[mac-lisp-ide] Clotho project checked in and tagged

mikel evins mikel at evins.net
Wed Feb 4 03:46:37 UTC 2004

The Clotho 0.1 release is checked in to the common-lisp.net cvs 
repository. Follow the instructions at


if you wish to check out the code. The 0.1 release is tagged 
Release_0_1. Please note that if you check it out from the CVS 
repository then you get all the sources and the application bundle, but 
you do not get the pre-built application; in order to run Clotho from 
the cvs checkout you must first have a working copy of openmcl 
0.14-031220 (or later), with the corresponding darwin-headers, and must 
follow the included instructions to build Clotho.

Also, after the first build, the OS X Finder may not realize at first 
that Clotho.app is launchable. To cure this problem, close all Finder 
windows and, from a Terminal window, execute

   touch Clotho.app

on the application bundle. Afterwards the application should launch 

Send me mail at mevins at common-lisp.net if you have questions, or if you 
want to be added to the project.


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