[ltk-user] scrolled-frame

Philippe Crama pcramaeqco at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 13 15:11:08 UTC 2008


I needed scrolled-frame, too and checked it out, but
the code posted by Russell McManus doesn't work for
me, event after the corrections pointed out by
Peter Herth: I get an error that "NIL is not a one
of integer, float or rational" (with clisp-2.43 on
Windows XP and LTK-0.91).  This error is signaled in
tk-number, itself called by the place function call in

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((sf
scrolled-frame) &key)
    (place (interior sf) 0 0)

because the width and height &key parameters in the
method place default to NIL.  I have fixed it locally
as follows:

(defmethod place (widget x y &key width height)
"place ~A -x ~A -y ~A~@[ -width ~a~]~@[ -height ~a~]"
               (widget-path widget)
               (tk-number x) (tk-number y)
               (and (numberp width)
                    (tk-number width))
               (and (numberp height)
                    (tk-number height)))

As Peter Herth said, the scrolling behaviour is bit
strange, but I have Tcl code that improves this.  I
will plug it into the initialize-instance method of
the scrolled-frame and submit it once it fits


Philippe Crama

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