))
-      (climi::rectangular-tile
-       (let ((gc (design-gcontext medium design)))
-         (setf (xlib:gcontext-ts-x gc) (round (nth-value 0 (transform-position transformation 0 0)))
-               (xlib:gcontext-ts-y gc) (round (nth-value 1 (transform-position transformation 0 0)))
-               (xlib:gcontext-clip-x gc)(round (nth-value 0 (transform-position transformation 0 0)))
-               (xlib:gcontext-clip-y gc)(round (nth-value 1 (transform-position transformation 0 0))))
-         gc))
+      ((or climi::indexed-pattern climi::rectangular-tile)
+       (multiple-value-bind (tx ty)
+	   (transform-position transformation 0 0)
+	 (let ((gc-x (round-coordinate tx))
+	       (gc-y (round-coordinate ty))
+	       (gc (design-gcontext medium design)))
+	   (setf (xlib:gcontext-ts-x gc) gc-x
+               (xlib:gcontext-ts-y gc) gc-y
+               (xlib:gcontext-clip-x gc) gc-x
+               (xlib:gcontext-clip-y gc) gc-y))))
        (error "You lost, we not yet implemented transforming an ~S."
               (type-of ink))))))
@@ -327,15 +322,18 @@
 ; and kill them at the source...
 (defun clipping-region->rect-seq (clipping-region)
-  (loop for region in (nreverse (mapcan
-                                  (lambda (v) (unless (eq v +nowhere+) (list v)))
-                                  (region-set-regions clipping-region
-                                                      :normalize :y-banding)))
-        as rectangle = (bounding-rectangle region)
-        nconcing (list (round (rectangle-min-x rectangle))
-                       (round (rectangle-min-y rectangle))
-                       (round (rectangle-width rectangle))
-                       (round (rectangle-height rectangle)))))
+  (loop
+     for region in (nreverse (mapcan
+			      (lambda (v) (unless (eq v +nowhere+) (list v)))
+			      (region-set-regions clipping-region
+						  :normalize :y-banding)))
+     as rectangle = (bounding-rectangle region)
+     for clip-x = (round-coordinate (rectangle-min-x rectangle))
+     for clip-y = (round-coordinate (rectangle-min-y rectangle))
+     nconcing (list clip-x
+		    clip-y
+		    (- (round-coordinate (rectangle-max-x rectangle)) clip-x)
+		    (- (round-coordinate (rectangle-max-y rectangle)) clip-y))))
 (defmacro with-clx-graphics ((medium) &body body)
   `(let* ((port (port ,medium))
@@ -355,6 +353,8 @@
 ;;; Pixmaps
+;;; width and height arguments should be integers, but we'll leave the calls
+;;; to round in for now.
 (defmethod medium-copy-area ((from-drawable clx-medium) from-x from-y width height
                              (to-drawable clx-medium) to-x to-y)
@@ -364,9 +364,10 @@
                                 to-x to-y)
       (xlib:copy-area (sheet-direct-mirror (medium-sheet from-drawable))
                       (medium-gcontext from-drawable +background-ink+)
-                      (round from-x) (round from-y) (round width) (round height)
+                      (round-coordinate from-x) (round-coordinate from-y)
+		      (round width) (round height)
                       (sheet-direct-mirror (medium-sheet to-drawable))
-                      (round to-x) (round to-y)))))
+                      (round-coordinate to-x) (round-coordinate to-y)))))
 (defmethod medium-copy-area ((from-drawable clx-medium) from-x from-y width height
                              (to-drawable pixmap) to-x to-y)
@@ -374,9 +375,10 @@
                               from-x from-y)
     (xlib:copy-area (sheet-direct-mirror (medium-sheet from-drawable))
                     (medium-gcontext from-drawable +background-ink+)
-                    (round from-x) (round from-y) (round width) (round height)
+                    (round-coordinate from-x) (round-coordinate from-y)
+		    (round width) (round height)
                     (pixmap-mirror to-drawable)
-                    (round to-x) (round to-y))))
+                    (round-coordinate to-x) (round-coordinate to-y))))
 (defmethod medium-copy-area ((from-drawable pixmap) from-x from-y width height
                              (to-drawable clx-medium) to-x to-y)
