[mcclim-cvs] CVS update: mcclim/bordered-output.lisp mcclim/dialog.lisp

Andy Hefner ahefner at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 2 05:24:52 UTC 2005

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14532

Modified Files:
	bordered-output.lisp dialog.lisp 
Log Message:
Add new :inset border shape. Use this to surround text fields created by accepting-values.
Reduce offset of :drop-shadow border by one pixel, to three pixels.

In accepting values dialogs, reclaim the space occupied by the dialog
after exiting.

Date: Sun Jan  2 06:24:50 2005
Author: ahefner

Index: mcclim/bordered-output.lisp
diff -u mcclim/bordered-output.lisp:1.12 mcclim/bordered-output.lisp:1.13
--- mcclim/bordered-output.lisp:1.12	Wed Oct  6 14:03:56 2004
+++ mcclim/bordered-output.lisp	Sun Jan  2 06:24:49 2005
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 (define-border-type :drop-shadow (stream left top right bottom)
   (let* ((gap 3) ; FIXME?
-	 (offset 4)
+	 (offset 3)
 	 (left-edge (- left gap))
 	 (bottom-edge (+ bottom gap))
 	 (top-edge (- top gap))
@@ -108,13 +108,29 @@
 		     :filled T)))
 (define-border-type :underline (stream record)
-  (labels ((fn (record)                 
+  (labels ((fn (record)
              (loop for child across (output-record-children record) do
                (typecase child
                   (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) child
                      (declare (ignore top))
                      (draw-line* stream left bottom right bottom)))
-                 (updating-output-record  nil)                 
+                 (updating-output-record  nil)
                  (compound-output-record  (fn child))))))
     (fn record)))
+(define-border-type :inset (stream left top right bottom)
+  (let* ((gap 3)
+	 (left-edge (- left gap))
+	 (bottom-edge (+ bottom gap))
+	 (top-edge (- top gap))
+	 (right-edge (+ right gap))
+         (dark  *3d-dark-color*)
+         (light *3d-light-color*))
+    (flet ((draw (left-edge right-edge bottom-edge top-edge light dark)
+             (draw-line* stream left-edge bottom-edge left-edge top-edge :ink dark)
+             (draw-line* stream left-edge top-edge right-edge top-edge :ink dark)
+             (draw-line* stream right-edge bottom-edge right-edge top-edge :ink light)
+             (draw-line* stream left-edge bottom-edge right-edge bottom-edge :ink light)))
+      (draw left-edge right-edge bottom-edge top-edge light dark)
+      (draw (1+ left-edge) (1- right-edge) (1- bottom-edge) (1+ top-edge) light dark))))

Index: mcclim/dialog.lisp
diff -u mcclim/dialog.lisp:1.14 mcclim/dialog.lisp:1.15
--- mcclim/dialog.lisp:1.14	Sun Oct 24 17:47:02 2004
+++ mcclim/dialog.lisp	Sun Jan  2 06:24:49 2005
@@ -130,50 +130,53 @@
      (frame-class 'accept-values))
   (declare (ignore own-window exit-boxes modify-initial-query
     resize-frame label scroll-bars x-position y-position
-    width height frame-class))
-  (let* ((*accepting-values-stream*
-	  (make-instance 'accepting-values-stream
-			 :stream stream
-			 :align-prompts align-prompts))
-	 (arecord (updating-output (stream
-				    :record-type 'accepting-values-record)
-		    (if align-prompts
-			(formatting-table (stream)
-			  (funcall body *accepting-values-stream*))
-			(funcall body *accepting-values-stream*))
-		    (display-exit-boxes *application-frame*
-					stream
-					(stream-default-view
-					 *accepting-values-stream*))))
-	 (first-time t)
-	 (current-command (if initially-select-p
-			      `(com-select-query
-				,initially-select-query-identifier)
-			      *default-command*)))
-    (letf (((frame-command-table *application-frame*)
-	    (find-command-table command-table)))
-      (unwind-protect
-	   (handler-case
-	       (loop
-		(if first-time
-		    (setq first-time nil)
-		    (when resynchronize-every-pass
-		      (redisplay arecord stream)))
-		(with-input-context
-		    ('(command :command-table accepting-values))
-		  (object)
-		  (progn
-		    (apply (command-name current-command)
-			   (command-arguments current-command))
-		    ;; If current command returns without throwing a
-		    ;; command, go back to the default command
-		    (setq current-command *default-command*))
-		  (t (setq current-command object)))
-		(redisplay arecord stream))
-	     (av-exit ()
-	       (finalize-query-records *accepting-values-stream*)
-	       (redisplay arecord stream)))
-	(erase-output-record arecord stream)))))
+    width height frame-class))  
+  (multiple-value-bind (cx cy) (stream-cursor-position stream)
+    (let* ((*accepting-values-stream*
+            (make-instance 'accepting-values-stream
+                           :stream stream
+                           :align-prompts align-prompts))
+           (arecord (updating-output (stream
+                                      :record-type 'accepting-values-record)
+                      (if align-prompts
+                          (formatting-table (stream)
+                            (funcall body *accepting-values-stream*))
+                          (funcall body *accepting-values-stream*))
+                      (display-exit-boxes *application-frame*
+                                          stream
+                                          (stream-default-view
+                                           *accepting-values-stream*))))
+           (first-time t)
+           (current-command (if initially-select-p
+                                `(com-select-query
+                                  ,initially-select-query-identifier)
+                                *default-command*)))
+      (letf (((frame-command-table *application-frame*)
+              (find-command-table command-table)))
+        (unwind-protect
+             (handler-case
+                 (loop
+                    (if first-time
+                        (setq first-time nil)
+                        (when resynchronize-every-pass
+                          (redisplay arecord stream)))
+                    (with-input-context
+                        ('(command :command-table accepting-values))
+                      (object)
+                      (progn
+                        (apply (command-name current-command)
+                               (command-arguments current-command))
+                        ;; If current command returns without throwing a
+                        ;; command, go back to the default command
+                        (setq current-command *default-command*))
+                      (t (setq current-command object)))
+                    (redisplay arecord stream))
+               (av-exit ()
+                 (finalize-query-records *accepting-values-stream*)
+                 (redisplay arecord stream)))
+          (erase-output-record arecord stream)
+          (setf (stream-cursor-position stream)
+                (values cx cy)))))))
 (defgeneric display-exit-boxes (frame stream view))
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@
 		       (stream query-identifier 'selectable-query)
-		         (stream :shape :drop-shadow :move-cursor t)
+		         (stream :shape :inset :move-cursor t)
 		       (setq editing-stream
 			     (make-instance 'standard-input-editing-stream
 					    :stream stream

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