[ltk-user] Toplevel Question

Wesley Kerr wkerr at cs.arizona.edu
Sun Oct 11 20:47:58 UTC 2009

I think that this is a simple question, but I can't figure out how to
find a handle for the top-level that is automatically created when we
call (start-wish).  Is there a way to get it so that I can set the
title and do other fun stuff with it?

Here is some code that shows what I want to do:

(defun data-mining-gui ()
    (with-ltk ()
      (let* ((top-frame (make-instance 'frame
                                       :pack '(:side :top :expand t :fill :x
                                               :anchor :ne)))
             (bload (make-instance 'button :master top-frame
                                   :text "Load..."
                                   :command 'data-mining-gui-load-file))
             (bottom-frame (make-instance 'frame
                                          :pack '(:side :bottom
:expand t :fill :x
                                                  :anchor :se)
                                          :borderwidth 2 :relief :raised))
             (label (make-instance 'label :master bottom-frame :text "Active:"))
             (lfile (make-instance 'label :master bottom-frame :text ""))
             (sc (make-instance 'scrolled-canvas
                                :pack '(:side :top :fill :both :expand t
                                        :anchor :ne)
                                :width 600 :height 600))
             (canvas (canvas sc))

        (pack (list bload label lfile) :side :left)
        ;;; I want to set the title of the window to "Data Mining" but
can't figure out where the handle is.
        ;(wm-title nil "Data Mining")

        (setf *canvas* canvas)
        (setf *file-label* lfile)



Wesley Kerr
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science
University of Arizona

website: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/~wkerr

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