[ltk-user] Small Bug

Wesley Kerr wkerr at cs.arizona.edu
Sun Oct 11 18:35:02 UTC 2009

I'm beginning to fall in love with this library.  Thanks so much.  I
am using Allegro modern lisp and there are two small issues that I've

(defun error-popup (message title icon &key (allow-yesno-p t))
  (ecase (message-box message title
                     (if (and allow-yesno-p (find-restart 'continue))
    (:YES (continue))
    ((:ok :NO) (abort))))

(defun debug-popup (condition title)
  (ecase (message-box (format nil "~A~%~%Do you wish to invoke the debugger?"
                      title "yesno" "question")
    (:YES (cond (*debugger-hook*
                 (let ((hook *debugger-hook*)
                       (*debugger-hook* nil))
                   (funcall hook condition hook)))
                 (invoke-debugger condition))))
    (:NO (abort))))

The keywords :YES and :NO used to be lower case and the message box is
returning them as capitols.  Only an issue because modern cares about
case sensitive.  I made the simple change locally and it works, but I
thought I would pass it on.

Wesley Kerr
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science
University of Arizona

website: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/~wkerr

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