@@ -384,17 +386,19 @@
                               to-x to-y)
     (xlib:copy-area (pixmap-mirror from-drawable)
                     (medium-gcontext to-drawable +background-ink+)
-                    (round from-x) (round from-y) (round width) (round height)
+                    (round-coordinate from-x) (round-coordinate from-y)
+		    (round width) (round height)
                     (sheet-direct-mirror (medium-sheet to-drawable))
-                    (round to-x) (round to-y))))
+                    (round-coordinate to-x) (round-coordinate to-y))))
 (defmethod medium-copy-area ((from-drawable pixmap) from-x from-y width height
                              (to-drawable pixmap) to-x to-y)
   (xlib:copy-area (pixmap-mirror from-drawable)
                   (medium-gcontext from-drawable +background-ink+)
-                  (round from-x) (round from-y) (round width) (round height)
+                  (round-coordinate from-x) (round-coordinate from-y)
+		  (round width) (round height)
                   (pixmap-mirror to-drawable)
-                  (round to-x) (round to-y)))
+                  (round-coordinate to-x) (round-coordinate to-y)))
 ;;; Medium-specific Drawing Functions
@@ -405,19 +409,23 @@
                               x y)
     (with-clx-graphics (medium)
       (cond ((< (line-style-thickness line-style) 2)
-             (let ((x (floor x))
-                   (y (floor y)))
+             (let ((x (round-coordinate x))
+                   (y (round-coordinate y)))
                (when (and (typep x '(signed-byte 16))
                           (typep y '(signed-byte 16)))
                  (xlib:draw-point mirror gc x y))))
-             (let* ((radius (round (line-style-thickness line-style) 2))
-                    (diameter (* radius 2)))
-               (let ((x (floor (- x radius)))
-                     (y (floor (- y radius))))
-                 (when (and (typep x '(signed-byte 16))
-                            (typep y '(signed-byte 16)))
-                   (xlib:draw-arc mirror gc x y diameter diameter 0 (* 2 pi) t))))) ))))
+             (let* ((radius (/ (line-style-thickness line-style) 2))
+		    (min-x (round-coordinate (- x radius)))
+		    (min-y (round-coordinate (- y radius)))
+		    (max-x (round-coordinate (+ x radius)))
+		    (max-y (round-coordinate (+ y radius))))
+	       (when (and (typep min-x '(signed-byte 16))
+			  (typep min-y '(signed-byte 16)))
+                   (xlib:draw-arc mirror gc min-x min-y
+				  (- max-x min-x) (- max-y min-y)
+				  0 (* 2 pi) t))))))))
 (defmethod medium-draw-points* ((medium clx-medium) coord-seq)
   (with-transformed-positions ((sheet-native-transformation
@@ -426,33 +434,23 @@
     (with-clx-graphics (medium)
       (cond ((< (line-style-thickness line-style) 2)
              (do-sequence ((x y) coord-seq)
-               (let ((x (floor x))
-                     (y (floor y)))
+               (let ((x (round-coordinate x))
+                     (y (round-coordinate y)))
                  (when (and (typep x '(signed-byte 16))
                             (typep y '(signed-byte 16)))
                    (xlib:draw-point mirror gc x y)))))
-             (let* ((radius (round (line-style-thickness line-style) 2))
-                    (diameter (* radius 2)))
+             (let ((radius (/ (line-style-thickness line-style) 2)))
                (do-sequence ((x y) coord-seq)
-                 (let ((x (floor (- x radius)))
-                       (y (floor (- y radius))))
-                   (when (and (typep x '(signed-byte 16))
-                              (typep y '(signed-byte 16)))
-                     (xlib:draw-arc mirror gc x y diameter diameter 0 (* 2 pi) t)))))) ))))
-(declaim (inline round-coordinate))
-(defun round-coordinate (x)
-  "Function used for rounding coordinates."
-  ;; We use "mercantile rounding", instead of the CL round to nearest
-  ;; even number, when in doubt.
-  ;;
-  ;; Reason: As the CLIM drawing model is specified, you quite often
-  ;; want to operate with coordinates, which are multiples of 1/2. 
