[mac-lisp-ide] Clotho 0.1 release available

Randall Beer beer at eecs.cwru.edu
Sun Feb 1 20:07:09 UTC 2004

> On Feb 1, 2004, at 1:50 PM, mikel evins wrote:
>>> * Why is it that the Cocoa interface is internal to package CCL? 
>>> This violates my sense of aesthetics :-)
>> My guess would be because most of Gary's work in in package CCL. :-) 
>> I see no reason we couldn't change it and put it in package cocoa (or 
>> whatever).
> The effective part of what I said was not "package CCL", it was 
> "internal", which means that any code using it is also internal to 
> CCL. That's what violates my aesthetics :-)

The OpenMCL Cocoa bridge both currently resides in and is internal to 
CCL because the ObjC/Lisp interface in OpenMCL is still in flux.  As 
some of you may know, Gary and I have been working on integrating ObjC 
into CLOS, so that ObjC objects can be created and manipulated as if 
they are (special kinds of) CLOS objects.

In the current bleeding edge OpenMCL tree, CLASS-OF, FIND-CLASS, 
MAKE-INSTANCE, DEFCLASS, etc. basically work on ObjC classes and 
objects, and CLOS methods can be specialized on ObjC classes.  There is 
still work to be done on invoking ObjC methods via generic functions 
and defining CLOS methods on them, as well as more completely hiding 
ObjC's retain/release machinery.  There is also a lot of clean-up and 
fine-tuning to be done.

As this work gets done, my hope is that this CLOS interface to Cocoa 
will eventually replace the Cocoa bridge (even though I wrote it!).

Randy Beer

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