-  ;; Using CL:ROUND gives you "random" results. Using "mercantile
-  ;; rounding" gives you consistent results.
-  ;;
-  (floor (+ x .5)))
+                 (let ((min-x (round-coordinate (- x radius)))
+		       (min-y (round-coordinate (- y radius)))
+		       (max-x (round-coordinate (+ x radius)))
+		       (max-y (round-coordinate (+ y radius))))
+                   (when (and (typep min-x '(signed-byte 16))
+                              (typep min-y '(signed-byte 16)))
+                     (xlib:draw-arc mirror gc min-x min-y
+				    (- max-x min-x) (- max-y min-y)
+				    0 (* 2 pi) t))))))))))
 (defmethod medium-draw-line* ((medium clx-medium) x1 y1 x2 y2)
   (let ((tr (sheet-native-transformation (medium-sheet medium))))
@@ -516,6 +514,8 @@
     (with-transformed-position (tr left top)
       (with-transformed-position (tr right bottom)
         (with-clx-graphics (medium)
+	   #+nil (when (typep mirror 'xlib:pixmap)
+		  (break))
           (if (< right left)
               (rotatef left right))
           (if (< bottom top)
@@ -561,16 +561,23 @@
 (defmethod medium-draw-rectangles* ((medium clx-medium) position-seq filled)
   (assert (evenp (length position-seq)))
-  (with-transformed-positions ((sheet-native-transformation (medium-sheet medium))
+  (with-transformed-positions ((sheet-native-transformation
+				(medium-sheet medium))
     (with-clx-graphics (medium)
-      (loop for (left top right bottom) on position-seq by #'cddddr
-            nconcing (list (round left) (round top)
-                           (round (- right left)) (round (- bottom top))) into points
-                           finally (xlib:draw-rectangles mirror gc points filled)))))
+      (loop
+	 for (left top right bottom) on position-seq by #'cddddr
+	 for min-x = (round-coordinate left)
+	 for max-x = (round-coordinate right)
+	 for min-y = (round-coordinate top)
+	 for max-y = (round-coordinate bottom)
+	 nconcing (list min-x min-y (- max-x min-x) (- min-y max-y)) into points
+	 finally (xlib:draw-rectangles mirror gc points filled)))))
+;;; Round the parameters of the ellipse so that it occupies the expected pixels
 (defmethod medium-draw-ellipse* ((medium clx-medium) center-x center-y
-				 radius-1-dx radius-1-dy radius-2-dx radius-2-dy
+				 radius-1-dx radius-1-dy
+				 radius-2-dx radius-2-dy
 				 start-angle end-angle filled)
   (unless (or (= radius-2-dx radius-1-dy 0) (= radius-1-dx radius-2-dy 0))
     (error "MEDIUM-DRAW-ELLIPSE* not yet implemented for non axis-aligned ellipses."))
@@ -581,25 +588,37 @@
                           (+ (* pi 2) arc-angle)
       (with-clx-graphics (medium)
-        (let ((radius-dx (abs (+ radius-1-dx radius-2-dx)))
-              (radius-dy (abs (+ radius-1-dy radius-2-dy))))
+        (let* ((radius-dx (abs (+ radius-1-dx radius-2-dx)))
+	       (radius-dy (abs (+ radius-1-dy radius-2-dy)))
+	       (min-x (round-coordinate (- center-x radius-dx)))
+	       (min-y (round-coordinate (- center-y radius-dy)))
+	       (max-x (round-coordinate (+ center-x radius-dx)))
+	       (max-y (round-coordinate (+ center-y radius-dy))))
+	   #+nil (when (typep mirror 'xlib:pixmap)
+		  (break))
           (xlib:draw-arc mirror gc
-                         (round (- center-x radius-dx)) (round (- center-y radius-dy))
-                         (round (* radius-dx 2)) (round (* radius-dy 2))
+                         min-x min-y (- max-x min-x) (- max-y min-y)
                          (mod start-angle (* 2 pi)) arc-angle
-(defmethod medium-draw-circle* ((medium clx-medium) center-x center-y radius start-angle end-angle filled)
-  (with-transformed-position ((sheet-native-transformation (medium-sheet medium))
+(defmethod medium-draw-circle* ((medium clx-medium)
+				center-x center-y radius start-angle end-angle
+				filled)
+  (with-transformed-position ((sheet-native-transformation (medium-sheet
+							    medium))
                               center-x center-y)
     (let* ((arc-angle (- end-angle start-angle))
            (arc-angle (if (< end-angle 0)
                           (+ (* pi 2) arc-angle)
-                          arc-angle)))
+                          arc-angle))
+	   (min-x (round-coordinate (- center-x radius)))
+	   (min-y (round-coordinate (- center-y radius)))
+	   (max-x (round-coordinate (+ center-x radius)))
+	   (max-y (round-coordinate (+ center-y radius))))
       (with-clx-graphics (medium)
         (xlib:draw-arc mirror gc
-                       (round (- center-x radius)) (round (- center-y radius))
-                       radius radius
+                       min-x min-y
+                       (- max-x min-x) (- min-y max-y)
                        start-angle arc-angle
@@ -932,7 +951,8 @@
   (with-transformed-position ((sheet-native-transformation (medium-sheet medium))
                               x y)
     (with-clx-graphics (medium)
-      (xlib:draw-glyph mirror gc (round x) (round y) element
+      (xlib:draw-glyph mirror gc (round-coordinate x) (round-coordinate y)
+		       element
                        :size 16
                        :translate #'translate))))
@@ -946,9 +966,13 @@
   (xlib:display-force-output (clx-port-display (port medium))))
 (defmethod medium-clear-area ((medium clx-medium) left top right bottom)
-  (xlib:clear-area (port-lookup-mirror (port medium) (medium-sheet medium))
-                   :x (round (min left right)) :y (round (min bottom top))
-                   :width (round (abs (- right left))) :height (round (abs (- bottom top)))))
+  (let ((min-x (round-coordinate (min left right)))
+	(min-y (round-coordinate (min top bottom)))
+	(max-x (round-coordinate (max left right)))
+	(max-y (round-coordinate (max top bottom))))
+    (xlib:clear-area (port-lookup-mirror (port medium) (medium-sheet medium))
+		     :x min-x :y min-y
+		     :width (- max-x min-x) :height (- max-y min-y))))
 (defmethod medium-beep ((medium clx-medium))
   (xlib:bell (clx-port-display (port medium))))

Index: mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp
diff -u mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp:1.102 mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp:1.103
--- mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp:1.102	Sun Jan  2 06:29:03 2005
+++ mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.lisp	Tue Jan 11 14:35:33 2005
@@ -23,6 +23,21 @@
 (in-package :clim-clx)
+(declaim (inline round-coordinate))
+(defun round-coordinate (x)
+  "Function used for rounding coordinates."
+  ;; We use "mercantile rounding", instead of the CL round to nearest
+  ;; even number, when in doubt.
+  ;;
+  ;; Reason: As the CLIM drawing model is specified, you quite often
+  ;; want to operate with coordinates, which are multiples of 1/2. 
+  ;; Using CL:ROUND gives you "random" results. Using "mercantile
+  ;; rounding" gives you consistent results.
+  ;;
+  ;; For values at .5 we round down in order to be consistant with
+  ;; the CLIM and CLX definitions for pixel coverage of shapes.
+  (ceiling (- x .5)))
 ;;; CLX-PORT class
 (defclass clx-pointer (pointer)
@@ -1173,11 +1188,18 @@
 	  (t 0)))
 (defmethod pointer-modifier-state ((pointer clx-pointer))
   (multiple-value-bind (x y same-screen-p child mask)
       (xlib:query-pointer (clx-port-window (port pointer)))
     (declare (ignore x y same-screen-p child))
     (clim-xcommon:x-event-state-modifiers (port pointer) mask)))
+(defmethod port-modifier-state ((port clx-port))
+  (multiple-value-bind (x y same-screen-p child mask)
+      (xlib:query-pointer (clx-port-window port))
+    (declare (ignore x y same-screen-p child))
+    (clim-xcommon:x-event-state-modifiers port mask)))
 ;;; XXX Should we rely on port-pointer-sheet being correct? -- moore
 (defmethod synthesize-pointer-motion-event ((pointer clx-pointer))

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